Book Summary Trojan Horse

  • 2018

The book Trojan Horse, written by the Spanish JJ Bendezz, is made up of a series of science fiction novels and consists of 10 volumes. Volume 1, the most sold in the series, begins by telling the story of Ben tez's encounter with a major retired from the US Air Force . The elder, who does not reveal his name, sick and short of life, gives the writer a manuscript. This turns out to be a newspaper in which the major recounts a secret operation carried out by the US government.

The secret operation was called the `` Trojan Horse '' and consisted of a trip to the past, the last 11 days of Jesus' life. from Nazareth, until its crucifixion, in the year 30 of our era.

"The rising sun had extinguished the torches of Jerusalem, offering our astonished eyes an immense cluster of white and ocher houses, pressed against each other and broken in a thousand directions by broken alleys." The elder and his companion, watching the dawn from March 30 of the year 30 in Jerusalem- Trojan Horse, JJ Benítez

Operation Preparation Trojan Horse

In a very detailed way, with numerous footnotes, the exhaustive preparation that the elder made to impersonate a contemporary of Jesus is recounted. He learned the Galician Aramaic language of that specific time and place, as well as ancient Greek, since the character he played was Jason, a supposed Greek merchant of wines and wood. The tunic he wore was made by hand with wool from the mountains of Judea, and due to the difficulty of obtaining coins of the time, he wore a Roman pound in gold nuggets to survive.

The major made the trip accompanied by another officer who remained in the module or ship, monitoring his physical condition and sending and receiving the information obtained, the images and other tests. Communication with the module was done through very small hearing devices.

The operation "Trojan Horse" begins with the landing of the module on the Mount of Olives in Gethsemane, Jerusalem. The module is not visible to any inhabitant of the place due to a technology that makes it invisible to the eye.

After the landing Jason goes outside and begins the difficult mission of contacting the locals, and knowing Jesus, following him and observing him as long as possible, during the eleven days prior to his crucifixion . All this should occur without altering, changing or influencing men or social groups or circumstances, even in danger of death.

The characters he finds

During his adventure, the elder has meetings with Lázaro and his family, María de Betania, Simón Pedro, José de Arimatea, María Magdalena, Caifás, Anás and Pilatos, among others. The objective of the mission is also realized, the encounter with Jesus of Nazareth .

The secret to knowing the Truth is only in my Father. And truly I tell you that my Father has always been in your heart. You just have to look "inward" ... Jesus in dialogue with Jason - Trojan Horse

Jesus of Nazareth

The image of Jesus that describes the book is that of a jovial, strong, lively, cheerful and cordial man. He calls him "the giant" because of his great height compared to those around him. It is described majestically, imposingly, by the master, maker of wonders and miracles, loved, feared and also hated.

The novel surprises with the quantity and quality of its meticulous data. It has aroused great controversy since JJ Benítez affirms that it is not a novel but that he is really transcribing the diary of an old US Air Force military.

DRAFTING: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

REFERENCES: Trojan Horse, JJ Benítez (1984) Editorial Planeta SA. Barcelona, ​​Spain.

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