What are the X-Men?

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 Brief introduction 2 So who are the X-Men or what is an X-Men? 3 How does the mind of the X-Men work? 4 How to help the X-Men? 5 How to get out of disability and limitation prejudice?

Have you heard of children diagnosed with autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder, among others? Or maybe you as an adult Have you felt that you don't fit in this world? What are you weird from the family, from your friends' group, from work?

If the answer is yes, this article will be of great interest to you.

brief introduction

Throughout history, the human being has tried to explain all those things that happen in his reality through metaphors, myths, legends, allegories, tragedies, among others. You know why? Because the mind of the human being is designed to understand everything that observes, perceives, thinks and feels. Or rather, our society since time immemorial, "adopted the habit" of naming it, and then categorizing everything that happens around it. That is, everything that exists must be named and classified in certain categories . In this way, everything that is not cataloged and explained is uncertain and causes some discomfort. With the passage of time, everything became more complex, as well as the millions and infinite categories and subcategories to name everything that was happening and existing. This was reinforced by the advancement of science, whose power was growing and, was and still is perhaps, who today determines the veracity of classifications and labels. That is, through methodical and extremely controlled procedures, science is one, or perhaps the only one, responsible for arguing and explaining all the events and events that happen around us. This is how, everything that science cannot explain generates discomfort and anxiety . It is so ingrained in our society that everything that science dictates as truthful, it is and, everything that cannot explain is the opposite, that is to say it ends up being considered as pejorative due to the lack of understanding.

In a way, that was the way society found, from that time, to order the external world and thus order its interior. Obviously, the different strategies that different institutions, social groups, etc. have been countless. they have used to dominate / manage / manipulate society in pursuit of certain interests. This is how since those times they have conditioned the way in which human beings have to think, feel, perceive and be .

Currently, from the prevailing scientific perspective, skills and abilities that can not be explained or explained but are not present in the majority of people in a population are considered as serious pathologies . This is how many people and children are classified as autistic, hyperactive, bipolar etc. From other perspectives, such as Access Consciousness, they consider that these people are not rare, limited or deficient. But they just possess highly developed skills and abilities. This is why they call it X-Men, like the characters in the Marvel X-Men movie. Those characters possess magnificent abilities and incredible powers that human beings do not enjoy, and it is for this reason that they cannot be accepted by the latter.

So who are the X-Men or what is an X-Men?

From the perspective of Access Consciousness and in the words of Diva Diaz, certified facilitator of Access Consciousness, the X-Men are people who do not have in their mind what we call separation, that is, it is not divided . Your mind is not divided into categories such as good or bad, cute or ugly, big or small, etc. They do not work by developing one hemisphere more than the other, as most people do today, where the left hemisphere is used to perform almost all tasks, so it is constantly and systematically stimulated. While the right hemisphere is not used or is hopefully relegated to secondary tasks. Because of this, our society has suffered great consequences, so books and courses began to be re-learned to use and stimulate the right hemisphere. The polarity in our civilization is such that little is the use we make of both hemispheres, always one dominates over the other. However, the X-Men have an awareness where both hemispheres function as a unit, as they are, an integrated system.

So from the perspective of Access Consciousness it is considered that the X-Men do not have to change anything or solve anything either, but that is the wonderful way of being of them and there is nothing wrong with it. But simply that they receive information from the environment very differently from people called socially as "normal."

How does the mind of the X-Men work?

Paraphrasing Diva Diaz, the X-Men do not have their minds divided or conditioned with basic and complex categories, that is why they are people who feel they do not fit into society, they feel they have no value for this world since they don't work like the majority of its inhabitants. Because of this quality of presenting an integral mind without divisions and without pre-established organizations, they are free from prejudices, labels, or classifications acquired socially. This is why they receive and process information differently.

The X-Men perceive, precisely, much more than the common denominator, that is, they can perceive the thoughts, feelings and emotions of all those who surround them within a large perimeter of distance. Such is the breadth of perception they present, and such is the lack of information about their environment, that such perception is often confused with different disorders, such as anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, etc. . So too, the X-Men themselves do not know, in fact, they have never taught (perhaps because their environment is not trained) how to handle everything they perceive and differentiate that which belongs to them of that which does not. As Diva D az replies, the X-Men function from perceiving, being, knowing and receiving, and not from conventional dichotomous thinking.

How to help the X-Men?

Helping them to expand their consciousness . Surely you will wonder how I achieve it? From Access Consciousness the question is considered as a great tool to expand the consciousness of any human being, regardless of the way your mind finds to process the information that enters your system. The global speaker and global confectionist of Access Consciousness, Diva Diaz proposes to ask them what are you perceiving? What information are you receiving that you are aware of? In this way, whoever asks the question is giving him the message that they know, somewhere in their infinite universe, they have all the answers and they know they know. This is how one can help them sort all the chaotic information that the world represents for them. Why is the world chaotic for an X-Men? because they perceive the infinite possibilities in front of each thing, situation and circumstance. For example, if we ask different people the same question, we may receive thousands of answers depending on the mode of information processing that your mind possesses. All these infinite possibilities, the X-Men perceive them .

How to get out of disability and limitation prejudice?

With the question, one possibility would be: if that were not a disability, what capacity would it be?

Everyone in some matter of our life probably presents a certain type of duality or obstacle and generally we believe, if it is not solved with the passage of time, that one has a limitation and even a disability because that situation is not solved. That is when you have to ask yourself, in the words of Diva Diaz, “If that were not a limitation, what would be the capacity and ability in this matter? What am I perceiving? ”

Another common question in Access Consciousness is who owns this? Question by which one begins to realize that most thoughts, emotions and feelings do not belong to us. In the mind of an X-Men nothing belongs to them, that is, they perceive everything, absolutely everything. In this way they also perceive the heaviest of people, thoughts, emotions and feelings of limitation, it is one of the great reasons why they feel limited and incapacitated and have the feeling of not being able to do anything, because that is what They perceive the world. This is why you have to help them feel capable and infinitely powerful and owners of their wonderful abilities.

EDITORIAL: Gisela, editor hermandadblanca.org

Listen to the full talk in the following video:

SOURCE: Zoom made by Diva Diaz on Luciana Olivera's YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0zhZ1B5WMA

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