Rune Gebo: Mythological legend and meaning of the ancient Viking runes

  • 2019

S a true friend of your friend, offer gift for gift, pay a laugh with laughter again.

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The Gebo Rune

The use of the Viking runes (coming from the root run- of the ancient Gothic, translated as secret or whisper ) understood mainly writing in the old Germanic languages, especially in the islands of Great Britain and the region of Scandinavia, although it eventually expanded to the regions of Eastern and Central Europe during the Middle Ages . According to ancient Scandinavian beliefs, the origin of these runes comes from the gods. It is a gift that Odin gives to men.

These runes were also used for magical purposes . According to beliefs, they have the ability to materialize invocations and spells written on objects. And thanks to the German-Austrian writer Guido von List, and his system of modern divination of armanen runes, the power of the Viking runes has come to us today.

This time, we will talk about the Gebo rune .

Mythology of the Rune Gebo

In this culture, the Gebo rune symbolizes surrender, harmony, generosity and union. In Anglo-Saxon it is also known as Gyfu, and in the Gothic alphabet as Giba . Its most correct translation has to do with the concept ' gift' .

In this case, the Gebo rune is not identified with any particular image or deity, but rather with the importance of the alliance, relationships and the act of union that occurs between a person who gives and one who receives. In fact, it is known about the importance of gifts in Viking culture to maintain and strengthen ties. Gebo represents both the gift of the gods, society and encounter.

It is also a symbol of balance, freedom and love.

Meaning of the Rune Gebo

Usually, the Gebo rune is related to good times . Reaching the proposed goals, the resolved issues and the success. Achieving the objectives can also be given thanks to the participation of other people, as a gift and sample of the abundance that exists in the universe.

At times it is good to let things flow naturally and learn to enjoy the course of events. Generosity is a primary factor and the energy you generate through your actions also makes the world around you.

The Gebo rune also reminds us that the conditions that your projects require to move forward will occur, that the wait comes to an end and that patience will be rewarded.

It also tells us about the importance of reaching agreements with people, of learning to relate, and of our dedication in the different areas of life.

It is also a call to get more in touch with the Higher Self, and the connection with the divine.

This rune is symmetrical, that is, it does not include an inverted position. That is why it is related to optimism and good fortune . However, its correct interpretation will depend on the other two runes.

Thus, the Gebo rune has the capacity to open, which can help you establish better emotional bonds and harmonize different facets of your life. You must open to see in your person the influence of this significant symbol.

Let the events of life transform you. Become a witness to the great action of giving yourself completely.

Love, and expect great things.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor and translator of the great family of



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