Message of the Archangel Michael: Are you ready to commit?

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 We will make it as easy as possible because you have suffered enough and it is time for happiness and grace. 2 The time to move forward together has come 3 We have been very busy trying to get your attention, using all means to help you remember 4 There a Divine Mandate was conveyed stipulating that the reunification process will be fully activated to accelerate the process of cosmic evolution 5 The difference between "spirit" and "soul"

Dear beloved Masters, are you ready to close the door of the past and put your steps on the path that will lead you to a magical world of all possibilities? The road has been prepared, all you have to do is accept and the process will be revealed step by step.

We will make it as easy as possible because you have suffered enough and it is time for happiness and grace.

A great alliance, a reunification of magnificent proportions, is forming as we solidify the process of uniting once more for a common purpose, both we of the higher realms and you, the present earthly representatives of the Creator. The time of separation is rapidly coming to an end and paradoxically those who were still stuck in the illusion of the Third and Fourth Dimension domains are also coming together and that is that they have joined more and more closely in their struggle to maintain the separation through their struggle for domination and power, fueled by hate, fear and greed.

Many eternities ago, we made each of you a promise by continuing your path of separation to fulfill your part of the universal Divine Plan. We promised that we would meet again in a great meeting when the experience on planet Earth came to an end. We promised that even if you had forgotten your origins as part of the experience, at the right time we would help you remember them.

The Atomic Seeds of Memory within your DNA, Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind would be activated; so the process of remembering its origins and reconquering its Divine heritage would begin, as these events seep through your consciousness, you, Star Seed Souls, if you stand firm on the Path, you can take your new Divine basic plan and put it into practice and we will move forward together, side by side and from heart to heart.

The time to move forward together has arrived

Brave hearts, do not concentrate on negative events around the world, do not get caught in the media frenzy, because the predictions of pessimism and sinisterness, cataclysms, rumors of war and despair permeate the air waves and minds of the masses. This is not the time to wobble now or allow the bombardment of negative energy to penetrate your protection of the shield of Light. It is time to boldly walk to the center of attention and proclaim that you are a Peace Warrior, a committed bearer and a transporter of Refined Love / Refined Light, the new Basic Divine Plan for the emerging galactic consciousness of humanity and Earth .

We have been very busy trying to get your attention, using all means to help you remember

Our attempts, as well as the Seeds of Encrypted Memory Seeds that have been placed along your physical craft and programmed to be activated during these periods of evolution, increase It is difficult for you to ignore this unprecedented alert call, so we ask you to commit, since by seeking and agreeing to meet with the members of your family of souls to whom you are guided, your individual consciousness awaken and his group consciousness will be extended in gigantic steps.

Thanks to the dynamics of group meditation within their group power pyramid in the fifth dimension, they will be given an opportunity to quickly become a teacher of the co-creation in the material planes of existence, in addition to being an example for those around them. The fastest way to attract the attention of others is to engage in a beneficial concept, try it and live it in the person himself.

Most of you are well on your way to completing the passage through the Fourth Dimension that opens the door to the magical kingdom of the Fifth Dimension. Remember, there are no firm demarcations between the Dimensions and it is that within the atoms of the Memory there are fluid frequency patterns of variable sizes that flow and flow from one side to another and that occasionally merge with each other., it being important that they learn to use the positive qualities of all Dimensions, including the First, Second and Third, that gradually return to the spectrum of Light and Shadow originally conceived for this subuniversal experience.

There a Divine Mandate was transmitted stipulating that the reunification process will be fully activated to accelerate the process of cosmic evolution

This means that for rigid, dogmatic, judgmental and fear-based concepts within the minds and hearts of humanity, as well as for all religions, nations, cultures and races, there will be an opportunity for free will or they will be forced to face the challenge of abandoning everything that is not in harmony with the mixture of the entire Spiritual World and all earthly creations.

We are together in the domains of Light and we stretch our hearts and hands towards you to attract you to the circle of Cosmic Unity . Do you want to step forward? We surround you with an auric field of love and protection and we wrap you in it, since I am Archangel Michael.

The difference between "spirit" and "soul"

Beloved, have you ever wondered what is the difference between your "Soul" and your "Spirit" ? What is the soul? What does it consist of? Where did it start? What happens to your soul when you die or transcend? Where does it reside in your body ? Can you become a "Lost Soul"? Should your soul be "saved" because of past sins?

All these questions have been asked and reflected through the centuries since humanity has been on Earth. Let us give you some concise and simplified answers to add to your new and more complete understanding of how the universe works and its divine origins . It is up to you whether or not you accept these explanations as your truth and as always, we ask you to use your discernment and accept only as true those things that resonate deeply in your heart and soul.

On a cosmic or Omniversal level, you are "Spirit" a facet or ray of Divine Essence sent from the core of the heart of the Supreme Creator . On this level, you are fully aware of who you are and your connection to the Supreme Creator; They are also aware of their powerful “I am” identity and they know it. On the universal level, you were a Divine co-creator, once again sent to a great refracted ray of Light to manifest endless worlds in the name of our Father / Mother God.

You were aware of the general Divine plan for this universe and the game you were about to play; however, it may or may not be that they remember their origins or identity on a cosmic level . This theme has been played again and again throughout the ages, when you have assumed many forms and identities.

You are tuning into the Symphony of the Spheres of Light, so welcome to our world, let's move on together.

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