Archangel Michael: What do you want to create with your power?

  • 2014

October 9, 2014

Dear friends:

I invite you today to light a bright new dawn inside . Let today be a beginning never before found. Let your lives show you this brilliant novelty and the infinite possibilities available at every moment. Allow the fullness that you are to present a harmonious sequence through the unfolding of the moments of your day, which overflows with an elevating beauty and love, and hopefully you will feel inside each one of these moments of an exquisite joy. This is his potential, his birthright, his capacity made manifest. This is the Love manifested through your focus and alignment facilitated by you, as you allow.

We realize that these moments lead them to imagine and aspire more and more expansively, and therefore, we share them. And yet, we also share them because they are intimately real, always available in this Now. Every moment is even more than the blur and new account that you are learning to allow yourself to capture. Each moment is bright and so full of beauty according to the way they have asked for it, simply because this is how this works. Discovering everything at your disposal is a matter of tuning your conscience.

Consciousness is a frequency. The state of feeling that you could associate or describe in relation to this frequency is that of the first manifestations that show you which vibration you have tuned to, in the same way that you could have saved with the number 1 of a radio station the frequency of the jazz station, with number 2 the national public radio frequency. You can also learn specific frequency fixed points and tune in to them as you wish.

We ask you: what are your favorite states of feelings? Why not ponder it for a moment?

We assume that happiness is one of them, and perhaps peace too. And yet, happiness and peace are like snow for an Eskimo [Innuit]. You have heard that the Eskimos have many names for snow, right? Well, this is true for feelings states too. Many can be named in a general way, but the truth is that there are many varieties of emotions that are potentially grouped in this way, and within all these subtleties each has its own distinctive preferences. Some of you like languor; others prefer a deep calm. Others feel peace and harmony, while some others experience peace as an agreement.

They see him? These are different expressions, so what would be your version of peace, and is peace one of the states of feelings you most desire? Would you be on your short list of things you can tune in quickly and immediately? How does it benefit them to do it? How do they feel this When you feel at peace, is your mind silent or do you notice certain kinds of things? How are your emotions in your version of peace? Are they soft and firm like a calm lake, or are they wide and spacious like a cloudless sky? These are some of the nuances of power within your consciousness. Each of you has the ability to learn to tune your consciousness to the bandwidth you choose intentionally. The point is this: what do you want to do with all this? What is the purpose for you to experience more power?

We have talked for days about power, its imminent presence in your life, and the different ways in which you can open to experience them; But the main question is: what will they do with all this power? We suggest here today different states of feelings that you may wish to express. The question then becomes: what states of feelings serve them? Which ones support your aspirations? We could also say: what frequency bandwidths are comfortable for you?

Many of you know that you are stellar beings carrying lineages from other times and places. There is this royal lineage, a compound of different strands of Love; some are Angelic, others are Arcturians, others Pleiadians, others Syrians, others Andromedans, others are from Juno and other kingdoms, and even from other Universes. Some of you emanate from the Great Central Sun, not many, but a few, and regardless of the mixture of your being, the awareness that you are here and how you are presenting, you can tune into the energies of Home.

This is a practice that is navigated with an open heart and being aware of your feelings. Power is the ability to create what they want. Remember that feelings are the first manifestations that happen, so you can use them to check with yourself how everything is going. They could also use their feelings to discover their path to connect with Casa frequencies.

You can see through the state of your feelings how aligned you are with the fullness of who you really are. The feeling and frequency of Casa will feel different for each of you, it's like snow and peace. Meredith likes the direct sense of humor of the Arcturians or mine (Miguel). Other beings have different energy ratios, each of you is highly unique. How does home feel for you? The home is potentially different than a friendship. The home may or may not feel like the beings that are your friends, but it will feel like you are.

Do you know this state of feeling well? Can you create it at will now? If they learn to do it, this will empower them in surprising ways. You can learn to do it.

Each of you has this ability, and she will nourish you deeply. Not only will it keep you aligned with everything you are, but it will tune you to your home base, your Source, the frequency of your own inner resonance and what you harmonically think of as identity, you have a fundamental game of harmony that is you and that they have available as a hue to manifest well-being and clarity, and to nurture them while they are here on Earth. She also informs them in a more pronounced way of their inherent innate gifts or the capacity of their unique potential. We encourage you today to learn to find this energy field by tuning your consciousness and allowing you to generate your presence.

Doing so is an incredible achievement. It is the fulfilled settlement of its greater presence in an increasingly large capacity on Earth. The power in the material is to learn to see each and all beings, large and small, as partners, as similar presences of Divine Love, as a unique signature exploring and expanding together all that we are.

As you begin to tune into the frequencies of Casa and cultivate your own energy fields with an awareness of it, your presence assumes a multidimensional settlement that far exceeds the way you have previously presented it. You are relating to life in your own field, and the awareness that you choose as your presence filters and allows you to pass on the inspiration and aspirations that arise in your heart.

To operate from the highest level of your own Divine innate you must tune into the frequencies of Home. We suggest at this point in our conversations together that you begin to ponder what you want to do with all this amazing power that you are beginning to allow, in which you are beginning to believe, and that you are realizing it is undeniable in the Love that you are truly inevitably

I am Archangel Michael.

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Translated by: Gloria M hlebach

Arc Miguel Angel: What do you want to create with your power?

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