Mental silence and the inner Voice - by Fran Soto

  • 2019

When we hear the phrase, it leaves the mind blank referring to a preparatory state for meditation, we often find it difficult to define exactly what that expression refers to.

In meditation, mental silence is achieved through contemplation, that is, without the need to make a conscious effort not to think, but to admit any kind of thought and contemplate it without judging it or processing it rationally., as a mere spectator.

However, this article is focused on the mental silence necessary to be aligned with our Master Consciousness in a waking state, that is, when we are awake, working, eating or performing any daily task.

We often look for formulas or mechanisms to concentrate better, or to calm down, or to put our thoughts in order. But above all, we care a lot about knowing how to make appropriate decisions for each situation that we face in our day to day.

People who have begun their path of spiritual life yearn to live according to their highest ideal of Faith and Service. They want all their acts to conform to the greatest divine perfection according to the Will of the Creator.

In many moments one goes to meditation or prayer to gather from heaven, that is, from our interior, that which we cannot adequately elucidate at first glance. However, more advanced students will learn a series of behaviors or life techniques that will allow them to act in a more perfect way while solving their problems and making their decisions on the spot, in a really instantaneous way.

In the first place, every student must know how to constantly keep his mental silence.

This involves not analyzing things internally by speaking to oneself and establishing a dialogue with oneself, but simply by letting the mind perceive the circumstance on which one has to decide or give an opinion, receive the information, and wait for the Inner Voice to Give your answer.

This inner voice will be the first impulse that comes to us from the highest, it is the natural solution to elucidation and it is the criterion of your highest Truth. The first thing that comes to mind . But for the first thing that comes to mind to be the Voice of your Higher Self, and not a prejudice of your lower ego, you must first have that mental silence that allows you to contemplate, instead of having an inner dialogue of contrasts and prejudices.

The internal dialogue where one plays the two parts of the speaker can be useful in certain types of non-transcendent meditations, that is, in self-analysis reflections in which one acts as parties and judge. In that case, when we adopt the function of judge, we are carrying out the synthesis of our thoughts of self-observation and reflect our inner voice.

But in relation to issues of life decisions, opinions, or finding the answer that suits us best for a given vital situation, we must use the mechanism described previously to achieve our inner silence to heed the first impulse.

Especially important is the concentration in the visual plane that concerns us

We must have assimilated everything our visual field is processing. From there, to have proof that whatever our decision is will be divine Will, although, if we want it to be of a greater degree, we must use the conscious will to require our I Am that impulse that will give us the immediate response clearly.

In this way, with the confidence of always being vehicles of Perfection, we will get used to constantly receive the information necessary to resolve any doubt instantly. An example to start putting this notion into practice is as simple as, when faced with a disquisition, asking ourselves out loud: what is the best?, and then pick up our best momentum after the mental silence created after the question. A positive decree to consider is I Am the Truth and the Light in the resolution of this matter .

AUTHOR: Fran Soto, editor in the great family of

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