Do you know how to prepare for the Planetary Ascension?

  • 2018

My dear universal beings,

We are not oblivious to what is happening to many of you, difficult situations that you think you will not be able to overcome. But they are not alone, here we are to guide you in times of great transformation, you just have to invoke us and as ascended masters ( Master Saint Germain, El Morya, Jesus, Lady Nada, Mar ay Kutumi ) we will make you notice our presence full of love.

The changes and transformations that you are constantly experiencing are real and everything is wonderful, because you are doing it consciously thanks to the deep love with which we give you this transformation of light. Experience and live fully this wonderful and profound change where you become a butterfly being very aware of this.

Enjoy this extraordinary gift that the universe gives us! Live this unique experience that fills your soul

The earth ascends and many of the humans who live in it are destined to ascend as long as others stay and fulfill their destiny in other places. We invite you as a being of light that you are to join the ascension process, act and choose if you live or die and if you will ascend or not.

To achieve this you have to desire with all the forces of your being to ascend, it is not enough that your soul has already chosen it . Think about whether you really want to raise your vibrational rhythm and become a being of pure love.

We know you have many questions about Ascension, what is it? Who are the calls ? And believe that you already have the answers and in due course you will be aware of this, for now we cannot give them because you would not understand them.

What we can say is that Ascension allows you to be in a reality that surpasses everything you know today, with greater psychic abilities that would explain those little moments of clairvoyance.

Your being is already present in other dimensions, only you are not yet aware of this.

With ascension your consciousness will expand and you will be closer to your divine being

But it also means that your body of light will descend to the heart of your matter to transform it. You should know that if you are not happy with your physical body and mistreat it you will not be able to ascend . You must love your body and every part that makes it up to the last physical cell.

In fact, the first step in the Ascension process involves loving every cell, every breath, every moment, every atom of the physical body, starting with your body, emotions and mind. It is necessary to redress that fracture within you, first unify your inner world to be able to create a unified world outside of your being.

Question yourself, check what you still need to unify, what do you still not love about yourself, what remains to be unified within your heart? The adjustments of your karma will also be necessary to make them, no resentments with yourself or those that until now you have had towards your brothers and sisters, the ascent should be given with much love towards all humanity.

It is time, my dear and beloved beings of light, to leave behind resentments, to heal wounds, to trust and take off wings as if it were the love of Christ, to give it to others, open your wings and expand all that Love you have to give.

You need to be aware that you are a being of pure love as Christ is, in this way it will be much easier for you to carry out this process because love is one of the most powerful forces in the universe and you are made of it.

You must tell yourself every day: I AM LOVE. I AM CHRIST.

That is what we really are, love, light, peace, harmony

It is necessary that they open their hearts of love, that they open the wings of their hearts and that they raise the flight to the heart of human cells, so they will discover their divinity.

It is an infinite and great love

Saint Germain Master

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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