Quantum Double or Higher Self, are they not the same?

  • 2017

There is a term recently coined under the name of “ Quantum Double ” or “ Quantum Self ”, with great media coverage in recent times, which refers to a part of our being that would be sending us information from the future, so that the decisions that we take in the present be as successful as possible.

This concept is based on the theory of " time unfolding " formulated by the French physicist Jean-Pierre Garnier Malet . The theory of this doctor in physics, specialized in fluid mechanics, tells us that time has imperceptible moments that through what he calls "temporary openings", there is a continuous exchange of information between our I of the future and our I of the present This information would be what we usually know by intuitions or premonitions .

The explanation for this phenomenon lies in the duality of matter, a property well known and demonstrated at the scientific level, which tells us that an elementary particle is both corpuscular (body) and wave (energy). We are therefore able to look for information at undulating speeds because we are body and energy at the same time. It would be during our paradoxal dream, the phase in which we are most soundly asleep and in which our brain activity is highest, when what is known in physics is known as hyperincursion ; that is, this exchange of information between our physical body and our energy body or double quantum.

That is, according to theoretical physics we all have access to our future or, better said, to our numerous potential futures, only by receiving all this information subliminally while we sleep, for practical purposes we hardly become aware of it. However, all those people who are usually guided by intuition in their decision making will be in some way making use of this information, while those other more rational and analytical that do not grant any credibility to this type of perceptions, will live outside this reality.

Doesn't all this relate to the Higher Self?

This is, in my view, an example of the constant and progressive approach that is taking place between physical and metaphysical in the last decades or Science and spirituality It is at least paradoxical, that the same thing that we were told by the mystics, scholars and scholars of all time about our existential reality, let us listen now (although using another language) in the mouth of the more eminent physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists of today as a scoop. It is to rejoice in any case that it is, because it only demonstrates that these two paths of knowledge are each day close to each other and both point to a Know Supreme That will end up joining them definitively.

We are multidimensional beings, this was known by the Vedas thousands of years ago. That is, we inhabit different planes of existence simultaneously (the physical, the etheric, the emotional, the mental, etc.), but our consciousness always remains anchored to the denser body we occupy, which is the physical body in a waking state. . However, all the energies coming from these other spheres of reality in which we are also present, are channeled and transferred to our physical body so that we can express ourselves as we do in our daily lives. But it is not in any of these "lower" spheres that our Higher Self is found. Since its nature is fully spiritual, only by quieting the mind during a meditation, lucid dream, astral travel or in a state of hypnosis, we will be able to transcend our personality and connect with this part of our being that is free of egos and attachments .

The Higher Self is a deep Self that is beyond the body and personality . An I that is not identified with any facet or external expression that can differentiate us from others, but with the love and conscience that rests deep inside us. It is this primal essence that we also call soul and that resides in a timeless dimensional space (the causal plane), who elaborates the purpose of life for each incarnation.

So the information we receive on the physical plane as intuitions and hunches, is nothing other than the interaction that exists between our Higher Self and our conscious (and egoic) being, as a call destined to guide us through that tangle of crossroads and possible destinations to live, from which we will have to choose, with the sole objective of helping us fulfill our mission or personal life program (see explanatory video below).

The point is that whether we talk about the Quantum Self, the Higher Self, the Inner Master or the Voice of Consciousness, we will always be referring to the same thing: to our spiritual essence that comes again and again to this world in search of those experiences that allow it to grow, evolve and ascend, this being the only way to expand our consciousness until we embrace Unity . This integration of the Self into the Absolute is the ultimate end to which we are all called.

Author: Ricard Barrufet Santolària, editor of the Great White Brotherhood


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