Involve Your Internal Authenticity by Maryann Rada

  • 2014

We have a lot to tell you today, so choose a good place to sit and enjoy this moment to the fullest that we will share together. We love these times when your conscience is involved with our communiqués, and the thoughts that reside in the space between here and there generate potential realities where, for the most part, you welcome yourself thus. Themselves in a future empowered and of harmonic interconsciousness.

Extending your ability to understand the impulses that take the form of words, it might be necessary to face each other with the sentinels of belief that protect the inner sanctum of your mind in that case; remember that there is nothing to fear and everything to celebrate because you are in that encounter finding an opportunity to reconstruct your structure of understanding, and in a sense, polish the lens through which the light of knowledge shines from everyone's heart.

These guardians of the mind are constructs of protection, and yet you do not need security in the uniqueness of knowing yourself as incarnate Love; they have no purpose and can withdraw in peace to the land of obsolete modalities, to dissolve there in the reverberations of a well-done work.

So, if such a fortuitous encounter occurs in the course of contemplating our message, do not doubt that with due respect we tell you what leads you to a greater understanding, regardless of the old beliefs that served a limited time interface already past Be bold, dear ones, and allow your truth to reveal itself in a greater brilliance before you.

One day, in the deep shadows of a cryptically silent forest, a little man lived in a cabin that he had built from twisted branches that he had found in abundance near the banks of a stream. He had worked long, long time to weave them joining the complexities of the growth of nature in the form of sturdy walls and a roof that would provide a quiet place in the middle of the outer silence.

It was a place to reflect, a place from which the revelations of the light could be deduced periodically, where the sun crossed the open spaces in the walls where the branches did not fit together well. He loved his little cabin and found it comfortable enough, even in the storms that blew with increasing regularity. Although the winds shook the roots of the cabin itself, he believed that the foundations of the place were strong enough to hold its place-space intact. Little did he know that a storm was forming on the horizon that would shake the forest to its very center, and when the lightning bolts fell with a sudden star he found himself surrounded by a pile of sticks with very few pillars and beams still holding surveillance and being the structure for which they had been built. When the sky cleared and the immensity of the storm all around him became apparent, he began to furiously collect the remaining sticks and put them together, giving them a semblance of the structure they had been before. But he realized that it was futile, and as he dropped to the ground, exhausted and bewildered, the remaining particles of his home collapsed around him in a cloud of dust. So he sat down to contemplate in the middle of a pile of sticks and sunlight because the winds, in their fury, had stripped the forest of their foliage and now the light burst from above to floods without impediment. As the heat of the sun's rays penetrated his bent and bent neck, some part of his inner existence began to relax. There was very little I could do, rather than receive the light. There was nowhere else to go. When he sat down, he realized that everything he had depended on to protect him from the elements had suddenly and suddenly gone.

Could you blame the wind? And what would that help? he told himself quickly and instinctively. Surprising even himself with that candid response, he allowed his thoughts to flow ... there was no one to blame. The wind had been stronger than its carefully constructed walls. That was simple and total. The wind had no expectation, so he decided that he shouldn't have it either. He sat down and let go of all the mental files of his memory banks that held the patterns of his previous cabin, and turned his attention to the photonic stream of data virtuing in him from above. His form was filtered into pure energy self-sufficiency and the particulate matter of his reflected OM swirled around him, shining himself in the sun-infused space where he was sitting.

This continued for a while, and when he finally opened his eyes, he gave a gasp! Around him a home had appeared without structural supports, without beams, without nails, without ties and without cracks that his previous home had. Arched above his head from each side was a perfectly parabolic dome, in the form of a mental space with the toroidal emanations of his heart magnified in all directions. It was illuminated from the inside by a soft but persistently powerful glow that created no shadows and revealed an opalescent glow of living energies coalesced in a field that enhances thoughts. What a place to dwell, he thought, and felt instantly at peace. ”

We hope you enjoyed our story of this story. Our intention beyond helping you relax for a moment of the daily excitement of living in the Earth's matrix was to install some images of what it is to live in the era of the sudden renunciation of the structure, whether of beliefs or of some physicality . Your world is in a flow in so many ways; We see it, and we understand the stress that the winds of change bring to a mind accustomed to feeling comfortable in a structured belief game, no matter how solid and deep the fundamentals are.

The difference between belief and knowledge is similar to the difference between living in a house and breathing one's life within a fabric of elementary unification so bright with light that everything else merges with a continuous understanding in an opalescence living. It is the difference between self-expression and self-integration, the subtle change of perception to see in the moment without time the eternity of Now out of the confines of time. In fact, it is the movement from within the definition to what “is.” Get rid of all the layers of definition with which you interact in your various spheres of influence and thus approach the authenticity of who you are in the context of knowledge, in the "is."

In truth "it" has nothing to define it, and yet it is itself, knowledge without charges because of the weight of belief. It lies in knowing that you are. What happens when you suddenly pull the mat under your feet, your carefully planned plans fly into the wings of the unexpected and you find yourself in the rubble of a structure of thoughts that was once solid? You have options. They are certainly able to say: “Well, after all, I kept some memories to console me for what comes next. Or they can get away from it all and trust that the winds that follow will bring with them a good reason to continue living. Or they can simply lament their misfortune for the rest of their days. There are many options, and although after a loss come moments of lamenting, there is little need to think that the loss of a belief is equivalent to the loss of one's life and breathing. You have lamented, many of you, the loss of belief in mythical figures conjured in adult minds to assist children's behavior, with the promise of sweet surprises. Similarly, many of you have taken that further and let go of the belief (finally!) That you should deserve a reward before receiving it, based on the judgment of a superior external authority. How many of you have gone further and renounced the comfortable belief that everything will be fine, that your prayers will be answered and that in the end there will be some triumph of good over evil, with eternal happiness after your being rests? If that suggestion shocks you, let us continue with the counterpoint, which is that you have entertained the thought that instead of such belief, a knowledge of the help of love will sustain life in all its forms and varieties. Ponder for a moment the implications of such an exchange and look again around the walls they have built over time, no matter how temporary they told themselves they could be, no matter how clueless they allowed the bricks and mortar of the habitual thinking will be stacked around you in an invisible, but very limiting cage. It doesn't take much time, you know, just a hope without trusting, just a little thought that one day something good could happen ... after all, you deserve it, after all that has happened. My dear ones, listen: you already have everything, in the now without time from which you come. If you do not see what you want, know that it is already there in some way, at the end of the path or in the palm of your hand, perhaps hidden in something you do not recognize. If they can know even in their bones that the future is bright, they will be able to be there in the moment they now occupy because there is no separation from what it is, apart from a space-matrix of temporality, which is merely a function of the experience. You are always in connection with the authenticity of being, and in truth you are a representation of that in your reality, now. Do you know that? Access your heart, immerse yourself beyond the doors of belief and see what you will find there. In the face of interaction with its truth, no wind, no matter how fierce, and no act of impermanence without planning will touch them. In the face of the authentic self, a Zen calm penetrates even the most turbulent chaos.

"God knows, " they love to say in various ways according to the belief structures on which they wrap their language. Are you willing to get away from that? Do you think they will fall into an abyss of perdition if they do? Or maybe it's like getting away from the Easter bunny that you know doesn't exist, at least not in the traditional sense of the coloring book. Gee, now that you're in it, get away from that circle of thought where you think we exist too. We are not asking you to believe in us, in our reality, not even in our words. We would prefer that they depend on their knowledge for such things because we do not want to carry the weight of helping them build other structures to protect their mind from the light of understanding itself. When you get out of those ways of thinking and the patterned mental gates, pure knowledge interacts with the Light that lives in every particle of your existence. Involve that authentic self and remember who you are. The coming times will be easier to navigate the lighter you are.

Involve Your Internal Authenticity by Maryann Rada

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