2010, A Time to Give, by Master Kuthumi

  • 2010

My friends are asked to show you an overview of what lies before you in the next year 2010. You, all of you, are on the portal - the portal of Light -, of knowledge of the Soul, and the portal of complexion.

They are aware that many cycles of their planet are ending. Everything is a cycle. Isn't every life a learning cycle? Sometimes these cycles are passed, or must be repeated. No matter. No disaster will happen to any Soul that requires repeating a life cycle. It means that the Soul will experience more knowledge, more understanding which has not been previously obtained. Everything is experience, everything is learning through experience.

In 2010 your financial markets and weather patterns will figure greatly. The magnetic field of the planet is also changing now. See how bright the moon appears in the night sky. The changes and the awakening of the magnetic field allow other planetary particles to enter its atmosphere.

The higher vibrational particles are sent with each significant Portal Opening. This affects your conscious mind through higher consciousness. We are able to send higher frequencies of Light energies to the planet. This is very necessary to help in your transformational process.

The more of you wake up to the energies of the Higher Heart, the more love and compassion for all fill the atmosphere. The universal network of Light, the Matrix, becomes more busy. This also flows in its atmosphere. Then it grows and flows. You become part of the flow of Light, as it is above, it is below, you are all connected through this.

Global financial currencies will experience more turmoil in 2010. New currencies will emerge. Some will lose financially speaking during this process. So it would be wise to own any other assets they choose. While this financial change will cause loss to those who are not prepared, many will be guided to simplify their lifestyle, which will bring them peace in the time of confusion and stress created. I have talked a lot about this before, to prepare them.

Do not be afraid of any of your energy. For your ego will anxiously absorb that fear and ask for more. Instead, understand that they are in times of transition. Adjust your lifestyle through your choices. Some may think of this as difficult. But I tell you, you choose what you want, instead of someone else doing it for you by forcing you to choose, perhaps when you are not ready. Simplify your life yourself. Choose Decide that what you no longer use, or need, go away. Judge your happiness in your accomplishments instead of your material possessions. Also, don't face your brothers. Well, how do you know that you are not a member of your Soul family? Therefore, isn't he a brother?

The extension and growth of the soul are everywhere in the planet.

There will still be those who try to keep them in the old forms of dominance, control and fear. I ask you to write down these two words: old ways. Choose to move forward in peace.

One of the wise men of his planet, Gandhi, said: "Be the change you wish to see in your world."

This is before you in the new year on a personal level. Focus on this, not in your external world. Do not doubt that if many more of you focus on your inner world, then the external turmoil created by those who try to cling to power through greed would run out of power. There is great power in your inner world, through your inner voice and feelings.

Then I am asked about the changes before you in 2010. I have told you. The tensions of financial markets will flow to many countries on the planet. I've talked about this before this year in January. This cycle of change is still on the planet. They can still prepare. They can adjust their lifestyle and lessen the effect of these changes. Connect with the inside. Be calm, listen. Return to nature, to your great healing energy. Isn't it simple? It is not difficult, however it is you who must choose now, who must prepare.

Humanity needs to nurture the Earth. Have an estimate of the Earth. Protect it, start feeding it once more. If man does not do this, much will be destroyed, and the future of the Earth will change for hundreds of his years. It will make your life much harder than it needs to be.

Instead of taking continuously, it is time to give each other - and the Earth itself. Feed the Earth, and she will feed them. It is time to turn around the cycle of destruction.

The Earth is supposed to keep you all. It's not too late. 2010 can be a year for each of you - it's your choice. I have shown them. It is time to give - to yourself, to others, to Earth. I ask you to think about this, in my words. Be calm, think. What do you want to change in your life to make it better for you, for Earth? You can prepare, you can help yourself through this year of financial change. Is not difficult.

Open your heart Open your heart to give, to take care of each other and your planet. Be the change, no matter how subtle the change can be - start now.

Master Kuthumi

(December 23, 2009, ** Copyright © 2003-9 Rev Lynette Leckie-Clark- All rights reserved. You can share with your friends, but you cannot sell this material in any way. Translation: Xitlalli Contreras. To read the previous teachings, visit: www.kuthumi-edu.org

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