Teacher Channeling Summit - Part 5 (last) - Kryon and others

  • 2015

The 12 channels invited to the Summit were the following:

Jeff Michaels, Geoffrey Hoppe, Jonette Crowley, Prageet Harris, Kahu Fred Sterling, Jim Self, Peggy Phoenix Dubro, Steve Rother, Ronna Herman, James Tyberonn, Marilyn Harper, Lee Carroll
(Lee Carroll appears)

We will begin, as we did at the beginning of the conference, listening to Jeff.

Jeff Michaels (they call it The Voice of Onereon)

As above, so below.

We talked about the flood of love. We talk about energy: energy cannot be destroyed; It can only be transformed. On the other side is the flood of life, which greets us all when we transform for the planet. We are always busy in that department. Sometimes it happens quickly; in an unexpected way. As above, so below. The transfer is fast, unexpected, sometimes it appears too soon.

Like Onereon, we say we are together. We are together with purpose, and we all speak in a unique voice, as we do now; The flood of love awaits us all. Who do you think we are? Would you like to see us? Turn to your left. Turn right. Look people in your eyes. Please! (smiles) Look into the eyes of those at your side, right now. Look at them, and say “I see you” and then you will see us. Here there are elevated beings that are being channeled, and we feel humble, not before these elevated beings, but before you!

Above, many are now preparing to be below. You have your gratitude, because you are improving this planet. Each of the channelers has been affected by your gratitude. These beings are used to being with beings of higher vibration; however you affect us with your gratitude. However; Think about how it is with the rest of the planet. Your gratitude, your spiritual nature, your highest vibration. What happens to the world when you radiate your energy up. We want you to think about that now. Because the love that is the Source is in you; It is powerful in you. But things get in the way, right? Things delay your love. Things interfere with the irradiation of your light - but don't stop radiating your light. Imagine that your heart is a source of light; Imagine that right now. Doesn't it radiate directly from your chest? It shines in all directions, above all. Do that now; do it tomorrow, do it in a month: consciously radiate love coming out of your hearts; when you are with people, radiate love, because you never know when it will be the last time they can feel love here on planet Earth. Until next time, of course. There is always a next time. We promise.

Then you are love. And they want to know who we are? We are you Do you want to be closer to us? Begin to consider us less as guides (smiles), less as angels, less as someone to be revered, and more as partners, more as people who are They are sitting next to you, now.

Because we are by your side and you are our side. They have the gratitude of beings in heaven. You have our love, and you are love. Live in peace, practice peace, pursue peace, seek peace, and enjoy this life, because this is a good planet to be.

Geoffrey Hoppe

I AM WHO I AM, Adamus, Saint Germain.

In honor of you I will stand up and do this very briefly.

You have not noticed that in this room there is a big, big elephant. Not the one they saw on the screen before, but a large purple elephant with small wings, and it has been here all along. I am surprised that nobody has noticed it, nobody has mentioned it. Is big; it is purple; is about to go down.

Let me explain. I am here in this scenario with 11 esteemed colleagues, high vibration entities from all parts of the Cosmos, and I an ascended Master. Self appointed, of course. It is the only way you can be ascended Master (laughs); nobody had told them that. (laughs long laughs and applause)

And here we are, speaking to you, giving you words of wisdom, some advice, some advice, love and support. But here something is wrong. Something is very, very bad. The next time I come to a meeting like this, I don't want to see entities or ascended masters on stage. I want to see you, enlightened beings, enlightened humans who have allowed their divinity, who have allowed their vibration, who have integrated every part of themselves through love themselves, recovering all the Fragments and bringing them back.

The next time we meet, I want to see enlightened humans on stage. Ultimately, I believe that each and every one of you wants to see enlightened humans. The humans who have channeled here, amazing humans, assume great responsibility, great energy, but next time, let's have enlightened humans. You, on stage, telling the others sitting in these chairs, how it was to allow his / her lighting. Enlightened humans, sitting here, saying: “It's real! It can be done! ”It is the Atlantean dream that we have all dreamed. It's time! I want you, humans, to tell other humans that it is possible. The entities will be at the bottom, we will be floating at the bottom (laughs), we will be here, because that balance between the human and the cosmic, the human and the high vibration is required, so that everything comes together; but in these chairs, holding this microphone, the human. That is the pink elephant in the living room. That is what each and every one of these beautiful entities wants and expects. That is also my dream.

With this, dear friends, now comes your time. When we meet like this again, you will be up here, sharing your love, your stories and your enlightenment.

Blessings. I am Adamus, in service to you. (applause)

Jonette Crowley.

I speak now, not as a channeler, but as a human oracle, to remind you that we do not need spirits interceding for us. Thanks, Jeff. That channeling was an important bridge between us and our divinity. But when we turn away from something that interferes, whether they are priests and religions in the past, or spirits, they are our guides; They are not our leaders. Then I remind you that all the wealth of wisdom is not out there.

They say that the sky has many abodes, and we believe it is a place to go, and we enter a beautiful room or another, but the abode is us. We are the heavenly abode. We are the greatest temples. Thus, I ask you not to wait for grace or wisdom to descend, but to feel them arise. Enter that beautiful heart, the most sacred place in your temple, and the way you feel grace does not come with words; The best description of grace is sweetness. Feel that sweetness, that nectar, and give birth to yourself as the most beautiful temples of the Holy Spirit, the most splendid living examples of God. Maybe when they look at that temple there will be some dust, and there will be dark things that they had not seen before. Sometimes we approach those dark things with our shields and swords. But I have discovered that the best way to approach darkness, to those boxes that are in your temple and have been denied for so long, is your innocence; so that in that temple feel that sweet innocence. They don't need to kill dragons or repair something broken. Those dark things are only fears, and fears are simply the resistance of your egos to losing control. Then, in that temple, with its sweet innocence and that beautiful pillar of light, I hope everyone can feel it, feel those dark and dusty things that decrease in the light of their truth.

And the real truth is empty, it has no words; but as they get used to that room in their inner temple, the truth will have words, will have images, will have guidance, and will have guests and parties. The teachers will come, as Jeff said before, as his classmates. The only one who must be on a pedestal in his abode, in his temple, is each one of you.

And from those pedestals we will have emerged from the density. Because density, have you ever wondered what density is? It is no other element, it is not darkness; It may be dark, but the darkness is only condensed light. And when you embrace the darkness, whatever it is, with that sweet innocence, the darkness will yield the place to the brightest light you've ever seen. Because it is your darkness; It has been restricting your beautiful light.

Thank you for being the amazing pillars of light we see. This world is in the best hands I have ever been. Blessings. (applause)

Prageet Harris

Beloved, we greet you again; It is truly a great honor to be with you at this time of your time. We want to remind you of a few simple things that we told you in your yesterday, because you can benefit them in the way you create your reality at every moment.

So, if you remember, the first was: “Thank you. Give me more. ”A conscious way to create gratitude first: thank you. And then: give me more; because existence is abundant and wants them to live that abundance. We ask you to use these words as we have transmitted them, because they are accompanied by an energy; instead of "thank you, I want more of that." No. "Thank you, give me more." Because as soon as we all use the same phrase, we are creating a vast energy; Share it with your friends, when you know it works for you; Share it with the groups you lead.

The other was: if you catch yourself judging, change it; Don't judge yourself, especially you. Do not judge others, do not judge situations. Start to appreciate what it is. Because when you love what it is, it keeps changing.

So that was the reminder.

It has been wonderful these days: they have stopped on this stage, and they looked out and said: “Wow! We see their light, so much light! ” When we look right now, we look at them, and we see hundreds of gray heads (laughs) and we want to honor them, because it has been difficult. There are some in this auditorium who have not been so long here, those under thirty, a few. They rely on the work you did. They have done a lot. Maybe they don't even realize how their personal, individual experiences have changed the energy of this planet. We honor you, beloveds.

We invite you to simply close your eyes for a moment. Feel present in your bodies and each ask for the energy of the Earth, the energy of Gaia, which ascends within your body, within your energy field, inviting the Earth to hold you. Feel the Earth responding ... Yes! Asking within each of you, asking for the stellar portal to intensify the twelve-dimensional energy that is here in the room. We ask for a strong twelve-dimensional energy field in this place.

And now, as you relax in this energy as you have experienced before, it allows you to become more sensitive, so that you really relax in this twelve-dimensional energy.

You have heard, in different ways, that you are all teachers, all vast, experiencing a temporary limitation. Then, for a few moments, we would like you to experience the taste of greatness that you truly are.

And then we will invite each one to ask within himself with great feeling, ask within himself the presence of his Higher Self, or his soul, whatever they call him, bring his energy here, right now, into this body For a moment, just feel it. Can you already feel the energy changing? Invite her to get closer, feeling for a moment how great they are. Feel this; invite him to get closer, it's you. Feel the vast mass coming to recognize them; just for a moment, invite more, invite her into her humanity, invite her into the depths of her humanity, feel her own being: this is who you truly are. We invite you to remember who they are. Invite this connection to become stronger and stronger. The hard work is over - if you can allow it to be finished.

As we have already told you: relax and allow. The energies of change. We have all heard them say: hard work is over. What they imagine, they believe. Imagine ease and grace. Focus on ease and grace.

You are creators. Ease and grace

Beloved, we love and bless you. We honor them. We will talk to you again very soon.
Jim Self

Take a breath, but don't move from where you are. If they move, move into the body.

When we came yesterday, the first thing we asked you was, would you agree with us to know your being? And they said yes. Then we asked them with the eyes they see and the ears that hear that they saw that hummingbird and then they would change the color and then allow it to become an orange dragonfly, and many of you did it.

We ask that, with the ears they hear, they begin to hear the next word and the next prayer, and begin to know themselves.

For me, Jim Self, the name came with the body; This is a challenging space and yet it is an amazing space in which I am, because the request came from Mr. Miguel and Mr. Melquisedec and Mr. Metatr n.

Vibrating frequencies that have not been seen in the New Age. They have not seen each other in the New Age.

They came to create an imprint. They were asked: Do you want to know yourself? And you said yes.

They placed before you an imprint that said: This is the changing consciousness, that you are and always have been, but that you are about to become a spiritually conscious being in a human physical form.

Then, last night, Jesus and El Morya came before you and asked you to have for yourself, to begin to allow yourself to have. They were asked yesterday to start moving away from many vibratory feelings they know, judgment and doubt, and begin to establish themselves in those vibrations of certainty, capacity, personal power, grace from the heart. And they placed before you an imprint of love in the light of the Creator.

And this place where I stand, right now, is a challenge for me, because I usually keep a relatively low profile. They have taken a step back. You are not standing in this configuration as they were presented yesterday, because they wanted you to see how a conscious spiritual being in human form is a reflection towards you. It is a challenge for me, because that is not my style.

There is another entity that wanted to come before you. The New Age closes, many of you, lightworkers, have been amazing in accomplishing what they came to do. They came to hold the light for a time to come, and they did it with great challenges and great danger in many ways. And they had exceptional success.

Yesterday they were told that we have three messages. The first was: You are great, you are important, and you are very significant. In this awareness that comes, it is no longer up to you to hold the light. Now they are asked to be the light.

So, in this wonderful energy that was prepared just before me, could you take a breath?

Could you close your eyes? And without thinking - no thinking - just being the vibration of the word reverence.

It is contained within the sanctuary of the heart. In that sanctuary there is a single flame of light: the living flame of the Creator. I have been asked to stand before you as a conscious spiritual being in human form and tell you that there is no more like above and below. Now there is only one. There is an essence that you know but have not experienced so far in physical form. So, being in that sanctuary, be one with yourself. Close your eyes in that vibration of reverence, in a moment of silence; Would you allow the Holy Spirit, who will know in every facet in the consciousness you are about to enter, would you invite this essence to enter your sacred heart, anchored in the flame of the living light of the Creator?

Would they listen deep down to their being, as a soul, This Is Who I Am, and with the slightest of smiles from within the heart, would they simply say: "I liked it"?

Blessings. (applause)

Kahu Fred Sterling.

Goodnight. There is nobody here?

Ahhh, good night. Thank you. Ufff… He could see all the bodies, and the spirits, but they had no voice. I have a voice. I hear it in my microphone. But understand this, they call me Kirael, that's k, i, r, a, e, l. Did you understand he? What a beautiful light you are! (laughs)

They call me Kirael, and why? They said, my medium said one day, said, Master Kirael, where do you come from? And I said, what difference does it make? He said: People ask me every day! They tell me: Where does it come from? It's from the world of angels, because he has the el, right? Oh yes, he did.

Then one day I said, Do you know where I come from? I come from a place where the guardians of developing societies meet. He said: Oh, you are a god! I said, Oh, enough of that! Guardians of developing societies, we are all guardians, guardians of developing societies! My friend Lee Carroll, he is a guardian, a kind of guardian; But understand this: my medium misunderstands many things, but in general he is right, really.

He went to breakfast at a place this morning. I wanted to see what I was going to do, because I knew what was going to happen. He entered this place for breakfast and the owner sat behind the cash register, the owner said, Oh, Kahu! God bless you! You healed me! My back is perfect! And Kahu did not recognize him; It's not my medium's fault because he has changed a lot since his back surgery. But understand these things: my medium was very moved, could not speak. People looked and asked: What did he do? What did? What did? The medium could not speak, he wanted to leave the restaurant immediately.

So he goes to this beautiful place, get down to a beautiful cabaret here, it's a beautiful place, right? He goes down the hall and there is a lady standing in the hall and he has a crutch, a kind of crutch in his hand, and he comes over and says, Oh, Kahu! I am blessed, because I am still here thanks to you! And my medium says: Wait a minute, I didn't do that, I just healed her, that's all! But see, that's my medium! I'm not going to boast about it a little, it's not boasting, I tell the truth.

It is one of the most prolific healers on the planet today. Now how do I know this? Because I can count the people who have been touched by him in these few days! If you do not feel it, you will soon feel it! You will feel the pressure going through the process of your body, because he has touched you!

Not bad at all, right? I call him guardian, that's what I call him, but he doesn't want to know anything. He is too shy! Well, I can tell you this: he is shy because he now knows what he is doing! He has come here with Mr. Carroll, and Mr. Carroll presented him on stage as a medium, and I insisted: Medium no, you are a healer! But I was awake in him, but now I am not going to tell him anything else because now he knows he is the healer!

I have been watching all this parade of these beautiful masters and purely magical people, I am very touched by each of the energies, each of you is absolutely a guardian, a guardian of developing societies, and that is why you are on stage . But you have not yet arrived on stage, but understand this: they are still simply human beings. When you recognize your humanity, then they will be guardians of developing societies. Because they understand, this is fine, it is the only thing they have to offer them. They have to offer them a little more healing. So, when I look at the words of those who have already spoken and those who will speak after me, I want you to know this: each one of them has been healing, haven't you?

But understand this: the healing she did is minuscule with respect to what you are going to do, because each and every one of you is a healer in your own right, and when you have this clear at once, then you will understand how you can heal. . Or the medium can teach you how to breathe, you can teach them how to touch the body, you can do all those things you can teach, but you all know the real truth. Your brother, your older brother, you call him Jesus, he is your older brother, you know it! Because you all come from the same place he came, none of you appeared from a crack in the forest, (laughs) you are all beautiful beings of light. Oh, he made a big mess with him, you know, (laughs), and they killed him for that, didn't he? (laughs) I look in this whole room here, and there are so many beautiful witches out there. Oh yes, jo, jo, they said, I heard them exclaim. Understand that I know they are witches. But the good witches, the ones that make doctors wonder how they did to get the healings, you advanced, introduced yourself and said: I can hear you. And they murmured something in his ear, a tiny murmur ... and they didn't know what it meant to that person.

Buuuu, there are no secrets here (laughs), but understand this, the witches, the doctors, all of you: you have to be aware of what I am telling you right now, as guardian of developing societies; I am not a guardian, I am just another being, like your older brother, understand this well: as long as you keep coming, my medium will continue to heal, and as long as he continues to heal, we will see a better place today than we had yesterday. And tomorrow we will save the world if they only take their love and open it, take a couple of very, very deep breaths, ffffff! Fuuu! That is all they can do! And they tell their friend, or their neighbor, or the one who drives the taxi: Man, bless you, whatever you want to bless, but bless you be, and that is what I say to everyone.

The love of the Creator, you know how it is, are the same particles of golden light that you are going to inhale, because we never came without them, and you will never be without them, but will always be part of this God the Creator and the force of the Creator, like all good guardians, who are here only because of you, so I say to you: if this does not touch your hearts, then you will be What can I say? Everyone is the Creator. And we in the world of guardians, we know it! We love you more than you will ever love us.

God bless you. And good night. (applause)

Peggy Phoenix Dubro

I am the wisdom of the Divine Feminine, in honor of the wisdom of the Divine Masculine, reminding them that we are all channels, learning to channel more of who we are.

You are in this place; Energy is coherence, it continues to increase; We greet you in that resonance of infinite unconditional love.

We remind you that you are like this beautiful fingerboard, a resonance of the whole. By the way in these times of change, the word welling has become popular, right? It is seen everywhere ! Now we invite you to continue expressing, resonating, sharing that energy of the totality, and perhaps you will see the word totality everywhere, as you see the word s well. Would you like that? It is the energy of your totality to enter that into your daily life, to be more like who you are, which brings the energy of holiness! Holiness in their daily lives, in the details of everything they are and everything they do. Will that be possible? It is your practice! Do you remember? What is the secret of the Master? Do you remember? What is it? Think of everything you know is a master, and then we ask you to practice it!

Each of you is a resonance of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine within you, can you feel it? Then let's share the resonance! Let's get into that, if you want. They can repeat, they can bring energy: I am the wisdom of the Divine Feminine, in honor of the wisdom of the Divine Masculine (the public repeats).

I am the wisdom of the Divine Masculine, in honor of the wisdom of the Divine Feminine - each one of us resonating that energy of totality in our own unique way. And by doing this, we create a coherence that brings the anchoring of the energy of infinite, electric, living, powerful, transforming love; We will say it again and again.

We encourage you again and again to access that empowerment. It is flexibility, softness, it is strength. Do you know that? Strength takes many forms.

So yesterday, to our great pleasure, we invite each one to say the name you understand, which contains a resonance for you, when you channel. At one point we told them that it gives us great joy, because it is the manifestation of what it means for each of us to join our puzzle piece to the whole.

You see, as the channel has shown, there was a time when we said: Let us become individuals; you carry this piece, and you carry that piece, and you have this piece, and you carry this one, and when we meet we will join them.

We will play this wonderful game and remember once again who we are in the energy of our totality.

Do you remember that?

Finally, in this scenario, with the energies that have been installed up to this point through all these days together, the resonance of coherence says: Bring your puzzle piece! Join it, and remember more about who we are. Are you willing to do that? And if they are, please, as we did yesterday, bring your I Am Presence and give it the name they use when they channel more of who they are. I am ... we want to hear them!

Remember each other, honor each other, meet to build new paths. It is wonderful to feel good, it is wonderful to know that there are more of you than what you can see, and with this comes empowerment, strength and the ability to create in new ways; We are co-creators.

We have always encouraged them to respect, honor, understanding, compassion. What else would encourage each other to bring the energy of totality and coherence to this room and beyond? Talk! We want to hear them! What are you offering? Gratitude, love, kindness, humility, compassion. Ahhhh! And breathe, and bring more of this resonance of totality. Radiate your love daily, honor each other, and believe in new ways.

You are evolutionary. Evolutionary! Are you ready to make the waves of the evolutionaries? Are you sure? (Serie). Then we ask you this: once again, we ask you to say I AM, and this time you add the name you carry in this life. They are ready? In place of a Christ? In place of a Buddha? Instead of any other name you may think, right now, align with all the resonance of all those beautiful names, say your own name, I AM (the public answers, she laughs) Say it again! I AM… . Oh my God, I AM! (the audience shouts) And the names that mean so much to you, continue using them, but we ask you to bring to that alignment the resonance of who you are in your daily life, all the time, because it is in that unit that we greet each other, we honor each other for the work done, which will continue to be done. Much more to come. And here they also say yes? They say yes? To who? To themselves! And then each other!

We are together in this. We are certainly the family of humanity. Evolutionary: there is certainly a lot to do when they choose to participate. To this party bring as much of your being as you can. Really.

Together we affirm: And so I Am. And so I am. In the energy of infinite love, infinite beings, never forget it (applause).

Steve Rother

Greetings, dear ones, I am the Guardian of Time. I am here today to help you remember, help you recover some other pieces of yourself that you have lost on your trip. Here they are sitting, among the teachers, not only the teachers on stage, but you, sitting there because they have made a long journey. You have participated in the game of pretending to be human, putting on that veil, forgetting where they came from, so that you can play this game and evolve yourself.

Well, we have a question for you: Do you believe in magic? (yes! says the public) We too! That is why I come as the Guardian of Time, because I want to take you back in time and explain a bit about the magic itself, because she too, like all human attributes, evolves just like you.

If you return to your ancient Scriptures, you will see that there was a lot of magic - turning water into wine! And not only the magic of the masters, but many beings did magic regularly as part of their essence.

Many times they simply tried to show themselves as better than others, and the magic itself has been lost. You have representations of her, you have her magic tricks, you have the energy that surrounds her, and everyone knows her in her heart, so much so that when you see a magic trick today, you want it to be real! That is his call. It is what they have set in motion each and every one. Even today, when most of the magic is gone as you would believe, the reality is that there is now practical magic. That is what you all want, as you begin to move to your next level of existence. What would it be like if they could walk with all the wisdom they have, which they have gained through many lives? What would that be like for you? Would they call it magic?

Magic is real, dear ones, it will be restored and reactivated in each being, one by one, so why does none look for magic today, why none of you look beyond your knowledge of your own belief systems, your own understanding ? ¡Oh, les decimos que lo harán! Tendrán esas oportunidades muy pronto, en breve. Y en esos momentos cuando surja la oportunidad les pedimos que den un paso adelante. ¡Pero son humanos!

Tienen que habérselas con sus egos. Tienen un sentido del yo y una idea de cómo los ven los demás, de modo que uno de los grandes problemas es no parecer tonto. Oh, por favor, les pedimos que den ese paso! ¡Atrévanse a parecer tontos! Atrévanse a salir y cometer errores; para eso han venido a la Tierra. Esa es la belleza que tienen ante ustedes. Ahora, ¿Qué tal si les decimos que no es posible cometer un error? ¿Qué tal si les garantizamos que si dan un paso adelante hacia su propia magia práctica, nunca fallarán? Les damos eso, queridos. Porque en esta nueva energía es verdad absolutamente. No pueden fallar. Y les agradeceríamos que dejaran de intentarlo con tanto empeño (risas).

Saludos, queridos, y gracias por ser quienes son.

Espavo Yo soy el Guardián del Tiempo. (aplausos)

Ronna Herman

Bienamados Maestros! Antes de venir a esta encarnación ya este, digamos, sub-universo, les hicimos una promesa dorada. Había muchos de ustedes como semillas estelares, alineados esperando para hacer este viaje, bajar a través de la densidad más que ningún otro, y dijeron ¿Puedo ir? Había algunas condiciones. En primer lugar, por dispensación divina bloqueamos alguna de la energía negativa que portaban, algo de eso eran cosas que tenían que resolver, que habían llevado por tanto tiempo, esas capas, e incluso les mostramos lo que ustedes tendrían que experimentar, y al mirar hacia abajo ustedes dijeron: Puedo hacer eso. De modo que empezaron su viaje de encarnación, ida y vuelta. Cada vez que regresaban, sacaban una cierta cantidad de su poder de átomo-semilla divina. Y dependía de la misión que habían decidido experimentar. A veces podía ser una vida muy sencilla, tal vez iban a ser pastor o campesino, tal vez querían disfrutar de la naturaleza y estar con la Madre Tierra y los elementos, y entonces tal vez solo retiraban unos 5.000 vatios de su poder de semilla divina. Y entonces, ¿cómo lo usaron? ¿Se volvieron reverentes hacia la Tierra? ¿Trajeron alegría? ¿O fue una época difícil de interacción con el drama kármico que eligieron? Cuando volvían lo revisaban, no se juzgaba; ustedes simplemente pensaban: Puedo hacerlo mejor.

Y luego, tal vez en alguna ocasión había tiempo para una vida muy importante y dramática, y tal vez iban a suceder muchas cosas y querías estar aquí, y entonces retirabas 10.000 vatios. Entrabas, muy poderoso, dinámico, con muchos talentos. ¿Cómo los usaste? ¿Fuiste muy rico, muy pudiente, lo derrochaste? ¿O lo usaste y compartiste y lo trajiste para mostrar a otros cómo debía fluir la abundancia? ¿O lo escondiste? Y luego volviste otra vez y revisaste.

Pero en esta vida te pedimos que bajaras a la tercera dimensión en esas zonas de lucha y esfuerzo, no para ti, amado, oh, no, no para ti, sino para que tomaras el linaje y construyeras las circunstancias para poder hacer el mayor bien que pudieras traer a todos esos lugares, de todas las cosas que habías creado en muchas vidas; que pudieras unirlas y elevarlas.

Como ves, la diferencia era hacer una pequeña porción tal vez en el nivel en que encarnabas, pero la promesa dorada es, era, que podías retirar tanto como pudieras incorporar; así cuando empezaste a abrir tu corazón, cuando empezaste a escuchar a tu alma, cuando empezaste a aportar la sabiduría y conectar con tu divinidad, tu mente, tienes lo que se llama cordón de vida – has oído hablar de eso. Ese cord n de plata era realmente algo m s que un cord n extensible, y en eso se transform al hacerse angosto a medida que te hund as m sym s hondo. Y ten as un cord n de consciencia, y ten as un cord n creativo, y ten an que ser activados porque eran proporcionales al poder de luz de la semilla divina, los tomos que tra as. Entonces empezaste a usar tu mente, empezaste a buscar, empezaste a abrir tu coraz n, a abrir tu mente, a buscar el equilibrio y armonizar tu mente subconciente, todas estas cosas que hab as tomado literalmente se volvieron tu verdad, se volvieron tus l mites, fueron tu prisi n. Y empezaste a soltarlos, empezaste a amarlos, libre de esos fragmentos all afuera que estaban enredados, y empezaste a tomarlos ya incorporarlos hasta alcanzar el nivel en que activaste tu centro solar de poder.

En ese tiempo, tu plexo solar era tu centro de poder y comenzaste esa danza de tira y empuja, entonces en lugar de obtener el poder y la luz de la divinidad que eres, estabas tratando de obtener la energ a de los dem s, y entonces empezaste esta danza. Empezaron esta danza unos con otros y luego aprendieron a cortar esos cordones para recuperar su soberan ay para bendecir y devolver a todos aquellos con quienes estaban en la danza c smica su soberan a tambi n.

Entonces ahora est n sacando su propio poder de luz, sus propias part culas de luz del creador divino, y ellas fluyen a trav s de ustedes, y cuando las inhalan activan su coraz n sagrado y su mente sagrada, y todas esas partes magn ficas que son los recuerdos del Ed n que tuvieron, esas fuentes de poder dentro de sus cuerpos que llaman chakras, y empezaron a irradiar y brillar y ustedes empezaron a enviar afuera esta maravillosa energ a que es ustedes. Ustedes, el sol, la luz solar de Dios! Esa es la promesa dorada. Tanta como puedas incorporar, tanta como puedas usar, tanta como puedas compartir! Hay m s.

Se est n moviendo para ingresar a un nuevo portal de infinito; ustedes son el centro. Cu l va a ser su futuro? El pasado est aqu siendo sanado; est n parados en el centro de un nuevo ciclo evolutivo de infinito. Y nosotros estamos aqu con ustedes a cada paso del camino, para guiar, proteger, inspirar y dirigir. Pero el camino lo recorren ustedes. Sepan que los amamos muy profundamente.

Yo soy el Arc ngel Miguel y les traigo esta verdad.

And so it is. (aplausos)

James Tyberonn

Greetings, dear. Entramos dentro de un vector de amor incondicional, un vector creado en este espacio por sus energ as.

Maestros, ustedes est n en un punto de poder geol gico singular, que es en esencia un crisol. Dentro de ese crisol, todo lo que no les sirve es tra do a la superficie, y eso se ha sabido bien respecto a Sedona durante muchos a os. Es la energ a desequilibrada perfecta, que trae a la superficie todo lo que no está resuelto. Queridos, les decimos que en 2015 están igualmente en un crisol astrológico. Miren en todo el planeta, miren la agitación en Medio Oriente, miren a la inequidad que surge dentro de Estados Unidos.

Queridos, les decimos que nada sucede en el planeta que no esté planeado para suceder. Están en un crisol astrológico extraordinario en el que todas las energías irresueltas deben surgir, y están surgiendo. Desigualdades raciales, conflictos religiosos; maestros, estos deben venir a la superficie para ser resueltos, porque les decimos que viene un tiempo mejor pero deben tener la fortaleza para enfrentar lo que está sucediendo.

Maestros, les decimos que la agitación en Medio Oriente que está llegando, debe ser resuelta para que llegue la edad dorada que está por venir. Las religiones abrahámicas, el Judaísmo, la Cristiandad y el Islam, deben resolver sus diferencias para que la Nueva Era, la Era dorada llegue. De modo que no piensen que toda la violencia, el derramamiento de sangre, el odio, los gritos por la igualdad que ahora surgen no tienen un lado positivo. Todas las energías irresueltas deben surgir a la superficie para ser enfrentadas, para poder resolverse.

Maestros, la vida en el plano terrestre puede ser difícil, eso es una gran verdad. Todo lo que está sin resolver debe resolverse. Todos los obstáculos deben enfrentarse. Y maestros, solo enfrentando sus obstáculos serán capaces de trascender.

Queridos humanos, suele suceder que cuando se encuentran en un problema es cuando se elevan a su mayor nivel de crecimiento, y de eso se trata la Universidad de la Dualidad. Nunca olviden que la Universidad de la Dualidad es una ilusión con propósito. Se siente real porque debe sentirse real, si no fuera así ustedes no aprenderían.

2012 no fue un final, fue un comienzo; ustedes tienen más herramientas para enfrentar sus problemas, pero se requiere actuar. Todos estos problemas irresueltos deben resolverse, y, maestros, les decimos que la humanidad en masa clama por ese día mejor. Y les decimos que hay un nuevo 2012 aproximándose, y es el 2038. Después de 2038 aparecerá una nueva luz, será el tercer regreso de las energías crísticas. Faltan muchas generaciones para la ascensión de la humanidad, pero está en camino.

Maestros, nunca abandonen la esperanza, porque todo lo que está sucediendo, sucede con un propósito, y cuando su vida física llegue a su fin y se eleven tan alto que el azul se vuelva negro y miren hacia abajo entre las estrellas, verán que había una razón para cada cosa.

Yo soy Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino, y comparto con ustedes esta verdad. (aplausos)
(canaliza una dama, probablemente Marilyn Harper)

Así que para ustedes es un buen día, ¿ah? ¿Así que ustedes son los maestros, los canalizadores? Ustedes son los que estábamos esperando, son la luz, son la oscuridad, son lo de arriba y lo de abajo, son la verdad, la presencia, la no-presencia, son… ¿Ya entendieron? (risas) ¿Ya lo tienen todo?

Oh, yo no tengo símbolos. Eso significa que es sagrado, sí (risas). Vean, queridísimos, ustedes ya hicieron la parte más difícil, ¿sí? ¡Vinieron! (risas) Están dispuestos a ser la diferencia. Y tienen buen aspecto. De modo que díganle a la persona a su lado qué buen aspecto tiene, ¡y denles las gracias por acudir! Porque ellos son parte de su realidad divina. Gracias por acudir también, ¿ah? ¡Jóooo!

Maestros, todos a nuestro alrededor. Eso son. Sabemos que les han dicho una y otra y otra vez cuánto son, cuánto se los ama, cuán brillante es su luz, cómo aparecen los anteojos de sol cada vez que los miramos, (risas), y sin embargo, ¡por alguna razón todavía tenemos que recordárselo! ¡De modo que acaben con esto! ¡Dejen de jugar a este juego! No son pequeños – ustedes lo saben. Son la luz de este planeta. En cada lugar que tocan, está la luz del planeta. Son seres de luz aquí, brillan tanto, en todo el globo. Estos seres de luz aquí, brillan mucho alrededor del globo.

Vean, ¡nos cansamos de decirles esto tantas veces! Nos cansamos de decirlo una y otra vez: pongan su mano en su corazón, yo me amo, yo me amo, Yo Soy, Yo soy un maestro iluminado, ¡lo que sea, lo que sea! (risas y aplausos) ¡Entiéndanlo! ¡Dejen de jugar este viejo juego solo porque se volvió un hábito! Los hábitos están para ser cambiados, ¿sí? Transformados. Así su luz puede ser lo que es, queridísimos. Ustedes son la razón para que estemos aquí. Nosotros somos la razón por la que ustedes están aquí, ¡jo, jo! (risas) Pero cuando piensan en la masa de energía que este lugar del planeta está convocando en este momento, el amor, la luz, la presencia… Honramos a la familia que de algún modo sacrificó su energía para traer un despertar de alguna clase. Honramos a los dioses del trueno que llovieron por primera vez en la historia aquí en Sedona, en ese día, y luego granizó. Qué tiempo terrible, ¿eh? (laughs)

Verán, queridísimos, ¡ el cambio está sobre ustedes! Si querían quedarse como antes, ¡deténganlo! No va a detenerse, gracias al cielo. Ustedes han nacido dentro de un milagro . Aun cuando algunos pensaron: ¿Puedo tener otra oportunidad? ¿Puedo elegir unos padres distintos? Pero estamos aquí para decirles que ahora están usando cada don que hayan recibido en su vida hasta la fecha. Están usando cada partícula. De modo que queremos encargarles una tarea. Ustedes pensaban que les íbamos a decir qué maravillosos son, ¿no? (risas) Bueno, ¡ellos ya les dijeron eso! Queremos que esta noche vayan a casa, o vuelvan al hotel, o al alojamiento, oa su auto, donde sea que se alberguen (risas); queremos que tomen un pedazo de papel y algo para escribir, lo que sea, y queremos que hagan una lista de todo aquello en que son buenos. Todo lo que les gusta de sí mismos. Todo… ¡Oh, tengo lindo cabello! ¡Oh, tengo ojos grandes! ¡Oh, tengo buenas nalgas! (risas) Oh, eso abre el chakra cardíaco un poquito más, ¿no creen? Oh, tengo estas hermosas… Hablo con las personas; sé cantar, sé tocar un instrumento; soy compasivo; escucho a las personas; ¡lo que sea! Anoten todo, cuanto más larga la lista, ¡mejor! Y luego cuando terminan la lista dan vuelta el papel y lo hacen de nuevo.

Queremos que mañana, a medida que avanza el sol, le pregunten a sus amigos qué es lo que ven en ustedes. ¿Qué es lo que realmente les encanta de ustedes? ¿En qué creen que ustedes son buenos de veras? Y asegúrense de anotarlo, de manera de escucharlo y poder leerlo otra vez, cuando esa pequeña porción de su cerebro empieza a hablarles ya decir “¿Qué crees que estás haciendo aquí? Y luego queremos que le pregunten a un extraño. Ahora bien, eso requiere “cojones” (sonríe, lo dice en español) (el público ríe). Pregunten a un extraño, oa alguien aquí que han encontrado y que no conocen mucho. ¿Qué es lo que ven en ustedes? Nosotros los vemos, ¡y nos encanta!

Los vemos, sabemos que ustedes son un regalo para todos los que se encuentran con ustedes. De modo que voy a parar de decírselo, porque queremos que lo sepan. Sépanlo en su corazón, sépanlo en sus células, sépanlo en cada partícula de su ser. Y cuando lo olviden, llamen a alguien de su papel y pídanle que se lo recuerden; estamos juntos en una comunidad. Somos todos uno; cuando nosotros tenemos dolor, ustedes lo tienen; cuando ustedes tienen alegría, tenemos alegría. Cuando ustedes tienen luz… ¿Captan la idea?

Por favor, queridísimos, los amamos más de lo que se puedan imaginar. Somos sus mayores animadores. ¡También somos sus animadores! Estamos entusiasmados de estar aquí con una gran voz. ¡Una gran chica! (risas y aplausos)

Me vuelvo más grande todo el tiempo, ja, y me vuelvo más chiquita (más risas) Porque, vean, estamos aquí para ustedes y ustedes están aquí para el amor. Confíen en quienes son, y vivirán y sabrán cómo vivir.

Namaste (aplausos)

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service. Saludos, Maestros auto-designados (carcajadas).

No pude evitar notar que todos ustedes llevan medallas (risas).

Por la presente, estoy haciendo un anuncio: todos ustedes han pasado de talla medium a large (carcajadas).

Risa. Celebración. ¿lo sienten? Abre el corazón. ¡Abre el corazón! No puede haber nada mejor; es un sendero hacia el alma. Se relajan. Dicen cosas que normalmente no dirían, se realza la belleza. No más enseñanza.

Los adioses son difíciles y ustedes pueden decir que esto es un adiós. Pueden mirar esto, y este evento, ya estos que están aquí, y habría sabidur a, y entender an que no lo volver na ver, no realmente, no tal cual, no exactamente as . Esta asamblea de almas, de trabajadores de luz, nunca ser exactamente as . Por lo tanto, este es un evento nico en la historia del planeta, y todos han participado.

Y entonces algunos van a decir: Cu ndo podemos captar esto de forma de poder revisitar esta energ a? Qu tecnolog a tendremos que permita una cosa as ? Por supuesto la respuesta es que ya la tienen.

No hay un adi s. Quiero decirles algo: los maestros en este escenario les han dicho que no hay tiempo, que todo est en el ahora. Y tienen raz n. Es un c rculo . Un c rculo hermoso! Comprenden, queridos, si creen en las vidas pasadas, comprenden el c rculo? Su alma nica ha estado con ustedes cada vez. Su mejor amigo, su Yo Superior, ha participado en cada vida. Por lo tanto es un c rculo de la vida y ustedes siguen viniendo, no como otra alma, sino la misma. Comprendieron que hay una linealidad de humanismo, que siempre tienen que tener un comienzo, siempre tiene que haber un final? Incluso para el par de medias que se pusieron, hay un comienzo y un final. Todo lo que tienen. En su vocabulario no existe algo que no tenga comienzo: ustedes son lineales . Todo esto quiere decir que la energ a que sienten ahora es capturable y no se ir nunca. Se ha dicho en este escenario que no se puede destruir la energ a; simplemente se transforma. Por lo tanto, les digo que no hay adi s. La energ a que est ahora, est con ustedes para siempre. Pueden invocarla que vez que lo deseen, es un c rculo en su consciencia, lo que han sentido estos d as, que han amado y les encantar a recrear, pueden hacerlo si lo desean. No hay adioses, es imposible.

Ahora, cuando se vayan de este lugar, quiero que nos contengan a todos nosotros de tal manera que puedan recordarlo cada vez que deseen, pueden tocar su coraz n si lo desean o no (se r e) y pensar en nosotros. Y recuerden este momento, capt renlo, es la raz n de que estemos aqu . No para que ustedes vuelvan, lo vean otra vez, lo quieran otra vez, sino para que est n contentos de tenerlo. Y se lo van a llevar a casa.

Eso es todo por ahora - pero es bastante! (laughs)

And so it is. (aplausos)

Desgrabaci ny traducci n: M. Cristina C ffaro .

Agradezco la inestimable ayuda prestada por Susana Peralta en la edici n de la desgrabaci n.



Source: http://traduccionesparaelcamino.blogspot.com.es/

Cumbre de canalización de los maestros – Parte 5 (última) – Kryon y otros

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