Portal 12.12. The Return of Solar Consciousness

  • 2013

Solar consciousness is that Frequency of Light and information that we are receiving through the Waves of Energy that are leading us towards the Planetary Collective Awakening.

Solar Consciousness is the memory of the origin. It is the memory of who we really are: Beings of Light in evolution, traveling a cosmic path in unity and synchronization with Mother Earth and with everything that surrounds us.

Each one of Us, has that memory inside, resonates deep within Our DNA, in every nucleus of our cells. Within us is the ability to perceive and connect with our environment, with the Universe, with Nature, in an integral way with each atom of our Being, in complete understanding and unified communion.

So far, we have only perceived one third of reality. We have perceived Life through our fragmented vision in separation consciousness. However, as we delve into the SOLAR Frequency of the Photon Band, day by day we are receiving a greater influx of Light and information that allows us to awaken the various internal circuits of our DNA and cells and with that, Remember. Reconnect our network of life by reconnecting it with everything that exists.

In ancient Lemuria it was the last time in this 26, 000 year cycle that Human Beings existed in resonance with Solar Consciousness, because it was at that time that we made the transition to the Galactic night and with that, consciousness began to fall sleep. We lost track of the connection with life everywhere and little by little we began to forget. We forget what we were. We forget Unity and little by little the dense frequencies began to seize consciousness by clouding the hearts of Beings.

Today we are beginning to remember, the cosmic movement of the Earth leads us towards the beginning of a new cycle of 26, 000 years in which the Light will manifest itself completely in our hearts. The SOLAR Light is waking up those old circuits long asleep. And little by little we have begun to perceive that there is much more than we could see or perceive with our senses.

Solar Consciousness is driving us towards memory, since that is its natural essence. It summons us to Unity, to Service and to the liberation of the old bonds of ego and pride. He is calling us to compassion and respect for life and little by little we have begun to remember that we are not alone. That we are part of a great network, that we are living cells of a living body called GAIA.

From the hand of the Solar consciousness the Memories awaken. Since the SOLAR Light is providing us with the Codes and frequencies necessary for the awakening and reactivation of our light field. Our Light Body contains countless memories that resonate in synchrony with our cells, the Solar Light reactivates them to flow through our Light body as liquid energy, waking up, healing, reactivating.

It allows us to reconnect with life in Love. Feel the presence and connection of each of the elements in our bodies. Feel the connection with Mother Earth and remember that we are here to evolve towards the Light in Love.

Everything that surrounds us has a consciousness and a frequency and the time has come to remember the connection we have with all the Elements and with the Solar Light, as this will reactivate our memories, expand us beyond the limitations of the senses and the day day by allowing us to enter into a deep resonance of the heart in Unity with all life everywhere.

Our SOL is a Multidimensional Portal that acts in synchrony and resonance with the Great Central Sun acting as a fractal. All Suns in all Planetary Systems have the same function: to relay the waves of Information, Light, Frequency, Sound and Color that the Great Central Sun is continuously radiating. That is the way in which all creation remains United. All cosmic Suns remain synchronized with each other, acting as a great Information Network.

Our SOL at that time is transmitting large amounts of information. It is by itself a Portal through which we can access other higher dimensions, likewise its LIGHT allows us and drives us to reactivate our Diamond body of Light. Each of us can access different levels of frequency and information through the SOL, depending on our own frequency evolutionary level. That is, those people who are vibrating very high in Christian Consciousness and LOVE, can travel through the energies of the SUN and receive information and Light by tuning in to the presence of the Sun. The people who need to raise their vibration in Love, those who they need healing or they have not been able to open their hearts to experience Unconditional Love, they receive waves of healing and luminous information from the SUN that drives their frequency towards the next vibrational octave.

We should only break the conditions we have acquired in the belief that the SUN is "bad"

Tuning in with Solar Consciousness is very simple. For it is present in each of our hearts. It's that something inside reminds you of who you really are.

Because something inside you longs to live again in Unity. Something inside you remembers that world where Nature was respected and honored. A world where all Beings shared the truth, without secrets, without power struggles. That world, that time in which each of us lived in deep communion with Mother Earth, with the Trees, with the Plants, the Flowers and all the Elements. That world where we all danced to life, where deep Gratitude was part of our day to day. Where Beings loved and respected each other in deep recognition of the Inner Divinity, that state of Consciousness, of Being, is SOLAR Consciousness, it is Unified consciousness with the Whole and that deep memory that now springs from within you like a tear., is your Lemurian Memory.

That is your longing, your memory, that melancholy that you carry inside you, that tires and exhausts your body, that makes you feel lonely and misunderstood.

I want to remind you something. That feeling of emptiness and misunderstanding is not real. It is only the longing and the trigger for your awakening. It is the dissonance that your heart professes towards the density of the world. However, that yearning is what is driving you to Wake up. Because you know, remember, feel, there is much more inside you than you have discovered so far. We are all united beyond words and differences, no one is alone and no one is totally misunderstood, because even though we cannot feel or see it, Light and Love are an infinite network that interweave the entire Creation . You are here in a World where everything around you is Life and that Life is consciousness!

Take a deep breath and feel your heart. Something inside you has awakened at this time. Tears sprout from your eyes, a gentle heat sways in your heart and drives a gentle balm into your mind. No, you are not alone, you are not alone. Feel the infinity of Beings of Light accompany you. Mother Earth sustains you. Feel your heart beating, feel the life that flows through you. It is not beautiful? Your heart joins the Heart of Mother Earth and the SUN. And something inside you remembers.

Your heart is a FRACTAL SUN of the Great Central SUN and is the nucleus of life that sustains SOLAR Consciousness in your Being and that is your Lemurian Memory! That is the memory of the Solar Consciousness, pressing inside you, propelling you towards your awakening and reconnecting with life.

When Solar Consciousness is activated in Us, it is inevitable that the sense of Service and Responsibility towards Life, towards Mother Earth will be activated.

In this Portal 12.12 represents the return of Solar Consciousness to hearts. At the time you feel appropriate to connect with the SUN, take a few moments. Connect with your heart in Love and visualize the energy of the Code.

This Light Code represents the Gate to connect with the SUN and receive the frequencies that our memory needs to receive to reconnect in the eternal Light of the Solar Essence.

Likewise, we can connect with Master KUTHUMI to request a deep cleaning of our karmic memories. As well as the Forgiveness and the liberation of karmic ties with other people.

Portal 12.12 on this occasion is a Door of Liberation and Planetary Transcendence through which we can receive the Divine Grace of Forgiveness and the liberation of Planetary and personal karma.

Portal 12.12. The Return of Solar Consciousness

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