July 4th Spiritual Freedom Day

  • 2011

The Spiritual community of the world, is about to celebrate on July 4 the day of Spiritual Freedom . For many, this day is remembered mainly because the United States rightly celebrates its independence, and it is a minority that has the knowledge that also this day all the workers of the Light of the planet celebrate hand in hand with the Great White Brotherhood and the Great Karmica together the freedom of the spirit and all that entails: the transmutation of karma, the precipitation of Dharma and the wheel of reincarnation that with the Ascension comes to an end.

On that day it is very important that we take the time to write a letter addressed to the Great Karmic Board and its seven members, who are: The great Divine Director, the Goddess of Freedom, Kwan Yin, Portia, Pallas Athenea, Cyclopean and Lady Nada

It is important to thank you for all that you have provided us along our spiritual journey, and especially for another year of Divine guidance. Thank them for their patronage, their unconditional love for us and for receiving from them the great opportunity to have the Knowledge of the Teachings and to have received their gifts and their blessings.

I invite you to open your heart that day, and write everything you want to say, take the opportunity to make your requests both material and spiritual. Once your letter is finished, you burn it in an open space and its ashes are deposited in running water, like a stream, a river, the sea if possible.

Although we can write daily to the members of the Karmica Board when we have special requests or a personal or family problem, that day they look forward to our letter to know our thoughts, feelings and assess the degree of progress we have had on our path. The letter as always, you must burn it and deposit the ashes in running water.

That day the Great Karmic Board gives us great flows of Divine Energy, to all the sons and daughters of God, who consciously advance on the path of their spirituality. This day it is highly recommended to do sessions of violet flame for 45 minutes, so that our negative karma is transmuted in a very important way, thanks to the enormous precipitation of Divine Energy that we especially receive that day.

I also invite you to make the prayer of the Great Invocation so that harmony, peace reign on our Planet, let us unite our hearts, our energies for our beloved Gaia.

Namast! And until the next edition.

By: Lorena López de Lacaille www.mundometafisico.com

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