Divine Mother Message: Welcome the Energies

  • 2018

Beloved beings of the Earth, welcome the energies that are present just now, which function within their bodies and mainly in their fields, especially in the field of their hearts. These energies, are in this moment, helping each of their hearts to really bloom as if it were a beautiful flower, which finally opens, so that they become pure beings whose love is unconditional .

It is really quite simple, although it is not always easy, however we are at your side to accompany you and help you in everything you may need throughout your earthly life . These energies work with great ease since they suppose the very essence of life, so it is very convenient that they leave their minds and hearts open to eliminate any negative thoughts they may have. It is with this purpose that we invite you to focus your awareness on the area of ​​your feet and thus develop a great awareness.

This awareness will allow them to connect fully with the Earth and to do so, they must do the following:

Close your eyes and look down, directly visualizing the image of the Earth. Doing this will help you avoid any kind of thinking and leave your mind blank, making room for more guidance. Then, accept being stripped layer by layer of each of the masks and / or disguise that they have been using so far and that they no longer require.

At that time they will have access to their most internal channels, where they will be able to receive adequate energy and of great importance for the current moment that the Earth is experiencing. When you access it, allow it to go to Gaia and at the same time transfer your own Celestial Energy .

Each of you is like a tunnel, a medium through which this powerful energy flows. Let it flow in you!

Let this energy flow consciously through your bodies and then pass to Earth, since by being truly aware of what is happening through you and within you, you have the ability to allow it to become even stronger. reach Earth, where you will have contact with each of the living beings that inhabit it .

At the same time, they must be aware that both animals and plants and minerals do not have the capacity to emit any resistance at the time of receiving this energy. But only human beings can resist and in most cases, they do so because they feel fear. However, the knowledge and openness of their hearts have the ability to pour all the power of this energy around the Earth, causing each human being to receive it.

Take into account that this energy provides the opportunity to make the transformation of your world without any problem

Understand that if a large number of you are encouraged to set aside duality and open your hearts to this energy, the power of it will give you the opportunity to experience earthly existence in a different, much fuller and more spiritual way that you it will allow more easily to join the realms of upper Light that are still unknown.

Beloved children of Gaia, be yourselves, be your true being; allow the Light that lives within each one to become more powerful and radiate to the Earth, to transform the world they know and move to a new level of consciousness .

We bless you and love you infinitely.

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