Message from Judas Iscariot: "Let harmony fill your bodies and see the transformation," by Ann Dahlberg

  • 2019

“I am Judas Iscariot and I have come to tell you that prosperity can now occur. Some will start right away, while others will be introduced gradually, considering it safer. You may feel that the wait has been long, but from our perspective it has been fast, dear friends. It feels as if the planet had taken a complete turn during this last period of time when the light shone with additional power on Earth . But yes, they have been here on Earth in the valleys of oblivion for thousands of years. Therefore, from this perspective if some time has passed. Now is the time to rejoice in success and welcome new times with greater optimism and joy. Everything is going according to the plans and something has taken over the previous task so that everything progresses in the desired way. Darkness has had its reign on Earth, but now light has penetrated and darkness has been forced to surrender. Now is the time for the light to shine on Earth and we are all happy and grateful for this.

Many tears have been shed

Feel the tingling in your bodies, as energy literally seeks to break through every corner and every crack . Yes, there is much that comes to the surface, many tears have been shed, but a greater harmony takes over their minds and their hearts. Now they have found their way back to themselves and life seems brighter, while the problems of their lives are solved one by one. Their lives change at the same rate as their ascent to a higher consciousness . Even the body becomes lighter and happier when it lets go of tensions and fears. Isn't it a wonderful time when we can begin to rejoice in all the good that is beginning to be revealed little by little across the Earth? People retake their power, settle their feet and start looking for what is good for themselves and for the Earth in which they live. Surely they have not missed the opportunity to observe or read about this.

However, if they have missed it, it is because they have probably been stuck and could only hear and see the negative. In these circumstances, it may be good to increase your vibrations and do things that are fun for you. Find the good and positive in your existence. Rejoice in what you have and do things that make you laugh. Sometimes we must break with the daily patterns to find a new rhythm in our lives . There is always something that can bring us joy. Let those moments become more frequent and lasting.

Peace on Earth

Earth now has a strong glow around it and is protected from any other incursion. Gaia will ascend in peace along with you and your beloved Earthlings. The surface on which they walk is also transformed into a more illuminated place. They will begin to realize this shortly. The first thing that will be declared is Peace on Earth . After this event, we will continue in rapid succession. This is a very exciting time to be on Earth. There are many who would like to be in their place. You who have been on Earth for decades now are surely tired, but you have been part of a historical event that you really do not want to miss . Despite the hard work, you have chosen this with great enthusiasm. Dear friends, it is now that the harvest comes . It is now that they should laugh and rejoice. They have succeeded and are honored for their courage and their work. So, stand upright and let joy enter your hearts. Let harmony fill your bodies and see the transformation that has taken place on our Earth . Everything is perfect, wonderful and beautiful.

You are loved beyond your understanding, so enjoy your day and your present time.

With lots of love,
Judas . ”

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor and translator of the great family of

SOURCE: Channeling via Ann Dahlberg .


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