Channeled message: A meditation to cure your emotions ...

  • 2017

The Magdalene and the Universal Mother Mary came to me today to share a method to heal my / our emotions.

Channeled by Tiziana P., on August 17, 2017

Greetings, my sister, my partner, my friend. I am the Magdalena and yes, I come here as a sister, I come here as a company, I come here to reaffirm you, not only of our love for you, but of how you feel love, not only for us but for humanity. They are asking for help, guidance and here we are, all together holding hands around you, but also in you and with you. And today I am in the hands of my beloved Jesus and we also take his hands, forming this beautiful trinity of brotherhood love. It's us talking to them.

There are no thoughts in your mind at this time and this is one of the reasons why you want to channel every day, to have a break from your thoughts. And we agree with you, so that you have the traces of me, the Magdalene, and the traces of Jesus in you. And now, Archangel Gabriel is watering, through your crown [chakra], his beautiful bubbles of joy, and laughter. You want a little playful joy in your life and you deserve it .

The Mother is standing tall, sending her light, her love, her compassion. He is giving you his hope, he is giving you his strength, his understanding, his clarity. And you may be surprised, we are also here to congratulate you, because you are expanding and it can be said, for the channeling, that it is becoming stronger. You are able to maintain our energy for longer periods of time. You are giving up, and you surrender to us. Otherwise, you could not channel my dear friend, my dear sister .

As the Mother said, all these emotions are here to be healed, to be accepted and loved.

We can do this together and we love you, we ask you to do this [meditation] now, while you are channeling, to feel more protected, to feel more our support.

Let's start by putting criticism, in the circle and seeing criticism separating from your body. Look at them in front of you and this time, let's put a baby's face in criticism, a smile, a laughing face.

Then we continue with the sadness, the pain . Let's turn these two into the same energy and then again put on the face of a baby, a beautiful baby who is laughing with joy. Can we have a conversation while channeling? Yes, we can and we do it.

We will continue with the anger, seeing that it separates from you, from your body, from your cells and you place another baby's face in it. Yes, babies can be from different cultures and races, if you prefer.

We can place all your addictions, we can bring self-pity and laziness, lack of forgiveness . It doesn't matter if you lose track of the energies, it doesn't matter, they are there, trust me.

I continue with fear . Oh, that's heavy, right? We will put the face of an angel with curly, brown or golden hair and blue eyes in fear. Just relax, dig deeper into your heart.

Let 's place unworthiness in the circle with the face of a baby. It doesn't matter if you don't see clearly, it's happening. Should we place guilt with a baby's face in the circle? Should we place victimization with a baby's face in the circle? Should we place the concern with a baby's face? The self-criticism, again with the face of a baby?

Everyone separates from you, from your mind, from your body, from your cells and they are not your enemies either, dear sister, they want to be loved, they want to be accepted as creations, they want to be released.

A second later I saw, with my inner vision, the Mother next to the Magdalene. (TP)

I greet my beloved daughter, I am your Mother, the Universal Mother . Today we wanted to come to you together, to show you the power that you all possess, and the power that we have together, holding hands. If you feel an emotion during your daily life that we don't mention today, write it down. If you recognize it, it is amazing because it means you are aware.

If you name your emotions, you are recognizing their presence in you.

Now, we ask and beg the Arc Miguel Angel to cut the ropes between you and these emotions. The ropes are in your heart; in your solar plexus, in your throat, but also in your third, fourth and fifth eyes. Yes, the Arc Miguel Angel can do this for all of you. Now, can you see how scary these energies are? As children who have taken their mother, because they can no longer feed on your energy.

We are going to get a little closer to you forming a sphere, a circle around your aura. Then say: "I thank you, I am sorry, I forgive you, I love you", and when you say, "I let you go" a huge tube of light is created from this circle to the heart of One, Father / Mother / God. And you see them, you bow before them, you say, "Sorry" and you love them. Together with us, you love your free emotions and you see them go one by one, the smiling faces of the children are going up (they are also thanking you) and it becomes a river that rises to the heart of One .

They also go home to be transmuted. Let everything go, keep sending love. Open up, they are your children and they are gone, they have been released. If they return, it means you gave them a little power, but you only need to do this meditation over and over again, until they leave, until you are free.

But now, my dear children, now that you have transmuted, open to receive joy, receive grace, receive love, abundance in any form, receive clarity, receive laughter, games, understanding, compassion . And let everything fall through your crown chakra, infusing you, your brain, your cells, tissue, blood, bones, organs, muscles, chakras, hips, to the legs. Down through her legs, through her feet, through her root chakra through the layers of the Earth and down to the heart of Gaia and all her children. You are opening all your chakras, you are willing for all your chakras to open, turn, expand, balance . Your chakras are connected to the 13th Eighth and your chakras are connected to Terra Gaia.

Now, this is cooperation my dear daughter, you do not do it yourself, this is cooperation, you did your part, your part and us too. This is what we mean, we do not intend to leave you, we cannot, we are part of you like your legs, your hands. We will give you ideas on how to connect with people, connect with your community and there is no need to hurry.

We are giving you vigor, we are giving you enthusiasm and strength and strength right now, and joy, yes, infinite joy.

We are infusing you, each of us, with our light . Your job is to open yourself to receive and send all this light [from your heart to humanity] and down, so that you can reach our beautiful Terra Gaia . We are especially infusing your mind, your physical brain, we are infusing your aura, all layers. We are infusing your eyes and we suggest you open your eyes. Saint Germaine is removing resistance with the Violet Flame that is burning from under your feet, strongly, powerfully. And the flame becomes wider and wider, more and more bright, taller and more powerful and there is white, yes, at the edges of the flame.

We can repeat this meditation every day and we suggest you do it every day so you will feel that we even enter you physically.

Tiziana: Thank you Mother.

Mother Mary Universal: You're welcome. And if you open your eyes, you will still be able to channel. You are able to channel me even when your eyes are open. You are focused, but there is no need to rush with these things. The archangel Raphael is helping you with your body, your mind, your emotions, we are all in that.

And also, I will guide you and if you do this meditation every day you will be much more focused. If you can't do it in the morning you can do it in the afternoon and if you get tired you can rest a little . We will be hugging you. I have asked you to try to channel for yourself today and you have answered my call…. And I thank you. If we give you all these traces every day, liberation will be easier, faster and you will feel our presence more.

I will be here, I am always here, I am your Mother, where else could I be?

I love you, I wrap you in my blue cloak and we will all be in your heart.

Goodbye, my dear, I love you, goodbye.

Tiziana: Goodbye Mother, thank you

TRANSLATOR: Carolina Cobelli, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Tiziana P. (2017). A meditation to heal your emotions. 08/18/2017, from Council of Love Website:

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