“The Wisdom of the Masters of Light” - Channeling of Master Clara - Part 2

  • 2018

Channeled messages from the Masters of Light.

In Portuguese the Original.

Clear Teacher / Part 2

May the love of Christ be able to touch your hearts!

This new stage of life that is being born is based on the Aquarian principles that direct the souls of the new race. These already bring with them the seeds of a new humanity . They are seeds filled with love, fraternity, equality, freedom. In them are all the principles of this New Age and for them to germinate, grow and bear fruit they need help from all those who are already awake for this new life .

That is why it is a decisive and important moment for all humanity.

The planet is receiving, together with all mankind, energies that will help in this process of transformation and transmutation. But there is a need for a job, an internal job, well, it is hardly useful to receive the energies and nothing to do, that is, in this case, they will be thrown out.

These energies need to be worked internally, in their internal silence, like a seed in the earth that before germinating works intensely in the depths of the Earth, although nothing is seen externally. She initially receives the energies, absorbs them, sets them, moving them internally. And then, in a second step, she germinates, springs with the force of all entrenched and strengthened divine principles. But, there the work continues, she needs to grow, strengthen, flourish and bear fruit. For this there is a need for her to continue working, not only individually, but also, as a group . Well, she lives within the unit, receives and gives energies to feed the life that grows within her. And each seed is different from other seeds, none will be the same as any other. Each donates its beauty, its energies, its perfume, its own fruit . This is how this New Humanity will grow; through his love, his beauty to others who can also observe and perceive the beauty and importance of this work, learning with him, to be able to grow and make internal transformations.

In this way, everyone will help to compose a new nature, a new world, a new beauty, a new light.

Thus, this New Humanity will walk on this planet: communing, working with love, with light, helping those who need it most so that they too grow. And it is to get to this point that we need each one of you, along with your teachers, to absorb these Aquarian principles and develop your inner seeds. You must open yourself to the light and the Christ Love, which is being incessantly donated to all of you.

Work so that this light can germinate like a seed, grow, bear fruit, so that we can all together attend the birth of this New Humanity.

And so, I leave you my love so that you can work your inner seeds.
So be it!


Part 2 - of the channeled class "The Wisdom of the Masters of Light"
School of Synthesis - Granja Viana - March 11, 2012
also read the message of Lao-tse Master (Part 1) and Master Serapis Bey (part 3)

PORTUGUESE-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the great family of hermandadblanca.org

SOURCE: http://www.portaldasintese.com.br/index.php?mpg=05.02.00&acao=ver&idc=88&ver=por

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