The Twelve Attitudes and Responsibilities of the Master

1. LOVE - Recognition of the ALL-ONE TRUTH

2. GRACE - Allow the ALL-ONE to be what IS regardless of whether or not it fits with you. Live in Perpetual Forgiveness.

3. GRATITUDE - Appreciate the ALL-ONE; Recognizing that you are alive.

4. REVERENCE - RESPECT - Recognize and give to the ALL-ONE.

5. RESPONSIBILITY - Co-Create, Serve and Have the Ability to Respond to the ALL-ONE.

6. TRUST - Recognize the Power and Love of the ALL-ONE.

7. COMMITMENT - Remain in a state of TRUTH with the ALL-ONE.

8. IMPECABILITY - Defend and Protect the ALL-ONE.

9. MENTAL PLENITUDE - Love, Nourish and Be Attentive to the ALL-ONE.

10. VALENTIA - Recognize the Eternal and Infinite Nature and the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of the ALL-ONE.

11. SIGN IMPARTIALITY - Allow the ALL-ONE BE without exercising Criticism, Condemnation or Value Judgment; Understand and Validate that the ALL-ONE IS.

12. JOY - Choose to BE the ALL-ONE incarnate.


The Twelve Responsibilities of the Master

1. SELF-MANIFESTATION: Free yourself from the "Victim-Victim Guilty Game" and have the disposition to assume with responsibility all the visible manifestations as direct projections of a planned learning learning from the personal conscience / Imprint or Template of the DNA.

2. SELF-SOVEREIGNTY: Free yourself from the need to be approved or rebel against any form of “external authority” through understanding that you, as a manifestation of the Divine Spirit, have the ability to co-create your own personal freedom without violating the spiritual rights of others and without allowing others to violate their spiritual right to be.

3. AUTONOMY: Take personal responsibility and keep in mind that at all times, only you are solely responsible for the way you decide to FIT YOUR PERSONAL ENERGIES. Nothing and no one has the power to "affect or disturb it" to justify or validate answers or reactions, ideas, intentions or personal actions of a spiritual nature. It is YOU who "self-affects", allowing the emotional body to follow the wrong perceptions of the mental body that tell you that its power resides outside of yourself. At all times, you are able to CHOOSE the type of words, associations and ideas that you will use as filters through which to interpret a situation.

"LA AFECTACION", "EL ENFADO", "LA OFFENSE" or any other label (conscious or unconscious) are all MENTAL BODY FILTERS that direct the function of the physical and emotional bodies. The self-sufficient individual recognizes that at all times there is freedom of interpretation. Thus, a "negative" experience and its inharmonious energies derived from feelings of "anger" can only exist as a personal interpretation of things.

Becoming less responsible for the direction of personal energies, will put you directly in the Victim-Victim "Game of Guilt", which can only take place among those who deliver their personal power and responsibility of manifestation to external sources. Only you have the power to "self-affect."

Regardless of what others do or say, you are fully entitled to exercise your own interpretation. Nothing and no one has the power to disturb you unless you cede your power.

Autonomy becomes when one recognizes that the direction of personal energies, whether physical, emotional, mental (ideas, beliefs, interpretations, labels), conscious or unconscious, is an achievement of personal mastery and exists as an implicit responsibility and is accompanied of the gift of free will. The greater responsibility assumed, greater freedom and personal empowerment.

4. SELF-DISCIPLINE: By accepting the responsibility of addressing our personal energies, instead of opposing them, greater results can be experienced. The physical, mental and emotional body have been directed for a long time by the subconscious forces of the hidden "shadow", creating within us pressures, reactions, thoughts, impulses, perceptions and feelings that frequently work against the creations of life we ​​desire. manifest. Part of the spiritual mastery involves teaching ourselves how to remain consciously alert by observing the language of our mind, emotions and physical body, so that we can employ a conscious redirection of the subconscious gloomy energies that function in "autopilot."

If we learn to "be alert" at the time that certain patterns or emotions of "negative" thinking take place, we can use that moment of recognition to claim this wandering energy and consciously use the power of change to assume an affirmative attitude, use words adequate and redirect the energy to direct the opposite energies of the Being towards the fulfillment of constructive and spiritually mature creations. Self-discipline is required to become the master of the subconscious mind that frequently roars, possessing the intrinsic power to help the shadow of our subconscious evolve through He is of love but with a firm redirection, making that lion become a cuddly cat that will happily join us in our constructive co-creations. Self-discipline emerges when we remind ourselves to consistently use thoughts, actions or attitudes Spiritually correct, even though we t like them when the shadow begins to sneak up from well well . The shadow starts from the surface of the Being so that we can see these parts of the Being come to the conscious mind to heal us. Through this process, the same conscious mind can learn the greatest attributes of the master.

5. LOVE-OWN: It is our responsibility to love and nurture ourselves through the unlimited gift of the Divine Spirit that moves through us at all times. Authentic love must come from within and can only be obtained through an authentic spiritual connection with the eternal Divine Being and its inherent connection with all creation. . If we seek love out from us to satisfy a personal loneliness or inner lack, we can establish relationships of type empty vampire This is about finding a substitute for connection with our personal Divine Source trying to access the embodied Divine Source within other people or beings. This is not LOVE . It is NEED . This implies a CARENCIA of something essential, which in turn implies a limited personal connection with the Universal Consciousness of the Divine Source.

This lack cannot be filled by means of the external love. It can only be supplied by recognizing the God within us and recognizing that we are the living embodiment of absolute love. Once this is recognized, you WILL HAVE the greatest love of all, the Love of God and from this Position of Divine Power, you can immerse yourself in the world to seek those to whom to give this love, instead of looking for those from whom I can take love. When love is approached through Own Love, the motivation is to offer it with joy, knowing that whatever you may need, can be made manifest through the Love of the active Divine Source that you carry within yourself. Own Love is a responsibility of spiritual maturity.

6. SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY: It is our absolute responsibility to choose to act with spiritual integrity all the time.


Spiritual integrity requires that we begin to OBSERVE what we are REALLY doing in the way we live our lives. Do our eating habits affect the plant or animal kingdom of the Earth?


Do we play for the survival of the strongest versus the weakest to give ourselves an excuse for unethical behavior in monetary matters, such as demonstrating our silent rebellion against the government trying to "cheat" on tax matters or "putting in evidence ”To a co-worker to prove that you have greater merits and faculties to get favored? Do you tell people what they want to hear in order to get their approval and support, even if it is not entirely true and does not reflect their personal needs or feelings? Do you try to "make others do their part" doing their own work or responsibilities? Do you use erroneous excuses of racial, gender, creed, academic or economic status to justify disrespectful, exploitative or harmful treatment towards others?

Spiritual integrity requires that we always assume a firm position and a frequent look at how to lead our lives, deal with those areas of activity where spiritually incongruous styles are used and deploy an active commitment and disciplines to make these areas of our lives be spiritually whole. One does not "enter the gates of Heaven" (or any other place you want) through using excuses not to use an authentic, Spiritual Integrity, and not a false spirituality.

Cultivating spiritual integrity is a major responsibility on the path of spiritual mastery and the way the universe works. You "cannot leave home without it." This means that there is a biological reality of spiritual integrity that manifests chemically within the DNA as a result of that state and focus of consciousness. If you do not possess a sufficient amount of spiritual integrity in your conscience or in your DNA template, and even if you can "tease others", your own biology will ultimately be the one that dictates the work towards your own mastery. The passage through the stargate requires a sufficient amount of chemically encoded spiritual integrity awareness.

7. APPRECIATION: Our current society continually teaches us to “want more, ” “need more, ” “be more, ” “do more, ” etc. We are constantly influenced to perceive what is 'missing' to motivate us to buy more, work more, pay more taxes and be a “good consumerist sheep”. Very rarely do we stop to think about EVERYTHING we have, starting with the gift of Life and mental free will. Through this distorted perceptual filter, we begin to cultivate a 'developed' mutation of mental awareness.

And with this shift in consciousness, we begin to believe that "we have the right to compensation", that "someone MUST OWE" (GOD, the Universe, our parents, spouse, children, employer, government, etc ...). Once we fall into this mental trap of "You MUST", we are affected by continuing a self-imposed frustration, while setting unreal and uncertain expectations about life, others and ourselves. We could often get angry or hurt others when we find that the universe does not fit our figurative "representations."


If we feel that we are "owed", then we are receiving a CONSCIENCE OF CARENCE and a void within the Being is being recognized. If we give another in order to RECEIVE for ourselves (as banks do and often parents, spouses or lovers), and the other does not "return" what we expected to receive, we can feel that we are "deceived", "Take advantage" or "are in debt." In fact, these situations often emerge in our lives as lessons to teach us that the act of giving should be done ONLY by GIVING, and not for the expected benefit. If we give what we want to give for the sole joy of giving, we will not feel that we are owed. If we live for the joy of giving, without forcing our demands or expectations of life, we will not feel "the shortage in our lives!"

It doesn't matter what your neighbor owns because by comparing each other to "measure" each other, we are, in effect, continually distracted to not see and use the blessings that are ours. We can work to cultivate the ability to APPRECIATE even the smallest of gifts, blessings and gestures, and so we will begin to create a life that is at least "half full" and not "half empty." In terms of universal physics, where we focus our attention, we attract that; what resists, persists and towards which the energy of appreciation is not given, the right to be experienced will not be manifested.

When you approach the world through the chosen filter of a genuine act of DAR, you become, in effect, an "electric transmitter", sending energy to the world around you. By releasing electrical energy in this way, you become more “magnetic, ” since the sending of energy creates magnetic vortices inside the Diode Grid of your kathara anatomy. The “magnetized” diode points then display a greater universal energy supply in a higher frequency and quality of energy, in order to replenish the energy vacuum created by the act of “giving”. When you approach the world with the “get” attitude, this natural physical process is reversed. The more you try to "get" energy from the outside world, the more energy is "stuck" in the Diodic Grid in the form of miasmas. Miasmas progressively reduce the amount and decrease the frequency of natural energies that you can internally extract from the universal source. Giving, even in the simplest way of dispensing appreciation, conserves the flow of natural energy.

Whatever you give, it will be returned in an amplified manner. However, this also works in reverse and when an ugly attitude, arrogance and / or egoic “crap” is offered, more of the same will flow in your path. Appreciate what you have. LOVE it, find perspectives through which your joy can be known, and know that in the act of genuine appreciation for yourself, you will begin to release the powers to manifest more than you want and less than the illusion of lack. The mental trap: the "Universe Owe Me" is one of the most powerful self-sabotage games in the world. Change it for consistent appreciation and your world will progressively expand to sustain the reality of the things you most desire. If you feel that the world takes advantage of you and resents your unfulfilled desires, YOU ARE SAYING SOMETHING! You owe yourself a greater understanding of the nature of creation and a better use of your personal power within the game of the creation of life. THANK the DIVINE SOURCE more often ... to help you remember what you have to appreciate and many more of that kind will be arranged along your way.

8. PATIENCE: The Divine Source has its own agenda! We can either recognize this intrinsic reality of manifestation and choose to work co-creatively with the inner Divine Source, trusting that together, you and the universe will create the "Perfect Divine Time" (and if NOW is not the time " Correct, ”there is a good reason for this) or allowing the ego to try to force its will on the intrinsic nature of time.

If time does not cooperate with your expectations, you can “allow yourself to assume that this is OK and trust in the Right Divine Time” or become progressively frustrated with the attachment to the artificial time of the clocks and choose to believe that you cannot have what you want just because you don't It appears when you request it. If we learn to relax and understand that most of the things we desire can be accomplished in the Right Divine Time and Order, we can learn to work co-creatively with the awareness of time. Then we can often find that our lives will conform more and more to our desires, especially when we kindly ask and not when WE DEMAND, and also when we trust that the universal Divine Source develops its part in our co-creation. Patience is a virtue that reflects our understanding of the nature of the Universal Order.

9. KINDNESS: Like Respect, Goodness is a birthright, and yet it is frequently overlooked and misunderstood. When we consider the world with a genuinely kind heart, which sends love and respect towards all creation in honor of the Divine Force that lives within all things, we are, again, transmitting electrical energy from a higher frequency that will follow the mechanics of universal physics to attract more of that to us through the universal flow of return.

Goodness implies being aware and solicitous of the needs, feelings and desires of oneself and others; Express this concern and demonstrate it through proper action, attitude and intention. Give yourself acts of random generosity and then transmit this gift to everyone who is on the road. Try to be generous with the average neighbor and with the grumpy neighbor and help them rediscover the ability to laugh. When we treat all things with kindness, we show that we recognize its intrinsic value as manifestations of the Divine Source and will often find that the loving Divine Source returns the favor.

10. CONSERVATION: Conservation is a form of respect and appreciation for the energy of the Divine Source in all its expressions, from conserving and protecting our natural resources, caring for needs of our body and even the use of the energy of our words and actions through a healthy conservation through which we freely use what is required, not more. The Divine Source continuously recycles its energies for the resurgence of a new expression. Everything is delivered freely but nothing is worthless or spoiled. Conservation shows that we have respect and appreciation for the gift that the creative energy of the Divine Source has given us. As we learn to use this energy in all its forms with respect and pure intention, we will gradually refine our ability to create what we want, and in this process we assist all beings to do the same. There is truth in the old saying: `` Who does not waste, does not pass needs. '' If everything we perceive in our hologram of life is understood as a manifestation of the Divine Source, we could use a little more respect, appreciation and preservation towards the use and applications of the Divine energies.

11. COOPERATION AND DIPLOMACY: Existence is and will always be a co-creative effort. We must be willing to allow other beings to meet their needs and desires if we hope to have our achievements. Creating through the 'Win-Win' attitude and creating with the intention of GIVING are genuinely natural ways of being. We could not always be satisfied with the creations led by others, and we are all entitled to our views. Diplomacy can be a bridge between the forces of the opposition, through which effective actions or decisions can be achieved to mutually support each perspective. We can learn to reconcile disagreeing respectfully, so that the Spiritual Art of Co-operative Co-Creation can progressively evolve towards higher levels of expression.

12. MEANING: Learning to identify and properly apply both the `` Common Sense '' and the `` Uncommon Sense '' of spiritual knowledge will allow us to establish the greatest balance of expression Energy within all aspects of our lives.

Translated by: Gloria Helena Restrepo C.

Copyright A shayana & A zahyana Deane, 1997-2008. All rights reserved. Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings TM Series

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