The Mysteries of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) Revealed

  • 2015

Part 1

Dear Greetings, I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

Before doing anything else, I would like to ask for the blessing of the ancestors, the ancestors of this island. We come with all due respect; We want to learn the awareness of wisdom. I call the Mana, which is a living force that we call the Gaia Reticle; on certain islands it is also called Mana; sometimes the Spirit is called the Spirit of Aloha; it carries the energy "Ha", as in all places of Polynesia.

Now (Kryon's laugh), it's time to look at you in all the hearts that were here. Why are you here? Some may say: “Well, I'm on vacation; It is a good time to come to look at these mysterious statues ” (Kryon laugh). And if that's you, you're as blessed as anyone else in the room. There is a rule that says you will find anything you are looking for, because the intention of Human Consciousness is absolute. And if your intention is to come to look at statues, that's what you're going to get and nothing else.

For the rest of you, a question. Many of you are esoteric believers and believe that energy has substance. For many years we have taught that the energy of consciousness has even physical rules. How many believe that the Consciousness of God in you never dies, that the physical body may cease to exist, but a certain consciousness in you continues? We have even told you what happens to that part that returns to the Source. We have said that part remains on the Planet; We have even told you that a part of it is your ancestors and your children; and stays in certain places in case they need it . For years this has been channeled by me to you. Death has no agony, except for the people around you; They suffer your death, but you don't. Instead the energy changes and passes to other areas to support Humanity. The message is clear and it has been for all the years that I have been here: The ancestors are still here, in another way, their wisdom is maintained.

Listen : Some of this you carry in your own DNA like your Akashic records; Some are your own ancestors. If you understand the circle of life, in Rapa Nui there are those who carry the torch of truth and who may not realize that they are their own ancestors (laughter of Kryon ); and that inside can also be what they think is in the statues. Let's examine something for a moment, because the group in front of me still has to stand here in front of a statue, because you haven't met the Moai yet. So here is the opportunity to insert something: The indigenous people of the island have put consciousness within the stones. Do you think this is just a story? Or do you think it is possible? Listen carefully: What do you know about intention and awareness? What if I told you that these two attributes were improved millennia ago, much more than they are today?

This island is full of Lemurians originally created by the Pleiadians, even they may have had higher awareness skills. Is that too much for you to believe? Do you think that perhaps there is the consciousness of the ancestors in the stones? Is such a thing possible? What if it were? Let me tell you a story (laugh from Kryon). Let's say you're from Rapa Nui, let's suppose for a moment. Let's say you walk to a Moai; and imbued in that stone there is not only one, but many of your ancestors are imbued, placed there in a way that you do not understand but that is possible. And on that stone is your great grandfather; you have heard stories about him, what he did, who he was; and you never met him until today. What would you say? What would your position be about it? You know that he cannot speak to you the way you are speaking, but perhaps he can by means of what we will call your Intuition or your Innate. His eyes are open watching you, a promise that he would never leave. How long will you stay there absorbing in your biology that energy from your own past?

So to those who are in the chairs I ask you that when you see the first Moai, perhaps, whether he is standing or lying down, I want you to realize what is in it: The intention, the intelligence; It is not just a tradition. Here, part of the mystery is the intelligence of its attributes in the stone, because ordinary tourists can feel it; they may think that they are simply looking at history; all the time the ancestors are talking to them (laugh of Kryon). And what will be their message for you? It is simple; and with this I want to leave, I want to close with this. What modern cultures lack today is what the statues represent; a representation of what was wise in those who lived before. It is time that what you will call `` modern civilization '' find some way to regularly honor those who have come before, with the knowledge that at the beginning there was greater wisdom what, today. It is time that modern civilization feels to learn from the old, that the prophecy of the ancients regarding the eagle and the Cience begins to be fulfilled today; and that the energy of the Mother, the wonderful maternal energy of South America, has influence on the North, that it begins to be the Pacha Mama for all and that what is meant is understood. This is what will change consciousness on the Planet. Now we close and thank the ancestors for allowing us to give this message in a sacred place; and we promise that we will approach the statues with the respect they deserve.

And so it is.


Part 2

Greetings Dear, I AM Kryon of the Magnificent Service.

For those of you who are listening, it is difficult to describe where we are. We are in Rapa Nui and this is the 2nd channeling; it is outside in the place where they used to live, a place protected from the elements where families grew up; At the beginning of the day we met the first Moai; And partially this is what I want to talk about. I'm going to ask you again: Why did you come? This is not your culture, you are contemplating things you have never seen; You think you are observing a certain kind of story. You come as a tourist, collecting interesting facts and things; and photos, while you go there? Or could you be watching more? Could there be more as you travel the island? Is it too little for you to relate to it from the heart? Is the energy familiar to you? And we have told you the past story of Lemuria, we tell you that the Lemurians took advantage of the currents to reach the islands that are now called Polynesia. They came here, this was founded by Lemurians; and this is the story as the natives tell it.

There are more: How many did you look at the sky last night, how many did you really observe? I will tell you for this recording and for those of you who are not here, that most of Humanity never sees this, as a carpet of lights in the sky. This becomes a part of the lineage, of traditions, of stories; and here he did it too. Now, there are more to expose, more to suggest; and we have to honor the ancestors while we do it. We are in their territory; and now the energy of the ancestors is with us. I am going to suggest that you may not know which ancestors I speak of. O s what you hear, the story may be different from how you think; Modern historians only know what they think they know. In the past we have told you different stories from what your historians tell you. We have told you that there are 3 or 4 layers of Human Civilization that you do not even know at this time. In the Indus Valley you have discovered Scriptures of those who would have lived 10, 000 years ago; and this is the oldest as far as you get. If I tell you that we are retreating 3 or 4 more times?

Civilizations are lost; and some start again. I want to have permission from the ancestors to make the suggestion that that is what happened here, that the traditions you follow as Rapa Nui are only what we would call the 3rd civilization of the island. Here is a great message: That Rapa Nui can be much bigger than you think, much older than you might realize; and perhaps there are mysteries that you have not even discovered. You must still have the funding to do archaeological excavations in places where you had not thought about doing them; there are more Moais that are much older than what you see; This will only be tested over time. And when they are discovered you will scratch your head and say: “Where do they come from?” That makes your story much bigger. True? What if Rapa Nui is much older than you think? And if your ancestors recede much more?

I want to make another suggestion with the permission of the ancestors: There are many meanings in the 7 statues that look west, there is the meaning for the Polynesians; but let's look at the meanings of the majority of the natives of the Planet for a moment: Around the World, ancestors of the ancestors respect the directions of the Planet based on the stars and the Sun, they honor the North and the East, the West and to the south. And for many the meaning of this was specific, but there was an address that for most of them meant the same. When you look to the West, you look at the place where the Sun is hidden; the metaphor was always the end of things, the end of each day; and often the end of life. I have permission from the ancestors to make a suggestion: The 7 are looking at something a little different from what you think, even bigger than what you think, with their curved eyes they trace life itself that is not a straight line, that goes around and it starts again; and they are looking at life after life with wide eyes. That is an honor to death itself, not an end but a beginning. This would be another suggestion of why they look to the West.

I'll tell you something, here there were 3 civilizations and you only know one. How does that make you feel about this island? The ancestors of your ancestors rejoice with this knowledge. The Rapa Nui are truly ancient. There is more; and we want to address a question that has not been answered; and then we will make another suggestion. Let me sow a seed: Have you noticed that the Moais all have the same face? They do not represent the faces of the bosses or the families that are imbued in them. Whose face is this? I'll tell you something else: Someday, when you dig and find a slightly different, older Moai class, it will have the same face. I'm going to talk to you about that face and make a suggestion about how it came into existence or what it is; We will do it later in the week (laugh from Kryon).

These are the true mysteries of Rapa Nui, the similarity of things generation after generation. The biggest mystery is not how they moved the stones, it's not that difficult; and we will expose it if you choose it. The mystery is in the energy; when the Lemurians abandoned their mountain which was called Lemuria, during the time of the sinking and collapse, they populated the Pacific; and many came here. Remember that the Lemurians celebrated the constellation called The Seven Sisters. Those of you who are here with me can see them tonight in the sky. Seven Sisters; Just a suggestion of why they are 7, I have permission to tell you these things, these possibilities, of things even bigger than the ones you have been told; there's more here.

And now I'm going to close with this, maybe while you tour this island during this week, I'm going to ask you: Is it possible that you are part of one of the generations here? One of the civilizations that you might not even know I would have had. When they dig up things they cannot describe them as belonging to the history they know; there is a possibility that you can recognize them. I sow new ideas in you because we teach synchrony. What brought you here to the most isolated and depopulated island in the World, discovered and populated by the Lemurians, blessed by the Pleiadians? Look your part in this. How many do you think you are Old Souls? What really attracted you to this place? It may be time to ask your own Akasha: In your past could you have called yourself Rapa Nui? Some of you were called Lemurians, so: Why not? (Kryon's laugh) Do you recognize the ground? And what about the Mana? This is the question that will start your adventure tomorrow.

And so it is.


Part 3

October 19, 2014

Dear Greetings, I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

We are located in a small crater where there used to be volcanic activity. It is the heart of the place where the Moai were sculpted; And it’s beautiful. And we say this to those who listen and cannot be here: It would be a good time for reflection. True? We will do it in a moment. Human nature is the same everywhere. In this place of sculpture there was a dynamic, between the Sculptors Masters and those who worked very hard in the statues. They were part of an economic group; and they themselves had very little; and they worked for those who had the substance. So those who had the money got the statues (Kryon's laugh); and in the case of the island this was based on the barter system. And the sculptors were cared for and fed. Human nature is the same everywhere.

Sometimes, those who had sent statues could openly criticize. Human nature was the same everywhere. And one of the things that happened here, that perhaps the guides do not know or have not discovered, is that the sculptors left small jokes in the statues, sometimes in the back, often under the neck; we must say that they were small insults to the owners (laugh of Kryon). Wouldn't you have thought it true? After all, the Moai represented something very sacred; but there was a time, even during carving, when it was not so sacred. The beginning of the disturbances, of the winds of war, when those who had and those who would not unite in a very dramatic way, when the ancestors of one might not respect the ancestors of the other. The only way the sculptors could show their disrespect was with the little jokes that frequently insulted the potential fertility of others. Human nature is the same.

The island has been seen as a metaphor for the Planet: Isolated humans who cannot leave the island, who would eventually have difficulties with each other; even if they were from the same family and had the same language. Inevitably they would join in groups and then go to war. If you take a look at what happened here, it truly is a microcosm of the Planet, for the same reasons. We have talked about this many times, that Humanity has overcome a milestone; and that the same Human nature that caused these problems here is beginning to change. Very recently, 80 years ago, the Planet was immersed in a world war; Millions literally died. When we arrived, 25 years ago, we told you that the potential was to be the last.

When you look at the sky; and you look at it as the natives did even here, with time they saw that the stars moved in special ways; One of the things they saw was that the complete carpet of sky lights moved like one; and a little different every month; and a little different every year. Even who were here the guardians of the stars and the knowledge of the sky, knew of the Precession of the Equinoxes; you have already surpassed its midpoint and call it the wobble of the Earth. Is it possible for Human Consciousness to change? And this has always been the prediction of the ancients: it had to be that way, otherwise there would come a time when you would literally destroy yourself.

Here the story is dramatic; it is interesting that one of their entanglements has been resolved by the priests, who brought them something special; and not precisely animals or new foods; perhaps a new way of thinking, a new spirituality, the knowledge of the Love of God. The microcosm of the Planet is the same. Look at the influence of the Masters today, they literally gave the Earth a different idea, they introduced axioms of consciousness: Love your neighbor as yourself . These are axioms of higher consciousness; and just as they changed this island, they changed the planet; and today you are sitting on the results of that. I arrived 25 years ago, I have always been here, so I began to give messages because the Precession of the Equinoxes was near, I told you that you had begun to go through a marker and that there would be no more wars, not like the ones you have experienced during eons .

The consciousness of Humanity was beginning to change; and that would eventually involve the leaders of the countries; and so far what you have seen is what I said. I told you that there would come a time when darkness would increase, that I would fight with you for control, because you had the Light; and that it was finally true that Mana was manifesting in you. That the beauty of God on the Planet was the beauty of God within you, a time in which Humans would look at each other and see God in each one. Everything I told you is happening now. And what about you inside? There is a Macrocosm outside, that of the Earth and that of this island, which you need to also see inside; It's called survival, it's called spiritual logic. What are you going to do with this personally? Do you see the options you have? Do you find it interesting? Will you leave this place without having changed? Or will you start to see the metaphors inside you that are here?

When you open your eyes and observe this beauty, the farm animals, the beauty of the sky, the water; in an ancient place where the ancestors are watching you, some of them even through the eyes of the Moai who are in it and have not been modified . I have a question for you: What does this mean to you personally? Do you see that there is a war in you and also a possibility of change? Will you continue doing the same or will you leave with a different perspective? This is not only for those of you who sit in front of me, but for all who are listening: Is there a continuation of the internal war? Is there drama and conflict in you? Are you at peace with yourself? How do you sleep at night? (Kryon's laugh)

Do you see what I'm saying? Here is a lesson: Could it be that as above it is inside? And this is the lesson for today. Observe the peace of this place, how peaceful it is. Do you hear the wind, the birds, the animals, do you see nature at rest in front of you? Do you see the ancestors watching? And everyone has the same question: Can you be like that? The answer is: This is the solution to war on the planet, change within yourself and the way you resolve your inner conflict. Maybe it's time for a Master to visit you; and maybe that Master is already inside you. We taught that the ancestors are in you, that you have them in the so-called Akasha. What would they tell you right now? Let me tell you what some of the messages might be.

You have arrived at the moment of the turn of the history of the Planet; Everything that has happened before was for this moment. The wisdom of all that you have done correctly or incorrectly lies before you ; and you can see it as clearly as the history of this island. And what are you going to do? Will you stay in survival? When you leave here, will you continue doing the same things? Or change? There is a reason for me to come with my partner to a place like this; It is not exactly historical, it is full of energy of change and peace. There is a special energy in these places where the Lemurians settled, including the essentially Pleiadian.

There are certain places on Earth that speak to you while you travel them. Each one of those who stand before me today is individually an Old Soul. Many of you already know what I am talking about. Did you not feel the change in your lives? And what will you do with that? What does Mana mean to you, is it a concept, or is it something you could put in yourself, could Mana be in you in the same degree that is around us? Could you be one with the Earth? Observe the peace of this place. Can you take her inside?

And while you think about this, I want to mention the Rapa Nui again. Some of them considered exactly this question; and described what caused the war here. Was it simply family versus family? Or was it a concept against another concept? This is an interesting question, for you to discover. Dear ones, here is Light, this kind of Light that can only come from the ancients; the wisdom not only of those who were here, but of those who carried it in their DNA, the inner God. Each individual Human Being has it, the Spark of Consciousness that would hug a tree (Kryon's smile), that would climb a mountain to discover something inside. And that is what is here for you to feel. The culture is secondary, first there is the Earth and the perception of what is here on the ground; And some of you know. I want you to leave different from how you came. This is a place where it is easy to feel the energy and make this decision; and maybe, just maybe, that's why you're here .

And so it is.


Part 4, October 20, 2014

Dear Greetings, I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

For those of you who are not here, let me set the stage again. Again we are on the island of Rapa Nui, the wind blows; And those who listen are sitting in the grass in front of me. At the moment it is not doing Sun and then it is colder. We are sitting in front of ancient ruins that are slightly different from the Moai statues we saw before; These honor the Feminine. The channeling will not be long; There are 2 or 3 important things that I want to say. In this sacred place I want to ask the ancestors for permission to reveal the truth. This is the type of channeling that you will hear again later, much later. This is the type of channeling that if you keep it, many will listen to it as validation of what is to come.

The Rapa Nui are bigger than you think; What I say is not intended to change your story, but to enrich it, to show that it is greater than you think. And I said that on this island there were previous civilizations; those civilizations were Rapa Nui. Their ancestors were the first who were here. And now listen: They did not come from the mainland, they did not come from Tahiti or any other place in Polynesia, they came from Lemuria. The magic of the island has the direct source of the disintegration of Lemurian energy, as we said. It is not difficult to imagine that here there were civilizations prior to those reported by your story. Right now on the Planet this is being discovered in other continents; as far as in Bulgaria, as close as in the Yucatan Peninsula, they are discovering pyramids and ruins that do not reflect your recent history.

There are still things to discover on this island, not just more statues (Kryon laugh); and when temples are discovered, they will realize that they do not reflect their history or their culture; and they may scratch their heads asking: Who were here before us? And the answer is: Other Rapa Nui. Listen: Is it really possible that other Rapa Nui have not done it? That their wars have been almost terminal and that the few that have been rebuilt and started again, only to return again to go through the same Human cycle; and maybe self destruct? And the story of Rapa Nui as reported today is very different, because they did. They developed the consciousness that solved the problems and solved the puzzle as best they could. The time of war became a time of peace, with systems that tried to resolve the differences that the families had, that the tribes had. For more than 100 years they had the peace they wanted. Of the 3 civilizations that have been here, they were the only ones to solve it; His story is of a higher consciousness of the Rapa Nui. This was the first part of the message.

Now I want to reinforce this with a story. The story is transmitted with stories; I would like to tell you the story of the arrival in Rapa Nui; the story has already been told by the Rapa Nui, but what they don't recognize is that the dates are wrong. The first to arrive here, according to the story told by the Rapa Nui, were presented long before the Egyptian Pyramids were built. His story says that in Lemuria there was a dream; and the dream was that there was an island; and this island could be the place where they could develop, since Lemuria was sinking; A place where they could go. According to the story, it was a vision, only a vision; so many came in boats, up to 7, to check it out; and found Rapa Nui. And that is the story.

I want to improve it a little; and I want to present you something that very few have thought; and I'll call it 'tying the ends'. It is not a long story. The story of Lemuria is the story of the creation of the Planet: The Pleiadians arrived from the stars and planted their seeds on this Planet; and the Planet was sown in many places, with Grace and with Love and with the Divinity of a race of the Galaxy that helped Humanity. In science, they are responsible for the existence of 23 pairs of chromosomes, instead of the 24 that have immediate primates. Science calls it the 'missing link'; The structure of the Human DNA is different from the structure of the DNA of all other animals. In Lemuria it was different: A large island, when the mountain stood out from the water pushed by a magma bubble, very similar to the history of Yellowstone Park in the continental United States, the mountain was huge. And this is where the story begins, sit a moment to hear Uncle Kryon (Kryon's laugh).

The Lemurians lived in peace for millennia; They had instructions from the Pleiadians. Dear ones, the Pleiadians did not come and go. The premise that we have established before asks you to pay attention to validation today; and the premise was that the Pleiadians taught certain things to Humanity. It was up to Humans with Free Will if they could get along or not. But parents teach their children certain attributes before urging them to go out into the World; and then the children continue on their own. The Pleiadians taught Humans the basics and more, they taught them biology; and taught them of the stars. And this was Lemuria. Slowly the Pleiadians withdrew their knowledge; and Humanity was on its own. The island began to sink; It wasn't fast, but enough to cause concern.

Now listen: All the settlements and villages were on the coast, it was where the fish were, where the food was, it was where the cities were. The mountain peaks were for ceremonies, as in the other islands even today. As the island sank, the settlements were covered by water. The Lemurians broke out into the hills; they took everything they could while watching the waters swallow the villages . If you ask a scientist what the sea level was thousands of years ago, he will tell you that it was lower . It is possible that even here in Rapa Nui you will find remains of civilization just off the coast. In general, today water levels are higher; I just gave you a clue where to look. The Lemurians continued to climb while their mountain sank. It took him more than 3 years to sink to where he is today; In geological time, even that is very fast. In Hawaii, even today there is very fast activity.

The Lemurians were scared, now they had no villages or cities, but they could still fish, they survived; and the island continued to submerge . And that was when they began to have visions of where they could go. The island could disappear underwater and everyone would perish. Where could they go? Visions are intuition, however they are multidimensional. And here in Rapa Nui there are multidimensional places originated by magnetic anomalies that created small energetic portals that literally connect with other parts of the Earth. The vision was about Rapa Nui, an island very similar to the one they were used to. A dream. Would it exist? Then they gathered the game of those who would try to find it. Did it exist or not? How far was it? How would they know how to get there? I want you to pay attention to this, because we're almost done with the story.

In fact they boarded their small boat that was nothing more than a large canoe; remember, the Lemurians did not travel very far (laughter of Kryon), only around their mountain; they didn't have a big ship, they hadn't developed the art of sailing with the wind, they just followed the currents with small sails sailing the best they could. And perhaps against all odds they found Rapa Nui, a spot of Earth in the Southern Hemisphere, in the Southern Hemisphere. Now, with what happened right away I want you to tie up the ends: When they found Rapa Nui, they returned to Lemuria to tell. Here is the question of the day: How did they know how to return? And you will say: "That was easy, of course they sailed through the stars." Y yo os diré: ¿Oh, realmente? ¿Habéis mirado al firmamento norteamericanos? No hay ninguna estrella que podáis reconocer, ninguna.

Ellos estaban en Rapa Nui listos para regresar (risa de Kryon), miraron las estrellas y no reconocieron ninguna. ¿O sí lo hicieron? Y aquí es donde quiero que atéis los cabos hoy. Ellos nunca habían estado en el Hemisferio Sur; escuchad: Ellos lo sabían todo respecto a las estrellas; y solamente había una manera para que lo supieran; y era a partir de quienes les enseñaron, los Pleyadianos. Una de las validaciones importantes es que el conocimiento que les fue dado estaba más allá de lo que podían saber los Humanos por sí mismos. Navegaron de regreso cruzando el ecuador, hacia donde el firmamento cambia y las estrellas son más familiares; y fueron directamente a Lemuria, regresando directamente aquí. How often? ¿Quién sabe? Navegando por estrellas que nunca habían visto. Como veis, los Rapa Nui son mucho más grandes de lo que pensáis, llegaron aquí con información avanzada. Alguna de ella se puede descubrir más tarde en esta isla. No habéis terminado los descubrimientos.

Habéis sido pacientes con la historia del tío Kryon; y estoy seguro de que habrá más.

And so it is.


Parte 5, Octubre 21 de 2014

Dear Greetings, I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

Ésta es una de las canalizaciones que ponen aprensivo a mi socio; Yo le estoy mostrando lo que viene, mensajes controversiales por razones que serán obvias; y por las que ya pensáis. Me detengo un momento para saludar aquí a los ancestros. Antes de que se haya presentado ninguna energía en un lugar como éste, lo pediríais a los ancestros, pues este no es el hogar de mi socio; y consecuentemente eso es lo que él hace. Y los ancestros lo saludan; y su mensaje es: “Ya era tiempo de que todos lo supieran” (risa de Kryon). No todos estarán de acuerdo con lo que presento ahora; y eso está bien.

Antes de comenzar, quiero daros una imagen general de la civilización. Queridos, la historia de que hab is sido sembrados desde las estrellas es profunda; much simos de los ind genas de todo el Planeta tienen la misma historia, hablan de las Siete Hermanas, invocan la energ a Pleyadiana, buscan ayuda en las estrellas. Esto no es adoraci n, es tradici n, es respeto por la Fuente, la Gran Fuente Central. Os hemos dicho que hay un plan en el Planeta, os hemos dicho que es ben volo y bello. Os hemos dicho que los Pleyadianos tuvieron a sus Padres Sembradores anteriores a ellos ; hemos mencionado a los Arturianos; y os contamos de los de Ori n. Mientras que vosotros les hab is dado otros nombres a las Energ as Ang licas que son vuestros socios aqu ; todos ellos son vuestros socios aqu .

Os hemos dicho que el Planeta est protegido de fuentes externas; y tal como esta isla, es dejado solo, para desarrollarse como quiera, con Libre Albedr o. Una y otra vez decimos que no hay intervenci n en la consciencia, nosotros no venimos aqu para daros cosas que perturbar an vuestro proceso. La Tierra es una prueba de consciencia. Os dijimos que os hab is destru do mutuamente por lo menos 4 veces. Os hemos dicho que ha habido civilizaciones antiguas que a n no hab is descubierto . Todo es parte de la prueba de consciencia, hemos explicado esto muchas veces; ya n as hay quienes lo ven de otra manera. Ellos ven las que creen que son evidencias, s mbolos que provienen de muchas partes del Planeta que son iguales, de civilizaciones que nunca se conocieron entre s . Ellos dicen que esto es una prueba de intervenci n.

Las huellas de las estrellas est n por todas partes. Ahora, me gustar a estar de acuerdo con eso, los Pleyadianos estuvieron en todas partes (risa de Kryon). Queridos, cuando ocurri la siembra del Planeta los Pleyadianos estaban aqu ; este proceso dur mucho tiempo. Hubo ense anza, hab as mbolos; y los pod is encontrar por todas partes. Hay m s que eso. sta es nuestra promesa: Que ser is dejados solos para hacer estas elecciones. Pero a n hay algunos que miran los que consideran misterios y que la nica soluci n posible es que hayan bajado criaturas del espacio y durante un corto tiempo les hayan ayudado a las civilizaciones a mover algunas piedras y despu s se hayan ido; o que temporalmente hayan aplicado una tecnolog a sumamente elevada para constru r el monumento para el rey y que luego se hayan ido. C mo os suena esto? Encaja en el amoroso plan de dejaros solos para desarrollar la consciencia por vosotros mismos? Los inventos que os han sido dados est n basados en vuestra consciencia.

Quiero hablar sobre los Rapa Nui. Y ahora hablo a la audiencia que est escuchando. Para la mayor a de vosotros sta se llama la Isla de Pascua, descubierta el d a que para ellos era la Pascua, por quienes sab an qu era la Pascua, miles de a os despu s de que los Rapa Nui llegaran aqu (risa de Kryon). La isla tiene el nombre de la gente que se estableci en ella, pero permitidme contaros de ellos si no sab is. C mo os sent s respecto a los ind genas, Seres Humanos modernos? C mo os sent s? Ahora ten is todos los inventos, ten is maquinaria, ten is electricidad, ten is electr nica, hab is estado en el espacio, aterrizasteis en la Luna. Qu sent s respecto a los ind genas? Si pudieras abordar una m quina del tiempo y retroceder miles de a os: Qu ver as? Y hay quienes dir an: Ver amos civilizaciones primitivas, extremadamente primitivas ; y quiz teng is la idea de cavern colas, que quiz ni siquiera ten an lenguaje, que gru an para comunicarse (risa de Kryon).

Permitidme describiros una historia diferente: Sin electricidad, sin ninguna m quina moderna, sin nada de lo que hoy ten is, ellos eran tal como vosotros; s lo que ten an que ser m s inteligentes de lo que hoy sois vosotros . No eran salvajes primitivos, eran inteligentes, muy inteligentes. Querido oyente, permíteme presentarte una civilización llamada Rapa Nui. Aquí tuvieron guerras, tal como en el Planeta; familia contra familia, tribu contra tribu. Para la guerra usaban todos los recursos; y estaban a punto de exterminarse, cuando concibieron un plan que detendría las luchas y resolvería el problema de la mejor manera que podían con la consciencia que tenían. Ahora escuchad: El resultado fue la paz durante más de un siglo. Ahora te voy a pedir algo oyente, quiero que señales los lugares en los cuales la civilización moderna ha tenido paz durante 100 años. ¿Y qué piensas de eso? ¿Quiénes son más iluminados, los Humanos modernos que en lugar de tener paz por más de 100 años han encontrado tecnologías para matarse entre sí?

Permitidme contaros de los Rapa Nui, quienes por sí mismos en una isla pequeña descubrieron remedios herbales que curaban la mayoría de las enfermedades que había aquí. ¿Y el resultado? Una expectativa de vida de más de 120 años. ¿Qué tal eso para ser primitivos? Ésos son los Rapa Nui. Yo os señalo estas cosas para disipar los misterios de la Isla de Pascua. Hay pocos misterios aquí; el único misterio verdadero de la isla yace en el suelo; y afuera en el océano que la rodea. El descubrimiento de los hogares de los ancestros, de sus templos y de cómo sepultaban a sus líderes, la interpretación de sus antiguos documentos, que siguen siendo crípticos. La historia es el misterio, no cómo movieron las piedras.

A muchos no os va a gustar esto: Ellos movieron las piedras siendo ingeniosos e inteligentes (risa de Kryon). ¿Cómo lo haríais vosotros? “Con una máquina, con tecnología, con un polipasto” (un polipasto es un invento para levantar objetos con un aparejo de poleas); y ellos no tenían ninguna de estas cosas. ¿Como lo harían? “¡Bueno, por supuesto que tuvieron que tener ayuda del espacio!” (risa de Kryon). Y permitidme deciros algo, así no es como funcionó. Si allá afuera hay quienes creen esto, me gustaría decirles que han insultado a una gran civilización, porque piensan que eran muy estúpidos para haberlo resuelto. No hay tal misterio de las piedras Queridos; como veis, los Rapa Nui de hoy saben cómo se hizo. ¿Por qué simplemente no les preguntáis, en lugar de proyectar vuestro prejuicio de que eran muy estúpidos para haberlo hecho?

Kryon no ofende fácilmente a los Humanos, pero es tiempo para la lógica, es tiempo de honrar a los ancestros, no solamente por su sabiduría, sino por lo inteligentes que pudieron haber sido. ¿Qué tenían que pudieran usar? Eso es básico: Las cosas que ya no necesitaban; y mirad que ni siquiera pensáis en sus términos. Os diré lo que tenían: La gravedad y la palanca. Vosotros hacéis unas suposiciones interesantes: Que las piedras fueron esculpidas hasta tener su apariencia final; y llevadas a sus lugares; y decís que son demasiado pesadas para moverlas, no solamente eso sino que el terreno es desigual ; y no pudieron haber usado árboles para llevarlas rodando porque los troncos se hubieran aplastado; consecuentemente, simplemente no había manera.

Me gustaría que comenzarais a darles un poco más de crédito por ser ingeniosos, porque básicamente las piedras no eran completamente terminadas y entonces eran llevadas en su viaje hasta su lugar final de descanso en el “Aju”. La base de las piedras era como la de una mecedora; y no estoy revelando nada nuevo, esto es conocido, ha sido mostrado, los Seres Humanos lo saben, ésta no es una revelación de Kryon. Pero cuando os vais al mundo de la alta tecnología, es un misterio. Las piedras tienen bases en forma de mecedora ; la gravedad les ayudaba a sacarlas de la montaña, pudiendo deslizarlas pendiente abajo. ¡Qué revelación! Y no sólo eso, se pueden deslizar por una ruta hecha para deslizarlas pendiente abajo. Y cuando llegan abajo se cava un hoyo que puede ser grande; y con las palancas pones parte de ellas en el hoyo de tal manera que las puedes parar.

Permitidme deciros cómo eleváis una piedra que pesa toneladas para sacarla del hoyo. Es muy ingenioso, simplemente inclinas la estatua para un lado y le pones tierra debajo; con cuerdas y aproximadamente 30 hombres la inclinas para el otro lado y le pones tierra debajo, la vuelves a mecer y pones tierra en el lado que no tiene tierra . Y repites y vuelves a repetir el proceso hasta que esté fuera del hoyo (risa de Kryon). Ahora es el momento de mecer la estatua hasta su emplazamiento; cada lado de la estatua es como un pie, se balancea hacia un lado, hacia el otro, se sigue balanceando; y lentamente las estatuas 'caminan' hasta su posición. “Kryon, espera un momento, eso no puede ser. El terreno es demasiado desigual, hay cosas en el camino, se requiere algo suave. Eso significa que no sucedió así”. Permitidme presentaros algo en lo que no habéis pensado, es muy práctico: ellos construían caminos para estas cosas.

Las estatuas tardaban más de un año en ser construídas; eran importantes, representaban a los ancestros. ¿Os resulta muy difícil creer que también emplearon años en construír caminos suaves hasta los lugares donde iban a estar? ¿Qué pensáis? Ninguna criatura del espacio; Seres Humanos inteligentes. Cuando llegaban a su emplazamiento final, aún no había sido construído ningún “Aju” o montículo, eso fue construído al final. ¡Ingeniosos! ¿Y que hacían cuando la estatua en que trabajaban llegaba al lugar donde quedaría? Cavaban un hoyo (risa de Kryon). Realmente repetían el proceso de elevación lentamente, lentamente, balanceando la estatua para acá y para allá poniendo tierra a su alrededor casi hasta cubrirla; podríais decir que era un hoyo invertido (risita de Kryon), construían un pequeño monte alrededor de ella, luego cavaban un hoyo alrededor de la estatua; y la balanceaban lentamente hacia arriba poniéndole tierra debajo. Así podéis elevar algo tanto como queráis. Y cuando estaba en su posición, en su emplazamiento final, le quitaban la parte en forma de mecedora y entonces tenían una base plana.

Algunas tienen encima cosas que pesan muchísimo. ¿Cómo las ponían encima de una estatua existente? No lo hacían. Ya sabéis que había un hoyo para la parte de arriba. Ya sabéis que quizá había una protuberancia lista para ese hueco de la parte superior de la estatua, un rompecabezas destinado a encajar. Simplemente, a la inversa, bajaban la estatua, la tendían de espaldas, le ponían la parte de arriba, la volvían a levantar, cavaban un hoyo y la volvían a balancear hasta su sitio. ¡Ingenioso, gravedad y palancas, cuerdas y unos pocos Seres Humanos; preparación de los caminos! Poned cuidadosa atención a los detalles. Casi todos los Moai se rompieron, están en la colina donde fueron tallados; casi ninguno se rompió en el camino hacia donde residirían; y si se rompían eran resultado del viento que los volcaba cuando se estaban balanceando.

“Kryon: ¿Lo puedes probar?” Por supuesto que no. ¿Por qué no le preguntáis a un Rapa Nui cuál es su tradición? ¿Qué dicen al respecto? ¿Eran inteligentes o necesitaron la ayuda de criaturas del espacio? (Risa de Kryon) Hay mucho qué decir de los antiguos que construyeron cosas con piedras pesadas; surge la suposición de que algunas de las piedras de las estructuras de todo el Mundo circularon de la misma manera, hechas en las canteras y llevadas a los lugares que iban a ser construídos. ¿Qué tal que hayan sido inteligentes? ¿Y si las piedras no eran iguales? ¿Y si algunas eran formas temporales para apoyar una técnica de construcción que usaba palancas? Gravedad, agua, aceite (risita de Kryon), todas las cosas que tenían los Seres Humanos inteligentes. Queridos, no sabéis lo que no sabéis. Aquí hay lógica y es tiempo para ella. El plan de las eras no incluye intervención tecnológica.

Finalmente me gustaría hablar del rostro de las estatuas; y esto tampoco os va a gustar, es demasiado práctico (risa de Kryon). Quisiera honrar a los investigadores que descubrieron esto, pues ésta no es información de Kryon, ésta es una validación para los investigadores que presentaron una teoría y una filosofía, que son totalmente exactas y veraces; y no son tan esotéricas. En lugar de ello son prácticas, se dan la mano con la mitología; están de acuerdo con lo que ellos saben sobre los Rapa Nui. Y también explican otra cosa que aún tenéis que descubrir; el rostro en las estatuas Moai de la isla de Pascua, el rostro más común, también existe en otras partes del Mundo (risa de Kryon). ¡Por supuesto que la única respuesta es: “¡Criaturas del Espacio!” ¿Realmente?

No sabéis lo que no sabéis. En la isla hay aproximadamente un millar de piedras de Moai aún sin descubrir. Muchas más piedras están aún por descubrir; y de hecho veis una evolución en la escultura, los talladores se convirtieron en Maestros Escultores. Algunas de las caras eran primitivas, pero todas eran ensayos para el rostro final que veis. Asombrosamente, el rostro de los Moai es el mismo. Largo y delgado, con nariz puntiaguda, frente sobresaliente, ojos hundidos, labios rectos. El dorso de la estatua era siempre plano, esto era práctico para deslizarlas montaña abajo. ¿De dónde provino el rostro? ¿Por qué tienen ese mismo rostro en otras partes del Mundo donde no conocían a los Rapa Nui?

Quiero que os pongáis en el lugar de los Rapa Nui hace miles de años. ¿Conocéis aquí las características de las estrellas? Son muy brillantes. En la mitad del Pacífico o del Atlántico (risa de Kryon) o de un continente como Australia donde no hay otras luces, el cielo se ilumina por la noche. Ahora, si tú fueras un Rapa Nui muy anterior a los Moai; y tú realmente creyeras que tus ancestros aún estaban vivos en otra dimensión: ¿Cuál sería la primera impresión de dónde podrían estar? En las estrellas, miras hacia arriba y allí están, centellean, te miran; y tú sabes que así podría ser la vida después de la vida. Inclusive los hombres modernos de hoy miran hacia arriba y se preguntan qué es eso; el misterio de las estrellas ha atraído a todos los Seres Humanos.

Hay un fenómeno que rara vez sucede en este Planeta, el fenómeno sucede en momentos de cambio climático; se llama 'tormenta de plasma frío', sucede al final del avance de las eras de hielo mayores y menores. Ahora, esto es más frecuente de lo que pensáis; y aumenta en los lugares donde hay anomalías magnéticas. La característica de una Tormenta de Plasma Frío es que es generada por el Sol, es similar a los relámpagos pero no es eléctrica, es más magnética; y crea cosas en el cielo que podéis ver y que se quedan allí flotando. Estas cosas son como fantasmas, parecen como una especie de luz fluorescente; y algunas son coloreadas, la mayoría rojas. En vuestra ciencia tienen un nombre; y el nombre es “aparición” (NT. Del inglés “sprite”). Una 'aparición' parece un fantasma, algunas veces es atemorizante, es largo y escuálido; y como las nubes del cielo, frecuentemente asume formas; ya diferencia de un relámpago es visible, permanece durante un lapso; y muchos lo pueden ver a la vez. Las 'apariciones' ocurren en el firmamento y cientos las han visto.

Los ancestros estaban allí, finalmente se mostraban; las mismas 'apariciones' se presentaban en otros lugares, por una Tormenta de Plasma Frío originada en el Sol. Los Rapa Nui las dibujaron, podéis ver las formas en sus antiguos documentos en piedra en un idioma que la ciencia a n no ha descifrado. Y all est el rostro transmitido siglo tras siglo; stos son los rostros de los ancestros; y por eso todos son casi iguales. Aqu eran sabios, no ca an de rodillas para adorar a la aparici n (risa de Kryon). El lugar desde donde ellos esperaban que sus ancestros estuvieran mirando, es donde ocurri, finalmente mostraron el rostro, aquel que ser a proyectado en los Moai que veis hoy. Algunos est is meneando la cabeza: Esto es demasiado simple, no es correcto, no es suficientemente esot rico, es demasiado l gico . Y algunos dir n: Eso prueba que el se or Carrol tiene una agenda . Como veis, mi socio ha sido acusado en el pasado de tener ADN Pleyadiano; y ahora os voy a revelar algo: S lo tiene; y vosotros tambi n. Prestad atenci n: Todos vosotros sois criaturas espaciales (risa de Kryon).

El mensaje de hoy se da con respeto por la incre ble inteligencia de los ind genas de este Planeta, por la manera tan ingeniosa como trabajaban con los elementos. Cu ntos de ellos ten an los mismos s mbolos que les fueron dados por sus padres sembradores los Pleyadianos? Algunos de ellos realmente tienen los mismos rostros de los Moai, originados en las mismas formas de las apariciones en todas partes del Planeta. Esto es demasiado pr ctico para vosotros Queridos? Esto celebra la inteligencia de la Humanidad; y lo que significa es que vosotros mismos lo hicisteis, sin intervenci n; esto es algo que deb is saber. El mensaje es dado con Amor; es suficiente por hoy (risa de Kryon).

And so it is.


Translated: Jairo Rodr guez R.

Kryon canalizado por Lee Carroll

Revelados los Misterios de Rapa Nui (Isla de Pascua)

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