The Work of the Workers in the Arts. Channeling of 06/11/1987.

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 The arts have evolved a lot in the last hundred years, although some branches are still influenced by crystallization forces, that is, those that oppose the evolutionary forces. 2 In music, the etheric sounds of the universe have not yet been captured, but when this happens, the harmony will penetrate the matter in a revolutionary way, helping every individual to tune into his Divine Cell. 3 In painting, sculpture and dance there are also huge fields to be developed and created. 4 Let us analyze the senses of the human being a little so that our exposition becomes clearer. 5 The fact that a human being has, for example, mental clairvoyance, does not imply that he comes to have it at the etheric and astral level as well. 6 After this exhibition it is easy to visualize the future, when the etheric and astral stages develop in humanity. 7 They are one of the vehicles of expression of the Superior Forces to bring true harmony to the planet and to physical humanity, a fundamental principle in the future of the evolution of this planet.

Channeled Message from the Masters of Light.

In Portuguese the Original.

The arts have evolved a lot in the last hundred years, although some branches are still influenced by crystallization forces, that is, those that oppose the evolutionary forces.

The arts reached a high level of democratization - they do not exist only for the personal satisfaction of small elites, as in the past.

Today, any human being can follow, develop their skills in any of the branches of the arts.

They have been an important instrument in the evolution of the sensitivity and conscience of humanity and, incredible as it may seem, they contribute to the fixation of the Principle of Freedom, in addition to helping and developing the Principle of Balance in humanity .

The arts are also influenced by economic, political and religious powers and are still far from reaching their ideal point, that is, being free from influence games, being no more monopolies of any group, nor having dogmatic and orthodox rules.

In music, the etheric sounds of the universe have not yet been captured, but when this happens, harmony will penetrate the matter in a revolutionary way, helping every individual to tune into his Divine Cell.

Noisy sounds, which today some call rock, are not harmonic sounds because they lead to the limitation of the auditory sense, leading to the general human deafness, and everything that limits a sense or destroys it does not resemble any kind of harmony .

Here the influence of the crystallizing forces that try to limit and diminish the development of sensibility and consciousness in humanity is noted .

The universe is made of silent and harmonic sounds, which may seem like a paradox, but in the future it will be verified that there are musical sounds in the universe that are not played by instruments. ¹

The sound is also vibration and everything that vibrates, from the stones, the flowers, the waters, the animals, the human beings, the planets, the stars, the galaxies and the supergaláxias, etc., everything emits a vibrating sound, or several musical notes, which the human sense of hearing still fails to capture because it is not properly developed; So it is not open to etheric, astral and mental sounds.

In painting, sculpture and dance there are also huge fields to be developed and created.

The extraphonic senses in artists are generally more developed than in a common human being, but in relation to what they will achieve in the future, they are still pr In the first steps of this long evolutionary escalation.

Extra-sensory powers - spiritual faculties - are not the privilege of a few. The people who have them are no more than creatures with a natural predisposition to put other stages of the senses into operation and probably already developed them in other past existences.

Let us analyze a bit the senses of the human being so that our exposure becomes clearer.

The human being has seven senses and each sense has seven stages; until the third stage the physical world is captured ² the fourth captures the etheric, the fifth captures the astral, the sixth captures the mental and the seventh, which captures the sense of the soul, we can call it Divine.

But it does not mean having extraordinary powers the fact that the human being develops major stages of one of the senses and becomes, for example, a clairaudient or a clairvoyant.

All, one day, will develop all the stages of the seven senses with which they were gifted ; It is a matter of development, time and evolution.

In general terms, it is only in the last hundred years that the sixth sense ³ is developing in humanity.

The fact that a human being has, for example, mental clairvoyance, does not imply that he comes to have it at the etheric and astral level as well.

The development of the senses does not follow a chronological order and many times one sense may be more developed in one life and not in another, because they are governed by the law of cause and effect, karma and are due to the experience acquired in each life and to the characteristics of the work that needs to be executed in the physical and spiritual worlds .

Developing other stages of the senses does not imply complicated processes - everything is very simple.

What is needed is to know what the meaning is and what is the stage that is advisable to be stimulated in the present life and if karmatically that is possible.

In addition, everything is a matter of order and discipline, appropriate method, faith, will, discernment, determination and practical and logical objectives.

Developing the extra-sensory senses for personal satisfaction, for one's own benefit or out of curiosity, never leads to positive results since, in the case of etheric, subtle energies, sensitive to the mental waves produced by thinking minds, they are blocked by the eyes., desires and thoughts contrary to the subtle, vibratory qualities of the mystical senses.

After this exhibition it is easy to visualize the future, when the etheric and astral stages develop in humanity.

Death will cease to be seen as the end once it never was, and will become a transformation, the abandonment of a body of heavy matter for the continuation of the cycle of life in a higher sphere, in a body of subtle matter, the molecular structure is slightly different, where the energies of cell atoms are more etheric, higher and faster.

Thus, the senses will open towards a new structure of life and the universe.

Life and the arts will undergo a great transformation and the influence of a new vision and hearing of the universe will drive all the arts and life itself towards a path of light, peace, love and harmony.

The arts are one of the main elements that the Principle of Harmony will bring to humanity ; hence the importance they have in the evolution of this planet and the influence they exert on each human being.

They are one of the vehicles of expression of the Superior Forces to bring true harmony to the planet and to physical humanity, a fundamental principle in the future of the evolution of this planet.

The Workers have also acted through the arts, taking them to higher levels and, through them, they open paths for all the souls that follow these tonic evolution .

The arts, in a general way, have been one of the vehicles that the Workers use to bring new principles and objectives to humanity, driving to higher levels, bringing a new vision of their own life and evolution and, at the same time, opening the channels that connect the soul to the personality, so that everyone can hear within themselves the inner voice, the voice of the soul or, as in esotericism it is also said, the voice of silence, so that it directs more directly and consciously life .

In the next message we will talk about the mind.

Master Zanon (also known as Master Jupiter). 11/06/1987.

Spiritual Channel: Henrique Rosa

¹ It is known in esotericism as "the music of the spheres".

² The five physical senses of man are no more than a seven-stage stage that the human being possesses to direct his life in the physical world. The omnostic spiritual senses are those that, when developed, can be used to direct life on other planes, worlds and dimensions.

More known by intuition, although in Eastern esotericism, the sixth sense is the mind. Intuition is native to the soul and reaches the personality, via cardiac and coronary chakra, when these two centers of force are developed.

PORTUGU S-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the big family of

SOURCE: Book O Governo Oculto do Mundo. Or Trabalho da Hierarquia Oculta, Editorial Portal. Second Edition Author Henrique Rosa.

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