Quantum physics confirms that we create our reality

Modern physics says "you can"

For decades, the powers of the mind have been issues associated with the "esoteric" world, crazy things. Most people do not know that quantum mechanics, that is, the dominant theoretical and practical model in the field of science, has demonstrated the interrelation between thought and reality. That when we believe that we can, in reality, we can. Surprising experiments in the world's most advanced laboratories corroborate this belief.

The study on the brain has advanced a lot in recent decades through "tomography." By connecting electrodes to this organ, it is determined where each of the activities of the mind occurs. The formula is very simple: electrical activity is measured while a mental activity is produced, whether rational, emotional, spiritual or sentimental, and thus it is known to which area this faculty corresponds.

These experiments in neurology have proven something seemingly outlandish: when we see a certain object activity appears in certain parts of our brain ... but when the subject is urged to close his eyes and imagine it, the brain activity is identical! So, if the brain reflects the same activity when it "sees" as when it "feels, " the big question comes: what is Reality? “The solution is that the brain makes no difference between what it sees and what it imagines because the neural networks themselves are involved; for the brain, what he sees as what he feels is as real, ”says biochemist and doctor of chiropractic medicine, Joe Dispenza in the book“ what do you know? ”. In other words, we manufacture our reality from the way we process our experiences, that is, through our emotions.

The brain pharmacy

In a small organ called the hypothalamus, emotional responses are made. There, in our brain, is the largest pharmacy that exists, where particles called “peptides” are created, small amino acid sequences that, combined, create neurohormones or neuropeptides. They are responsible for the emotions we feel daily. According to John Hagelin, professor of physics and director of the Institute for science, technology and public policy at Maharishi University, dedicated to the development of theories of the quantum unified field: “there is chemistry for rage, for happiness, for suffering, the envy…"

The moment we feel a certain emotion, the hypothalamus discharges those peptides, releasing them through the pituitary gland to the blood, which will connect with the cells that have those receptors outside. The brain acts like a storm that discharges thoughts through the synaptic fissure. No one has ever seen a thought, not even in the most advanced laboratories, but what is seen is the electrical storm that causes each mentalism, connecting the neurons through the "synaptic fissures".

Each cell has thousands of receptors surrounding its surface, as if opening to those emotional experiences. Dr. Candance Pert, a patent holder on modified peptides, and a professor at the Georgetown Medical University, explains: “Each cell is a small home of conscience. An entry of a neuropeptide into a cell is equivalent to a discharge of biochemicals that can modify the nucleus of the cell. ”

Our brain creates these neuropeptides and our cells are used to "receive" each of the emotions: anger, anguish, joy, envy, generosity, pessimism, optimism ... By getting used to them, thinking habits are created. Through the millions of synaptic endings, our brain is continually recreating; a thought or emotion creates a new connection, which is reinforced when we think or feel "something" repeatedly. This is how a person associates a certain situation with an emotion: a bad experience in an elevator, such as being locked up, can make the object “elevator” be associated with the fear of being locked up. If this association is not interrupted, our brain could relate that object-thought to that emotion and reinforce that connection, known in the field of psychology as "phobia" or "fear."

All habits and addictions operate with the same mechanics. A fear (not to sleep, to speak in public, to fall in love) can cause us to resort to a pill, a drug or a type of harmful thought. The unconscious objective is to "fool" our cells with another different emotion, usually something that excites us, "distracting" us from fear. In this way, every time we return to that situation, fear will inevitably connect us with the "solution, " that is, with addiction. Behind every addiction (drugs, people, drink, game, sex, television) there is therefore a fear inserted in the cellular memory.

The good news is that, as soon as we break that vicious circle, as soon as we break that connection, the brain creates another bridge between neurons that is the "passage to liberation." Because, as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has shown in its research with Buddhist lamas in a state of meditation, our brain is permanently remaking itself, even in old age. Therefore, you can unlearn and relearn new ways of living emotions.

Creative mind

Experiments in the field of elementary particles have led scientists to recognize that the mind is capable of creating. In the words of Amit Goswani, a professor of physics at the University of Oregon, the behavior of microparticles changes depending on what the observer does: When the observer looks, he behaves like a Wave, when it doesn't, like a particle. This means that the observer's expectations influence the Reality of the laboratories and each of us is made up of millions of atoms.

Translated into the scope of daily life, this will lead us to the fact that our Reality is, to a certain extent, the product of our own expectations. If a particle (the minimum part of matter that composes us) can behave as matter or wave, we can do the same.

Molecular reality

The surprising experiments of the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto with the water molecules have opened an incredible door to the possibility that our mind will be able to create Reality. Armed of a powerful electronic microscope with a tiny camera, Emoto photographed the molecules from contaminated water and spring. He put them in a cold room to freeze them and so, he managed to photograph them. What he found was that the pure waters created crystals of immeasurable beauty, while the dirty ones only caused chaos. Later, he proceeded to place words like Love or I hate you, finding a similar effect: love provoked beautiful molecular forms while hate generated chaos.

Finally, he tried to place relaxing music, folk music and thrash metal music, with the result of the chaos that could be seen in the photographs.

The biological explanation for this phenomenon is that the atoms that make up the molecules (in this case, the two small ones of Hydrogen and one big one of Ox Oxygen) can be ordered in different ways: harmoniously or cathically. If we take into account that 80% of our body is water, we will understand how our emotions, our words and even the music we hear, influence our reality to be more or less harmonious. Our internal structure is reacting to all external stimuli, rearranging the atoms of the molecules.

The valuable atomic emptiness

Although Greek philosophers have speculated about its existence, the atom has been a scientific reality since the early twentieth century. The atomic physics gave way to the theory of relativity and from there, to the quantum physics. In schools around the world it was taught today that the atom is composed of positive sign (proton) and neutral (neutron) particles in their nucleus and of Negative sign (electrons) spinning around. Its organization reminds extraordinarily of the Universe, some electrons (planets) revolving around a sun or nucleus (protons and neutrons). What most of us did not know is that the matter from which atoms are composed is practically non-existent. In the words of William Tyler, professor emeritus of engineering and subject science at Stanford University, “the subject is not static and predictable. Within atoms and molecules, particles occupy an insignificant place: the rest is empty. ”

In other words, that the atom is not a finished reality but much more malleable than we thought. Physicist Amit Goswani is resounding: “Heinsenberg, the co-discoverer of quantum mechanics, was very clear about it; Atoms are not things, they are TRENDS. So, instead of thinking of atoms as things, you have to think of possibilities, possibilities of consciousness. Quantum physics only calculates possibilities, so the question quickly comes to our minds, who chooses from among those possibilities for my current experience to occur? The answer of quantum physics is clear: Consciousness is involved, the observer cannot be ignored. ”

What reality do you prefer?

The already famous experiment with the fullerano molecule of Dr. Anton Zeillinger, at the University of Vienna, testified that the atoms of the fullerano molecule (atomic structure that has 60 carbon atoms) were able to pass through two holes simultaneously. This “science fiction” experiment is carried out normally today in laboratories around the world with particles that have become photographed. The reality of bilocation, that is, that "something" can be in two places at the same time, is something already in the public domain, at least in the field of the most innovative science. Jeffrey Satinover, former president of the Jung Foundation of Harvard University and author of books such as "The Quantum Brain" and "The Empty Being, " explains it like this: "Right now, you can see in numerous laboratories in the United States, objects sufficiently great for the human eye, which are in two places at the same time, and you can even take pictures. I think a lot of people will think that scientists have gone crazy, but the reality is like that, and it is something we still cannot explain. ”

Perhaps because some people think that “on foot” people will not understand these experiments, scientists have not yet managed to alert the population of the magnificent implications that this entails for our lives, although the attached theories are already part of the domain of informative science.

Surely the theory of parallel universes, the origin of that of the "quantum superposition", is what has managed to reach the public better. What he comes to say is that Reality is a number "n" of waves that coexist in space-time as possibilities, until ONE becomes Real: that will be what we live. It is we who deal with our choices and, above all, with our thoughts ("I can", "I can't") to lock ourselves in a limited and negative reality or in the achievement of those things we dream of. In other words, modern physics tells us that we can achieve everything we crave (within that range of possibilities - waves, of course).

In reality, the discoveries of quantum physics have been experienced by human beings for millennia, specifically, in the field of spirituality. According to the Dead Sea manuscript researcher Greg Braden, the ancient Essenes (the spiritual community to which, they say, Jesus Christ belonged) had a way of praying very differently from the current one. In his book "The Isaiah Effect: Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prayer, " Braden says his way of praying was very different from what Christians would adopt. Instead of asking God for “something, ” the Essenes visualized that what they were asking for had already been fulfilled, a traced technique that is used today in high competition sport, without going any further. Surely, many have seen in athletics championships how high jump or pole vaulters perform simulation exercises of the jump: inside they visualize themselves, neither more nor less than performing the feat. This technique comes from the field of sports psychology, which has developed techniques in turn collected from the collection of Eastern philosophies. The modern Neurolinguistic Programming, used in the field of advertising, public relations and the company in general, coincides in resorting to the present tense and the affirmation as a vehicle for the achievement of achievements. The word would be a step further in the creation of Reality, so we have to be careful with what we say because, somehow, we are attracting that reality.

The scientific search of the soul

In recent decades, experiments in the field of neurology have been aimed at finding where consciousness resides. Fred Alan Wolf, a doctor of physics at UCLA University, a philosopher, lecturer and writer explains it in “And what do you know?” From which the second part is expected in a few months: “Scientists have tried to find the observer, to find the answer to who is in charge of the brain: yes, we have gone to each of the brain's hiding places to find the observer and we have not found it; we haven't found anyone inside the brain, nobody in the cortical regions of the brain but we all have that feeling of being the observer. ” In the words of this scientist, the doors to the existence of the soul are wide open: "We know what the observer does but we do not know who or what the observer is."

Today recovered by quantum physics, many of these statements were known in antiquity, as in the case of the "Catechism of higher chemistry" by Karl von Eckartshausen.

Box 1 - Our brain: a computer that processes information

Every second, in a modern life full of stimuli: we are bombarded with huge amounts of information. The brain only processes a minimum amount of it: 400 billion bits of information per second. Scientific studies have shown that we are only aware of 2, 000, 000 of those bits, referring to the environment, time and our body. So, what we consider Reality, that is, what we live, is only a small part of what is actually happening. How all this information is filtered?

Through our beliefs: The model of what we believe about the world is built from what we feel inside us and from our ideas. Every information we receive from abroad is processed from the experiences we have had and our emotional response comes from these memories. Therefore, bad memories drive us to fall into the same mistakes.

Box 2: How to break those bad thinking habits

The brain creates these networks from memory: ideas, feelings, emotions. Each association of ideas or facts, incubates a thought or memory in the form of a neural connection, which leads to memories through associative memory. At a similar feeling or emotion, that memory will reappear in the form of an idea or thought. There are people who connect “love” with “disappointment” or “deception”, so when you go to feel love, the neural network will connect with the emotion corresponding to how you felt the last time you felt it: anger, pain, anger, etc. . According to Joe Dispenza “if we practice a certain emotional response, that synaptic connection is reinforced and reinforced. When we learn to "observe" our reactions and do not act automatically, that model is broken. " Thus, learning to "see" these associations is the best way to avoid recurrence: the key is consciousness.

Table 3: The mechanics of erection

The best metaphor for creative thinking is the male member. A single sexual fantasy, that is, an erotic thought, is capable of producing an erection, with all the variety of endocrine glands and hormones that participate in it. There is nothing outside the mind of man but, nevertheless, there is a hormonal whirlwind that leads to a palpable physical fact. On the feminine side, also the power of thought associated with eroticism often becomes physical facts, demonstrating the ability of thought to create pleasurable ... or addictive situations. The strongest advocates of the power of visualization come to propose that almost everything we want can be obtained through it.


Many scientists and quantum physicists recognize the power of transmission in any simple geometric form or as a wavy design of an energy trail, it is a simple WAVE. It can have a geometric pattern or it can be a simple brush gesture like a wave that contains the full meaning, intention and energy of a given moment of intensity while shaping reality and can have in its being all the qualities that created It is an energy fractal seed that, given the correct situation, will continue to grow and multiply. These are models and forms that create energy and transmit specific patterns of thought, we have been using them in temples, churches, logos, advertising and we can immediately recognize the harmony and disharmony in them. Certain models of sacred geometry seem to interact with their surroundings by harmonizing and stabilizing their molecules, as if organizing atoms and electrons. It can mean that a certain design of YANTRA ENERGY geometry can polarize particles and could even purify water, increasing the qualities and harmony in its surroundings.


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