Message of Mary Magdalene: Reborn in the Light of this Star

  • 2018

Channeled by Ann Dahlberg, March 10, 2018

I am Mary Magdalene and today I want to tell all the peoples of the Earth that you are greatly loved and appreciated, all of you. They have many guides and guardian angels who help them now in this new era that has begun on Earth. It may not be clearly visible although there are many very large forces working on Earth to bring her and all of you home again - to the Light where you belong.

A new star has been born for you, dear children on Earth. Everyone is being reborn in the light of this star . These particles are now traveling through space and impacting everything that comes into contact with them. It will also impact you, dear children on Earth.

It will affect them deep in your heart and a stronger love will grow. Their minds will change and they will become more peaceful. They will benefit from their experiences and have a greater understanding of what is happening within human beings. Your understanding will be based on humility and compassion for everything that is alive on Earth.

You will choose the good for yourself and others.

You will choose to do what is good and beneficial for others and of course also for yourselves. The energy is here - the energy that goes to the bottom and brings out what it touches, what is important in life.

What is important in life?

Well, love for yourself and others and for everything that is alive on your planet . This is what resonates and shines within you - this is what it is worth fighting for. Everything else seems a bit gray and boring compared to the great love that is back on our Earth.

You are the ones who illuminate the world along with all your fellow men on Earth. We are in a real time of joy and love . I can see how it shines from many hearts today. I see how many hesitant steps are taken to make it shine louder and clearer.

Touch my heart and my eyes are full of tears of joy. You are so brave, dear children on Earth, you are so brave, I can see your efforts and hear your calls for help .

You are very brave to be on planet Earth now.

We are here and right now we are many who are helping you. After a great darkness comes a great light. This light is now beginning to shine in you dear friends and becomes clearer every day.

We guide you step by step towards the new existence of light and love that you deserve so much. You have done a great job to clean the darkness of the Earth and of yourselves. They have filled their hearts with love, a pure love that overcomes everyone and now they walk victoriously towards a new dimension of love and light.

What you don't see, we see it and we see the new era as if it were already here now - because the hardest part is already behind .

There is a very large proportion of people today who support the light, so they have already won, dear humanity. They have won by joining a great brotherhood - and sorority . It is big and we are immensely proud of you.

We walk among you now, so that beings of higher energy can be born here.

Many of them can also walk the Earth for longer periods, so energy is increasing all the time . A great restructuring of the Earth is approaching and it is not long before we can meet and you can receive your mentors to help you in the last part of the path to the light.

My heart is full of light and love for you.

I love you so.

Maria Magdalena

TRANSLATORS: Swedish to English translator: Per Staffan. From English to Spanish: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Ann Dahlberg (2018) Mary Magdalene: Being Reborn in the Light of This Star. (03/13/2018) Sananda Website.

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