The rose is the essence of the Cross

  • 2019


There are many symbols of the cross. It can be a single cross or a cross with the figure of the crucified Christ. In this article we are going to refer to the cross with the rose symbol . The idea is to understand how the rose redefines the sign of the cross.


In the poetry "Sacred Emily", Gertude Stein tells us that: "A rose is a rose, it is a rose, it is a rose." In a sense it is a repetition. It is evident that one thing is equal to itself. However, another interpretation is that things are what they are and that you have to accept the truth, without wanting to ignore it and without sticking to interpretation errors.

It is different to say that "one thing is equal to itself" to say that "things are what they are." The first statement refers to the logical-mathematical expression of "A is equal to A". The second refers to the fact that we must know what the object we want to know is .

To the extent that we know something, we are changing our concept and in this sense, the first rose will be different from the second and the second will be different from the third and so on.

In this sense, every time the word Rosa is repeated in the poem, we are referring to another Rose. To a different concept than we had before. This without forgetting that to the same extent that we change our concepts, we also change.

Ideal love is not a mistake. It is a future vision of what being loved will be when he attains a higher level of development. That woman whom the poet worships is the woman of the future who is already present as an archetype.

When another person is loved, there is not only a sense of possession, of seeking the fruit. There is also the ideal of recognizing and supporting the development that one day the beloved person will have.

In summary: when we dare to know something, we are surprised to see that it has characteristics that we did not know. This crossing causes us pain and forces us to modify our initial idea or to deny that it is different from what we want to believe and, therefore, to refuse to learn.


Ideal love is not a mistake. It is a future vision of what being loved will be when he attains a higher level of development.


The flower symbol can be applied to a woman . When a man falls in love, he sees in the young woman the ideal of all perfection. To the extent that he knows her, he discovers his strengths and weaknesses.

He is changing his concepts about her and will have to decide if the relationship continues or not. Similarly, in the case of women, she reveals his personality and reconstructs her impression of him.

In many poems, this idea is expressed in the image of the man who is going to take the most beautiful rose from the garden and when he goes to take it, he hurts himself with the thorns. In his initial passion, he only saw the beauty of the flower, but the roses have thorns, which hurt and this pain forces the poet in love to pay more attention and be more careful when going to cut the roses.


The rose is not only a symbol of beauty, it is also a symbol of someone who knows how to protect. It is a way of telling us to be careful with our desires because when we are fulfilled, if we are careless, we can get pain.

The rose is also a symbol of truth and with this we return to the previous idea. If we do not want to recognize the truth, we will suffer the consequences. Even when we want to learn, we feel resistance, we wish it weren't so complicated and we would prefer to leave it for later. We have to make an effort to continue studying. The reason is that learning implies changing and taking responsibility.

The search for truth requires knowing all the faces of what we study. It is to accept that there are opposites, when we only want to accept the part that suits us.

It's like in the cube that has six faces, but we are used to seeing the three that we have in front and we don't want to move to observe the other three . We affirm that if we see the three sides of the cube we already know the other three faces. However, the other three can be very different and we have to see them to have the full picture.

The rose has thorns, but we want to touch only the soft part of the petals.


The Rose refers to the purification of our desires. This is why three roses are referred to:

The Erotic Rose It relates to the future. Its color is red . It refers to the love that the species wants to keep. According to Valle-Incl n (in his work: The Wonderful Lamp) is the Greek concept of love .

The Static Rose or Mystic Rose, also called the classic rose. It is what establishes the harmony of opposites. Its color is yellow It is the artistic Rose, it is the one that unites things as they are, as they were and as they will be, but it does not freeze in the past, nor is it lost in the emptiness of the future.

Remember that the past is here and that there is nothing to improve. We are also doing the future now and we have to live it now . It is the romantic love of the knights of the Middle Ages.

According to Valle-Incl n, the mystic rose is the concept of the Greek revival in Christian times. This rose links the erotic rose with the rose of conscience.

The Divine Rose of Consciousness . Related to the Holy Spirit allows us to understand the past. Her color is blue. Valle-Inclán calls it Rosa del Matiz and refers to the responsibility of man before God, which is nothing other than the conscious creation of his karma . Favre d'Olivet puts it this way: All men travel in a ship led by God, but each passenger is free to organize their cabin as they wish and freely move around the ship, although this free will develops in the circle of doom that every human being has developed with his actions.


Our evolution has a past, a present and a future. The past and the future are here and there is nothing to miss. We are also doing the future now and we have to live it now.

Our evolution has a past, a present and a future. The past is here and there is nothing to miss. We are also doing the future now and we have to live it now.

To reach this Divine Rose of consciousness is to be responsible for destiny, without blaming anyone. The lyrics of the song "in my own way" reflect something of this idea. In reality, everyone lives "in their own way." Whether he is responsible or not is a decision of his own.


Another aspect is that the flower is the moment of greatest development of the plant. The fruit would be the beginning of the decline. The fruit reminds us that beings reproduce, but that this new step is a downward step.

Descending does not mean that it is negative, but that it is not the maximum purpose of the plant. The plant needs to reproduce, continue existing as a species.

That continuing to exist has an essential function: to produce more beautiful flowers . Regardless of whether we take this interpretation as textual or poetic, the idea is that in life we ​​must ensure our support and that of our family, but we also have the responsibility to grow morally: to develop our character.


In our effort to achieve fruit, we develop our soul (the rose).

So what we should look for IS NOT THE FRUIT, BUT THE FLOWER . Continuing with these meanings we can add that the fruit feeds us and helps us stay, but the flower lifts us spiritually.

The fruit is a physical food and the flower a spiritual food. The whole struggle of the plant is to produce flowers, once this step is achieved, what follows is the consequence, the effect. The fruit is what ensures the permanence of the plant, but the plant remains to reach the top, which is to produce more elaborate flowers.

It is important to note that roses, without the help of the gardener (the human mind) become wild. Wild roses have been embellished by the work of gardeners. We in our daily life have goals, we want to produce fruits, and we do it through a process that is action.

In this process we develop our soul and our spirit with the help of angelic beings who are our gardeners . Just as the gardener brings his mind to the plant, the angels also give us their spirits for the development of our souls. In our effort to achieve fruit, we develop our soul (the rose). remember that the rose is the essence of the cross.


Our function in life is to make the rose bloom on the cross, because the rose is the essence of the cross, The Spirit has been integrated into its physical, vital, desires and mind elements and, therefore, the human being It is represented with the four-armed cross with the rose in the center.

The rose represents the human spirit. Human beings in our evolution have developed everything that allows material advancement, with our mind it would seem that we are complete and this is what materialism manifests.

However, there is a step that is up to us to decide, the development of spirituality. It is to make the rose bloom in our material tree.

The phrase "I think, then I exist " has, among other senses, the idea that humanity has already reached its climax. The only thing to do now is to make all human beings develop logical thinking.

This idea is related to the consumer society and social welfare, where the only important thing is to be in a world with greater comfort.

This thesis, taken to its extreme, implies that we do not develop morally, that we do not develop our character. That we do not know that the spiritual world is real and that we do not know that the mission of Christ is to link ourselves to the spirit world.

The idea is not to deny the importance of scientific and technological development. It is to recognize its importance and go one step further. It is to understand that evolution is not over and that the next step is the development of being, of our essence .

It is to recognize that we are more than our physical body, more than our perceptions, more than our emotions and more than our thoughts.

In fact, all of them (our physical body, our emotions and our thinking) are only the servants of who we really are. If we represent the body / mind / brain with the symbol of the cross, we can complement it with the love / heart in the symbol of the rose. The mind needs the heart.

The problem is that we are unaware of our essence and cannot become conscious without effort. We have already made an immense advance in becoming what we are. However, if we consider that we have reached the end, we will no longer have the strength to move forward.

The rose on the cross tells us that beyond the material world is the spirit. That beyond slavery, there is freedom.

If we go to the philosophical expression of thesis, antithesis and synthesis, we can say that the cross, with its two crossings, is the thesis and the antithesis and that the Pink is the synthesis.

The cross represents the body and the soul and the rose the spirit . The cross alone without the rose would be suffering and slavery, that is, science without consciousness and without love.

Israel Rojas expresses it this way:

To the human being who is unable to live and feel the essential aspect of the spirit of love, nature provides him with the violent force of pain, so that he rises and rises majestically over his nature and leaning on in it reach the sense of the eternal, of infinity, of the immortal that is LIFE, the BEING, the REALITY, the DIVINE I, of transcendent events.

The rose is not adorning the cross, as if it were a supplement that can be separated. The rose is part of the tree of the cross, in the same way that the rose is part of the rose bush. The entire evolution of humanity is aimed at spirituality .

The development of the spirit is not a supplement. Morality is not something that is to beautify the intellectual. The character is not an ornament . All our struggle in life has had a purpose, which for a long time was unconscious. That purpose is to ennoble ourselves and discover that we are destined to be as gods.


In the pink-cross symbol, instead of the image of Christ there is a rose. The rose does not mean the death of Christ but its resurrection. It is the life that never ceases. That rose refers to ourselves when we identify with the spirit. All beings who have developed their spirituality to the point of being spiritual guides of humanity have developed the rose at their crosses.

THE ROSE IS THE ESSENCE OF THE CROSS : The rose is part of the tree of the cross, in the same way that the rose is part of the rose bush


Inclan Valley. The Wonderful Lamp.

Israel Rojas Romero. The symbolism of the Rose-cross.

Gertude Stein poetry: Sacred Emily

Author: José Contreras. Studied the themes of reincarnation and karma.

Editor in the Great Family of

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