What we believe to be | Eckhart Tolle

  • 2015

Our sense of who we are determines what our needs should be and the things to which we will attach importance in life; and everything that seems important to us will have the power to disturb and irritate us. This can be used as a criterion to discover to what extent we know ourselves. What matters to us is not necessarily what we express or what we believe in, but what is manifested as serious and important through our actions and our reactions.

Then we should ask ourselves: "What are the things that irritate and upset me?" If trifles have the power to bother us, then that is exactly what we think we are: an insignificant being. That will be our unconscious notion. What are the insignificant things? Ultimately, all things are insignificant, because all things are transitory. We can say, "I know I am an immortal spirit, " or "I am tired of this crazy world and all I want is peace, " even when the phone rings. Bad news: there was a collapse of the stock market; the business was damaged; the car was stolen; the mother in law arrived; the trip was canceled; the contract was canceled; the partner is gone; they ask for more money; They say it's our fault. Then a wave of anger or anxiety rises within us. The voice becomes hard: "I can't stand this anymore." We accuse, blame, attack, defend or justify ourselves, and all this happens on autopilot.

Obviously there is something more important to us than the inner peace we asked for a moment ago, and we are not an immortal spirit. Business, money, contract, loss or threat of loss are more important.

For whom? For the immortal spirit we said we were? Not for me. For that little me who seeks safety or realization in transitory things and who gets angry or becomes nervous when he does not find them. Well, at least now we know who we really think we are. If peace is really what we want, we must choose peace. If peace were more important to us than everything else and if we really knew that we are spirit rather than a small self, we would not react but would remain fully alert to difficult situations or people. We would immediately accept the situation and become one with it instead of separating ourselves from it.

Then, from the alert state, the reaction would come. It would be a reaction from who we are (conscience) and not from what we think we are (the little me). It would then be a powerful and effective response that would not make the person or the situation an enemy. The world always makes sure that we don't fool ourselves for a long time about what we think we are, showing us the things that really matter to us. The way we react to people and situations, especially in difficult times, is the best indicator of the real knowledge we have of ourselves. The more limited and more egotistic our idea of ​​ourselves is, the more attention we will pay and the more we will react to the limitations of the ego, to the unconsciousness of others. The "defects" we see in others become, for us, their identity. That means we will see only the ego in others, thus reinforcing ours.

Instead of looking "beyond" the ego of others, we focus our attention on it. Who sees the ego? Our ego People who live in a deep state of unconsciousness experience the ego seeing its reflection in others. When we recognize that those things of others that produce a reaction to us are also ours (and sometimes only ours), we begin to become aware of our own ego. At that stage it is likely that we also realized that we did to others what we thought they did to us. We stop considering ourselves victims . Since we are not the ego, awareness of it does not mean that we know what we are: we only recognize what we are not. But it is thanks to that knowledge of what we are not that we managed to eliminate the greatest obstacle to really getting to know each other. No one can tell us what we are. It would be just another concept, unable to change us.

You don't need a belief to know who we are. In effect, all beliefs are obstacles. We don't even need to achieve realization, because we already are what we are. But without realization our being cannot project its luminosity on the world. It remains in the realm of the unmanifest, that is, in our true home. Then we are like the person who pretends to be poor while he has a hundred million dollars in his account, with which the potential of his fortune is never manifested.


Recognizing how good we already have is the basis of abundance . Every time we believe that the world denies us something, we are denying the world something. And that is so because at the bottom of our being we think that we are small and we have nothing to give. Rehearse the following for a couple of weeks to see how your reality changes: give others everything you feel they are being denied. Is something missing? Act as if you had it, and it will come. Thus, shortly after starting to give, you will begin to receive.

It is not possible to receive what is not given. The flow creates reflux. He already has what he thinks the world denies him, but unless he allows that something to flow, he will never know that he already has it. And that includes abundance. Jesus taught us the law of flow and reflux with a powerful image. "Give and they will be given" The source of all abundance does not reside outside of us, it is part of who we are. However, it is necessary to begin by recognizing and accepting external abundance. Recognize the fullness of the life that surrounds it: The heat of the sun on your skin, the magnificence of the flowers, the delicious juice of a fruit or the simple sensation of soaking in the rain. We find the fullness of life in every step. Recognizing the abundance that surrounds us awakens the abundance that lies dormant within us and then it is just a matter of letting ourselves flow. When we smile at a stranger, we briefly project the energy outward.

We begin to become givers. Ask yourself frequently, what can I give in this situation; How can I serve this person, how can I be useful in this situation? We don't need to own anything to feel the abundance, but we do feel the inner abundance constantly, it is almost certain that things will come to us. Abundance only reaches those who already have it. It sounds almost unfair, but it isn't. It is a universal law. Both abundance and scarcity are inner states that manifest in our reality. Jesus said so: Because he who has will be given more, and whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away . Eckhart Tolle, in A New Earth .

AUTHOR: Eckhart Tolle

SEEN AT: http://cienciacosmica.net/lo-que-creemos-ser-eckhart-tolle/

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