God is a Collective Experience, Dialogue with Mario Liani


Dear Mario, thank you very much for your confidence and for your openness. I would like to review with you some fundamental concepts of your spiritual work. First of all, within the worldview spread by Kryon, what is understood by God? Is it a Being separated from its creations or does it actively dwell within them? Is God a collective of souls? And if this were true, is the human being an indivisible part of that experience that we usually call God?


Thanks to you, Carmelo, for giving me the opportunity to communicate my ideas to many more people through the informative work you have to do. I congratulate you publicly for it!

Before continuing, I would like to let you know that in order to answer your questions in greater depth, I have summoned Kryon's energy and therefore, the answers we will give you will be processed through a broader and more enlightening vision than our own human vision.

I go into the matter ...

Today, with the vision that many New Age teachers have helped us expand - and now with what Kryon has repeatedly told us - we understand that "God" is just a name that human beings have placed a collective experience ... to describe something that is intangible and that in the end could be very personal: his perception and beliefs about how he - human - defines his own spirituality and his relationship with what he considers to be above all and everybody.

In this regard, Kryon has repeatedly told us that what we call God is just a word that allows us to enunciate something impossible to describe as human: that all of us - as a single and large collective - are part of a Spiritual Family where we are indivisible parts of the rest ... where "We" because someone else "Is" ... because without that premise, we would not exist and therefore, there would be no experience that we could now call "Life" and perhaps on another perceptual level, we would call it "The Being".


It is said that Kryon is a collective of angelic entities. What is meant, in this context, by an angel? In what area of ​​reality do you dwell? How is it different and how is it that we inhabit the physical dimension? Can we invoke his intermediation through a prayer or a meditation? And if angels exist, is there their counterpart - demons?


Many things are said, but what will be the one that resonates the most or the one with which we most identify?

I usually define Kryon as a group of entities or higher consciences of the angelic nature, but beyond that, my feeling is that Kryon is the name that we humans We have given a certain experience or that the name Kryon represents the answer that Creation provides to us human beings through the multi-dimensionality of our souls, which at level m s as high as possible have come together to be (as incredible as it may seem) our own angelic voice.

In other words, we human beings have managed to ask our other I to live in dimensions other than this that they speak to us through a part of us to which We generally do not have direct access. Incredibly, that part of us that we consider `` external and divine '' has literally endorsed it, calling it `` God ''.

Kryon is the name that the human being has given to that experience that I just described. Therefore, Kryon represents the voice of a spiritual collective that expresses itself with the objective of helping its human counterpart to evolve.

In summary, I perceive that Kryon represents the name of a group of souls that has decided to have a double experience: that of being dressed as humans hoping to feel the love of the Spiritual Family and that of the Divine Angels eager to caress their human counterpart and give them encouragement in the search for the necessary experience so that both parties can transcend their Ascension process together.

ngel? It is just a name that humanity since ancient times has given the inexplicable connection with its own counterpart, as a way to endorse the experience that it could not or can understand.

Demon? Another good creation of humanity, conceptualized to establish the classic counterpart in the context that everything that the human perceives, "must" necessarily contemplate two possibilities opposite each other ...


One of Kryon's essential premises is that human beings are angels disguised as humans. This notion is opposed to that of certain religions that advocate that Humanity is intrinsically bad and bearer of an indelible original sin. If humans are angels, does that mean we are essentially good? And if our nature is, in essence, benign, why does our world seem so scourged by evil?


Kryon tells us that we humans - in essence - are spiritual beings disguised as flesh in order to gain access to a wide range of human experiences.

Although our true nature comes from the Divine Matrix that created us (mere words that cannot fully explain our origin), being visiting a body that is immersed in the 3rd dimension, our nature is forced to experience any of the ranges that human experience presupposes ... and it includes that which you call "evil", which is just an evolutionary nuance ... of so many at our disposal.

However, it is good that we keep in mind that "evil" is the opposite of "goodness" and therefore, is the antithesis of a human posture that does not exist in the context of our Divine Origin. In this area, all this will be hardly considered as a mere experience that would allow the Being to learn from any of the facets of the Totality of the Being by being immersed in "All That Is."

Therefore, from our limited human vision, we could be immersed in a matrix of human "evil" ... more from our original Divine perspective, "evil" would be the consequence of what we decided to create to experience it, with no consequences other than that of accumulate a new line in our long list of experiences that constitute our evolutionary “curriculum vitae”.


If human beings are angels disguised as humans, how is the rest of physical beings? A canary, a dolphin, an insect, a coral, are angelic beings also dressed in the clothing of matter?


Referring to the previous answer and remembering that the word “angel” is just an adequate creation of our human perception, the living beings that you name are just evolutionary possibilities that Creation contains so that Everything that Is manifests itself in the most complete plurality . Beyond the matter that each one covers, the included human being, that universe of living beings - apparently animated or not - is simply "energy in motion and in constant transformation." As energy that is being recycled and under the concept of the ONE - that all Creation is a single being - what difference could there be between a dolphin and us?


Another premise propagated by Kryon is that we are interdimensional beings. What does this mean? Does our "I" live simultaneously in parallel dimensions of reality? If this is so, how do the various filaments of that vast "I" interact?


We are interdimensional beings, because our "central being" - which most spiritual cultures have agreed to call "Higher Self" - is a great creation that is composed or nourishes many other creations of itself that inhabit different places or dimensions.

If we want to explain this concept in an intelligible way and adapted to our current experience, the Higher Self would become like a kind of "big central computer" that is connected to an immense network of many computers.

In the central computer is “the big brain” that stores everything that the computers connected to it process individually, while each subsidiary computer is barely in charge of processing its own records… without knowing that there are sub-routines or hidden processes that are they are in charge of sending "in real time" all the information she processes, to the large central computer.

Individual computers do not have visible records of this procedure, although sometimes they could have "glimpses" of certain activity on the network, that is, of some process that occurs "in real time" with any of the other computers that are located in other places of the Universe. That happens when we have the impression of living a life in parallel or when we have a kind of “deja-vu” in which we remember seeing ourselves doing something of which we do not keep a precise memory… or when we have the feeling of that we are doing something at another level of perception. This is the experience of a lucid dream where we clearly remember having experienced "being another person" while still being ourselves ...


Kryon usually announces himself as a spokesperson for “the magnetic service”. What is the magnetic service? What's its purpose? What impact does it have on our daily lives?


Everything that exists resonates on magnetic frequencies of different spectra, including humanity and the Earth where we live.

One of the consequences of this is that our physical health, the health of our planet and the whole system that keeps us alive and perceiving the experience as we perceive it, depends on the fact that this system to which we belong maintains an adequate vibrational frequency or evolves - when necessary - to another level of magnetic vibration that allows us to adapt to the planetary changes that occur in the entire system that surrounds us - although we do not see how it occurs or where it originates.

The above is the “macro” vision, while the “micro” vision is related to the fact that the organs of our body - from the largest to the smallest (such as a cell, for example) - emit a frequency magnetic that defines the functioning of our physical system and mainly, the way our perception aligns with what surrounds us.

In short, magnetism is the cause of us having the experience we think we have ... And here Kryon enters the scene ...

Kryon represents the spiritual movement that the human being has activated - from his higher center closest to the Creation - to propitiate in his environment the necessary changes so that he and the whole human experience evolve together towards a new vibration pattern, which will allow that the genetic changes necessary to produce a new human with a new perception of life occur.

Kryon is "in magnetic service" because humanity decided to magnetically attract the vibrational change necessary to achieve that great quantum leap.


Kryon often emphasizes the importance of DNA in our evolutionary and spiritual growth, which may seem strange to people with scientific training. What is the relationship between DNA, the magnetic and energetic nature of our physical being and spiritual evolution?


The answer to your question is a consequent continuation of the previous one, since DNA vibrates magnetically at a frequency such that it not only enables human reproduction, but also contains the code under which the human being will behave in life, depending on Your own evolutionary process.

In fact, the DNA processes the hidden codes that connect it to the host computer and therefore maintains a continuous flow of information between the main brain and its own terminal, in order to establish the human experiences necessary for its carrier to transit through the evolutionary patterns that your physical and spiritual processes require.

In synthesis, the DNA represents the wiring that allows the exchange of information with the central computer of the Being, being the true transmitter of the evolutionary information of each one of us.

When someone manages to connect to an Akashico record or obtain the memory of a past experience through a regression process, in reality what happens is that the central computer “authorizes” the release of a portion of hidden information for the exclusive use of that specific magnetic terminal.


At the beginning of each channel, Kryon, through his spokesmen, usually expresses that a window “on the other side of the veil” has been opened. In several of your messages you have expressed that this veil is "metaphorical". What differences and similarities are there between both "sides of the veil" - that is, between the physical and the metaphysical? If the veil that seems to separate these two spheres of existence is metaphorical, why does the vast majority of us not experience or connect with that reality that transcends the physical? What would you recommend to the reader who wants to experience the angelic part of his Being?


When we say that "the veil has run" we can give the impression - by the fact of using human language to describe something that "is not" - that we are running a kind of transparent curtain or gauze and thanks to that, that We are creating an opening that allows you to travel interchangeably between one side or the other. But ... are there "sides" in the interdimensional "? Is it plausible that there are "gauze and ethereal curtains" that separate the dimensions as if they were physical gates? Do not you think that the word "veil" is just a human word that seems to placate our mania of explaining and rationally defining everything we do not understand?

That is why the Kryon that manifests through my being has said that "the veil" is a human metaphor ...

Actually, being "on one side or the other of the veil" - for a human being - is just a process of change of perception or if you prefer, a change of magnetic alignment. When a human comes to the encounter with the spiritual - which is nothing more than an encounter with the part of himself that is not within the reach of his own human perception - he can choose the voluntary option to align with another frequency or to accept being induced to This is done through an appropriate meditative process ... to perceive that other side without physically leaving your plane of earthly connection.

To perceive that side is nothing more than to change all the perceptual sense, so that human vision perceives frequencies that it could not otherwise feel or that its ears no longer hear mere words vocalized through the human that channels them ... but those words he will perceive as mere energy impacts that will penetrate his new perceptual state as information packages. Such packages will be housed in strategic places of his being and will be opened to the extent that he summons or requires them. It could be said that the channeler functions as a kind of "special emergency wiring" that is laid between the individual computer of each human attending the event and the central computer ... of each of the attendees!

Do you want to connect with that other side? Try means and techniques - which in the end will be individual and very personal - to change your perceptual level so that you can listen to that inner voice - your own inner voice - which is nothing more than the pulse or beat of the frequency that comes emanating from your central computer.

One of the means to achieve that connection is to try to silence the internal dialogue ... But I insist: each of us has the innate knowledge of how to turn off that switch. We just have to remember and practice it.


One of Kryon's strongest messages is that each of us must attain the Mastery of Being. We would like you to delve into that subject. Has living with Kryon allowed you to reach that desired level of expertise? Gurus of various creeds do not feel blush when proclaiming themselves "masters" or "enlightened ones." In your case, do you feel an enlightened spokesperson or do you still walk the path of the pilgrim who knows that he lacks spiritual work to do?


The Mastery of Being is nothing more than the recognition of our infinite and imperishable spiritual nature, which is hidden within a limited human body.

When you recognize that within you there is the potential of the infinite and that you bring this potential inextricably linked to your human abilities - because in fact you bring it "embedded" in your DNA - all your human experience changes ... then you begin to perceive that each one of your actions has a powerful evolutionary sense that links you intimately with all the humanity that surrounds you.

In that instant, you feel that you have the potential to perform human acts charged with a powerful transmuting intention, executed through the main skill of which you feel expert.

It doesn't matter what she is! No matter how human or earthly she can be! The only thing that matters is that you become aware that you have the ability to transmute any earthly action into an act that leaves spiritual traces. Who could care about the fact that someone like you carries their actions with spiritual understanding and intention? No one but you ... because you would do it only with the full conviction of being acting under the most impeccable of intentions.

The Mastery of Being is that your actions - even if they are directed at only one person - are covered with a transmutational intention that could generate an unsuspected exponential effect towards many more people.

On the other hand, you ask me if “living with Kryon has allowed me to reach that desired level of mastery”… I would answer that having been able to see in my physical being the potential of mastery that every human being carries with himself, has made it possible for I could connect more easily with my spiritual guides and with the part of the One or the Creator that resides in me, which we have called Kryon.

However, the fact of having become a spokesperson for such a particular expression of the One is not accidental, nor does one choose it from the ego or from the need to star in a role of enlightened master as you express when asking.

When you are aware of being at the service of a Cosmic Plan that transcends the individual as I consider to be my case any responsibility that the Plan designates is assumed with integrity.

Their designs are just invitations to assume a role. The timeless Being has the necessary free will to accept or reject it, but when it is accepted to fulfill that role which for some may seem protag nico must be done from the impeccability of the Master of Being, the one that tells you firmly that you chose a path where the path is made walking `` Clarified ''. On the contrary, everything is about to be discovered at every step, mainly everything that corresponds to our own journey, that of oneself.


Would you equate the action of channeling with that of praying or meditating, in the sense that it allows you to access higher spheres of consciousness? According to your opinion, can anyone channel or need special powers to do so?


I confess that it has always cost me a lot to meditate, in the understanding that it has been difficult for me to silence my thoughts and achieve the inner silence necessary to achieve the void that allows me to connect with the intangible that dwells within me . What I am telling you, I am sure that it is almost a common place for most people.

That is why the recipes that come in vacuum packed cans with no expiration date and that you get on any shelf, are not necessarily applicable to all personal cases.

I am convinced that everyone - with a good frame of reference and after having read about many recipes - tries to create their own procedures, those that can be verified day by day in their operation.

The procedure that has worked for me is simply to maintain an invisible dialogue with the spiritual counterpart that I perceive may be listening to me.

At first, this is a true act of faith, as some might think that it is about "speaking to him in a vacuum" ... and in a vacuum there may be no one who can answer you. But it happens that the "emptiness of the timeless" is full of ears ...

From talking so much with that intangible counterpart and having done it with as much faith as possible ... one day I began to "feel" the answers in my mind ... until today I can achieve a two-way dialogue, during which "I hear and see" the individual energies of the beings that make up my multidimensionality.

Responding more specifically to your question, I connected with the intangible through the mechanism of dialogue, which some might qualify as prayer, because in fact ... prayer is a dialogue!

Like everything that is exercised, what you do not know how to do can become a true skill and thus any person can manage to channel one of the infinite versions of the ONE ... because all of them are nothing more than the multiple facets of Creation.


Currently, can you access Kryon's energy and message at any time of the day or do you need to set a specific date and time? In your mind, do you hear Kryon's voice with a different sound from that of the inner monologue that usually occurs in your psyche? When channeling, how do you discern if a thought is yours or Kryon's?


Giving continuity to what was previously explained, when you manage to turn the inexplicable as something “of daily use”, there are no ceremonies or rituals to repeat it at will.

It is what Kryon has called "The Third Language": one who does not originate through rational thoughts or vocalized words, but through feeling in your heart.

As Kryon said on several occasions, the Third Language represents the constant connection of the human with his spiritual counterpart. This is one of the important energy changes that the New Era brings us: humans in contact with each other and with the intangible, just through the feeling of their hearts.

If it is important and necessary to achieve a connection beyond the routine, I try to stop and use a more detailed communication protocol. Let's say I proceed to honor the importance of what needs to be elucidated and invoke the greatest possible clarity to achieve it. On the other hand, the moments of public channeling are different.

You must understand that this moment will have been scheduled much earlier, because it could have made "an appointment" with the One and with all the participants ... in order to honor that day as a very important moment of reunion. In fact, we call those moments "Encounter with Kryon and the Spiritual Family." These are moments that we consider very special, since we understand that the connection purposes transcend the mere individual purpose that the channeler could have wished to express, since the responsibility for what he could propitiate is very high.

That is why in particular, I take this mission very seriously ... to the point that I am not in favor of gathering groups of people very frequently to channel the energy of Kryon, because I feel that the repetition followed would make the intangible somewhat monotonous and routine . In fact, this year 2009 (August 15) we decided to hold a single public channeling event in Caracas (this will be the fourth event in two consecutive years).

The time to channel Kryon to a large audience is very special, since the One uses the massive energy of the audience to give a message that is public and at the same time, that is individual. It seems contradictory, but that's how it usually happens.

During that moment, everything is silenced in my being and with a blank mind, I barely allow the vocal organ to manifest itself automatically without my mind intervening ordering the concepts that my mouth emanates fluidly.

In this way, there is no possibility of doubting who produces the dialogue: my human mind or the Higher Intelligence that was connected through me.


As you said before, Kryon usually talks about the "spiritual family." What is this brotherhood? Is it limited only to angels and human beings? And ultimately, could the vast set of the spiritual family be equated with God?


The Spiritual Family is simply the set of beings - animated or not - that make up the ONE ... or what we call "God." By being part of the All and being ONE with the All - beyond the concepts and labels that humans have invented to explain and catalog the inexplicable - we are a great Family.

It is here, in the full exercise of human duality - that which clouds our original understanding of Everything - that it is difficult for us to perceive that great truth ...

It is as if we were participating in a "Masquerade Ball", mixed with a large number of people who have masked their identities on purpose so as not to be recognized and not to recognize each other ...

A part of this great game we live in is to challenge ourselves to force ourselves to see beyond the individual mask in front of us ...


Are we human eternal souls that we reincarnate until necessary? Does Kryon's famous phrase "return home" equate to the reincarnation cycle stop?


Have you ever seen that life has taken vacations and has suspended the eternal succession of cycles to enter a state of inanimate suspension? Has the Earth ever stopped and entered into full recess? Have any fruit species decided to stop producing its fruits because they considered it to have done enough?

As it is below, it is above ...

That is: the energy that we are, is always in constant movement and expansion. The arrest of the evolutionary cycle is a mere human illusion, one that originates from the idea that at some point there will be nothing more to learn. This is just a concept of limited human vision, one that is based on a vision of extremes, where there is a beginning, therefore there must also be an end ...

But in the Eternity of that which never perishes ... everything remains in a constant state of transformation.

The "Return to the Home" represents a moment of change and transformation where the Being reconnects with its true Timeless Essence ... to then follow the "Game of Transformation", during which it goes through all the experiential facets that the ONE implies, integrating each of them himself and learning to love them as if they were "himself" ...

If you came to experience - and therefore, BE - that which was previously on your external ... do not you think you will end up loving it by the fact of having integrated it indissolubly into you?

And so it is ...

Mario Liani and the energy of Kryon

UPCOMING MARIO LIANI EVENTS KRYON CHANNELS LIVE Meeting with Kryon ... and the Spiritual Family Caracas - Venezuela August 15, 2009 (only event this year in Caracas) Music by Víctor Castillo Participation of Abjini Arráiz (channeling of Gaia) Flyer: Meeting with Kryon ... and the Spiritual Family Mexico City - Mexico November 7, 2009 Music by Carlos Dávila - http://www.38uh.com/html/cdavila.html Pre-production event INTENSIVE SEMINARS OF TRANSPERSONAL NUMEROLOGY Vocational Training Seminar in Transpersonal Numerology Veracruz - Mexico August 28-30, 2009 Flyer : Professional Training Seminar on Transpersonal Numerology San Cristobal - Venezuela 11 to 13 September 2009 Flyer: Audio interview on radio station in San Cristobal (December 2008): http://www.38uh.com/Num_MP3/Mario_Liani_-_Entrevista_San_Cristobal_2- 12-2008.mp3 WEEKLY COURSES OF TRANSPERSONAL NUMEROLOGY Professional Training Course in Transpersonal Numerology Start: Saturday November 21, 2009 F Recount: weekly, every SATURDAY between 9:30 am to 12:00 noon, for 22 consecutive Saturdays Information: Flyer: CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES (COURSES AND SEMINARS OF TRANSPERSONAL NUMEROLOGY) Interview with Mario Liani

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