Conscious Nutritional Change

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 What are we talking about? 2 What is true in this vast sea of ​​information? 3 Where do you intend to make the change? 4 Are you looking to nourish yourself healthy or just appease your emotions? 5 What can you do to clear yourself in that abyss of food? 6 Reflection

Have you really changed your eating habits or simply replaced them?

Do you cling to a continuous food transition or are you willing to keep moving forward?

What are we talking about?

Well, one of the star themes of these times, the widespread health food. Let's investigate thoroughly so you can self-respond to the questions raised and so you can really realize if you are going to make the change from the conscience.

We live a few moments of a certain revolution in the field of food. More and more people are questioning whether eating animal products is adequate, even though it has been going on for thousands of years. Increasingly the news, studies, personalities and estates are calling into question the idea that if you stop eating meat and dairy there will be significant nutritional deficiencies, such as lack of protein, iron, calcium ... Although the Most still do not accept this idea and do not even consider studying it thoroughly in an impartial way or experiencing another way of nourishing themselves more in line with the organic reality of the human being and, in many cases, they do not pay more attention, they leave it in the hands of considered expert authorities: “If they say so!” “They know!” “They say it for something!”

On the other hand, when you start questioning the current maelstrom of the food path, whether you are unhappy with what it gives you or for what it causes you, it is at that moment that you take a certain awareness and begin to inquire about another possible nutritional reality based in simpler foods without so much elaboration and you decide to initiate your personal changes, you come across a sea of ​​information that offers you various possibilities, some even contradictory, and you see that each one of them preaches its best virtues and miraculous results: “This is the correct! The others are incorrect!

And so we pray: It is best to eat everything, be omnivore, pescetarian or the so-called Mediterranean diet, it is best to be vegetarian or ovo or lacto or api vegetarian, it is best to be macrobi tico or gran voro or lactoceleriano or esteineriano or eubioniano, it is best to be vegan or raw vegan, the best thing is to be Something finished in anus! Actually, it is true that everything ends in the anus, but to get there, what happened along the way? Has the only purpose of feeding been fulfilled, which is to nourish the organism healthily by providing the tools it truly needs? At the same time, opposite or contradictory versions are released in the modern media that mislead the most painted. Before this endless sea, in the end you can even deduce that it is best to remain the same and leave it in the hands of others or simply implement some small changes obtained from here and there, surely the m They are easy to apply and that involve the least extortion of the addictive habits you have created. Your ego tells you: What are you going to change for, are we alright how are we? And your soul whispers to you: Inquiry .

What is true in this vast sea of ​​information?

In any information, no matter how unlikely, there is always a part of truth and in any information, however scientific it may be considered, there is always a part of falsehood. This principle is based on two simple reasonings.

The first is that the absolute truth is far from being understood with the limited material mind, so that any process that proceeds from it will have, to a greater or lesser extent, a part of truth and another part of falsehood. The mind has a powerful and unexplored force capable of projecting and executing unthinkable things and its great engine is the willpower with which great truths can be obtained; but, at the same time, a part of the mind is pure imagination capable of recreating or justifying anything. Therefore, the total and absolute truth is out of the mind, is beyond the limited material plane, resides in the subtle plane where the density of matter ceases to exist, which is what limits the full vision of absolute truth .

It is possible to explore the absolute truth through the energetic connection that is made through meditative concentration, which is the link with the Source of Truth. With this practice, authentic intuition develops, which is what transmits the truths from the subtle plane to the material to the conscious. Therefore, the mind will give us a limited part of the truth; on the other hand, the developed intuition or the prolonged inner connection, will lead you to the true reality and, with it, you can rule the mind with the truth.

By themselves, scientific or research studies are achieved thanks to mental development. But if they are developed through the inner and deep connection that displays the intuition of the researcher, they will be part of the most accurate way to find great truths and few falsehoods and, in any case, those falsehoods will lose prominence the more intuitive connection the researcher practices. A clear example of this are the well-known Tesla and Einstein.

The second reasoning is that there are so many different truths as there are realities of human beings on Earth, since, depending on the moment of experimentation of each being, its truth of that moment will be one and will change as your consciousness changes. What is valid for today will cease to be tomorrow or after or within a certain time, since all this will be a function of the reality that one experiences in that precise evolutionary moment.

As each one evolves through their personal experimentation process, their real truths will change, so, while remaining true what you considered for that particular circumstance, you will acquire and accept another different truth as valid as the previous one, which I was the one who played at that time and in that state of consciousness. The Earth is a planet of experimentation and as such it requires different true considerations so that experimentation can develop; otherwise, the experimentation would be like that of a flock of sheep, monotonous, all with the beeeee . The variety enriches the experimental field, but, at the same time, there comes a time when it saturates you, you are tired of so many ups and downs, and that's when you question things, you start asking yourself questions and, immediately afterwards, you ask for answers; in fact, you cry out to return to the origin of the Absolute and Unique Truth, the Infinite Reality of Being Joyful.

That's why everything is for good, nothing is because yes and everything has to be accepted as a passenger. Whatever you do, everything will be according to the moment, it will simply be part of your personal process of experimentation of that specific state and, when it is already heavy, you will change and adopt another truth. Another principle will work, which is one that preaches that when you are unhappy with how you are, you look. You will feel it at a specific moment in your life, you yourself will look for another way of doing and, with that intention, the Universe will show you the path that best suits what you need at that moment. But, if you insist on turning a deaf ear to that change, you will continue to suffer from discontent and even aggravate it. The law of karma acts as long as the universal basic laws of respect, balance and harmony are violated, you will suffer the consequences that you yourself will have generated, no one but you. Changing unhealthy habits and implementing healthier patterns and consistent with the reality of what it really is and how the human being is constituted will bring you happiness and this well-being.

Where do you intend to make the change?

Some trends repudiate the consumption of animals and their derivatives and even everything that comes from them such as wool, silk, skin, leather ... And it is true that all this is the result of animal exploitation with the basic purpose of feed and that these are foods outside the design of the human being, but, instead, they are replaced by other foods that come from sources that alter the Earth's ecosystem and balance and that affect Nature and the animals themselves; and even foods that, although less harmful, are also not those that have been designed to nourish the body.

Positioning without a clear awareness of why it is done and the process that must be followed to reach change represents extremism and radicalization. In the middle is the key that opens the door for you to make the changes progressively, so that you can re-couple the organism and give time to the internal chemistry to make the adaptation that was lost in the past, when the man fed of fruits, fruits and seeds, which are the original food of the human being.

The most significant step to change society is the one that great characters and saints have already practiced throughout history, such as Gandhi. Change yourself and with your example you will sow the seed that will bear fruit in others in due time; But yes, it changes from full awareness. If you do it from repression or radicalization, the seed will be sterile and you will return sooner or later to the place where you were before starting your own changes.

The goal is very clear: respect our brothers animals. In each of them dwells a soul like yours, neither more nor less, only that soul is experiencing in another kingdom, in another way. After many years, even lives, going the opposite way, it is convenient to start the steps back to the origin in an orderly and focused way, avoiding radicalism and recrimination towards others, also respecting your human brothers and their personal process of experimentation.

When you decide to make nutritional changes or at least to experience a certain option for a while, it is because you are unhappy with something or because some evil is afflicting you. But it may also be the case that, simply, it is for being up to date with the latest news or because it is a fad or for supposed healthy values ​​that you do not even understand or because others do, or because ...

There are two possible ways of doing things: One is that you get carried away by social assembly, interests or others, driven by neglect or submission, without questioning anything, accepting as true what the majority or calls authorities have established as true for years and years: "Do not change anything!", says your ego. The other is to be a little curious and question the options they offer you, form your personal criteria, researching beyond the simple form or content. If so, you will be initiating the awareness process, which is essential to consolidate any changes you propose. Otherwise, the change will last what the fashion lasts or what the force of the opposite habit imposes on you; you will be in the swing of what sounds and your ego decides.

Within the sea of ​​information and even contradictions, what will be the initial guide that will contrast if the steps are the most appropriate? Why do I go on? The principle that will guide you along the path most appropriate to your moment, is the one practiced by the Essenian community as the beginning of all the acts they performed in their lives: Simple and simple. what is reasonably complex is part of the mental vision and everything that is reasonably easy is part of the origin of life. If you expect the Universe to send you tangled and hieroglyphic messages that you have to decipher, you will get tired of waiting; Only the mental focus of the human being in the matter, is able to lucubrate great riddles that very little or nothing will contribute to your personal growth.

That which reasoned correctly resonates you from within, will be what will take you along the path of your truth and from it you will get all the strength you need to put it into practice by activating it. of your will The lived experience will be the climax with which your consciousness will definitely change and so you can consolidate any change and enjoy it from the solidity and truth, the truth of your moment .

Are you looking to nourish yourself healthily or simply appease your emotions?

In addition to those already existing for hundreds of years, in these times more trends and food trends are being created. The most widespread use all kinds of dense and difficult or no digestive food by the human digestive system, such as those from animals, processed, refined, denatured, additives. Others make multiple combinations between foods to get a digest of nutrients, but many of those combinations between foods are chemically incompatible, since they require different chemical digestions, which causes an incomplete process and therefore a nutritional loss, whereby that theoretical nutritionality lacks practical effectiveness. Some recommend eating all kinds of raw foods to eat life, without taking into account that some of them are poorly digested without being cooked. And there are those who desperately look for food substitutes, especially of animal origin, which they consider to be inadequate, so that they can evoke those flavors that cells remember and that habits have consolidated in them, until they can imitate all kinds of meat products. But for what purpose? Nutritious or rather to satisfy the longing?

In most cases, the complex elaboration and the mixtures between various components to achieve these substitute foods, support dense and chemically incompatible mixtures at the digestive level and only when that alleged imitation is simple can it approach a nutritionally suitable food for the human being. You may ask yourself: Why this desire to remember food flavors and combinations that you have already assumed were inappropriate for your health? Are you looking for an emotional painkiller for that addictive memory? Only when you understand and assume why you are looking for it, will you be beginning the transition process and there will come a time when, without repression, can you leave those substitutes and nourish yourself with food closer to what is the constitution of the digestive system design of being human, that is, the simple foods that nature offers us directly with the purpose of nourishing us.

Among all these trends we can see in each of them an adequate basis for healthy nutrition for the design of the human organism, but, on the other hand, it is necessary to take another step to continue moving towards a diet that is really very healthy and profitable for the best digestion of the human organism. Otherwise, nutritional wastage and overload, even with foods considered healthy, will be evident and, when this occurs repeatedly and increases, the organs will accumulate, over time they will become saturated and imbalances that cause dysfunctions will arise and that They lead to diseases.

In fact and as a transition, all these trends contain that less adequate part. They are foods or combinations that serve to avoid cutting off unhealthy and even addictive habits that have been created for many years by eating very dense foods and away from the true food of the human being. But welcome are those trends; It is already a great step to realize what it takes to eat the majority of institutionalized foods in today's society and, when you become aware of all this, you can continue moving forward. Only you can value it and decide if you want to continue in a permanent transition or if you take another step towards the maximum possible level of health that corresponds to you.

If you are willing to continue on the path of “Self-Management of your Health”, take control of your well-being from the awareness and you have already assessed the options offered to you, you should be aware of how and from where Your personal process develops.

Within the multitude of trends and food sub-trends of all kinds, you will have to put order and close attention to determine which one you are going to undertake. Observe what resonates most with you as a result of a certain analysis and meditative reflection and allow your intuition to mark the path you need at that moment in which you are.

Depending on your state and disposition, the work you have done to acquire that awareness, you will need to start in one way or another, but keep in mind that there is always something else that will allow you to go even further. If you enclose yourself as a dogma of faith in foods that provide you with a transition in order to detach yourself from the densest and alien to the human being, and you remain anchored in them, you will paralyze your journey towards optimal health. If you assume that everything is already discovered and that nothing else can be known, you will anchor yourself in your evolutionary process.

Find out, test, experiment, observe your body and decide at every moment in which line you will act. But, above all, keep in mind what you are and how you are constituted, this will give you the clues about the weaknesses and strengths that each practical food line. If you reach that step of awareness, the result of your interest in self-management, you will realize that in all lines or trends and even food fashions there are very interesting and incoherent parts.

What can you do to clear yourself in that abyss of food?

Very simple, you only need the most correct information that can lead you to understand and with it realize what a human body is and how it works. With this you will be initiating the process of awareness, essential to carry out any change in your life, which will have to follow the implementation through your powerful willpower. There is the key to the shortest and most conducive way for you to reach Rome. The path you choose to reach is in your hands. They say that all roads lead to Rome, but some go around the world, others are stony and obstacles are full and there are some that are flat and pleasant.

The physical bases that govern an organism are so complex that, despite the great discoveries and countless studies, only a very small part of its functioning has been understood. The healthy and nutritional guidelines that are taught from the mental perspective are the result of intelligent characters, but the guidelines that come from humble intuition are wise and, therefore, simple and accurate. Intelligence comes from a brilliant material mind, but Wisdom comes from the true intuition that draws from the Source from which all Life flows and where the Absolute Truth resides.

Instead of wanting to understand everything and control everything from the intellect, it would be much more effective to go to Wisdom, which always takes you on the shortest path, closer to the truth you need and which turns out to be the simplest and simplest. The obsession in wanting to know everything to the last detail to silence the ego-mind that constantly asks you for explanations, becomes heavy, burdensome and eternal, since the ego feeds on it. On the other hand, when you add to the logic a gram of faith and surrender to your reality, everything flows in a flat, coherent and precise way; In a word: wise. You choose if you want the road to be uphill or downhill, long or short, stony or flat. As everything in Creation is circular, that is to say infinite, you will arrive through any of them; but yes, you will do it differently: sooner or later, with heaviness, hardness and suffering or with lightness, happiness and well-being, which is the path to life full of constant and growing joy.

By eating nutritious foods and in accordance with the organic design of the human being and through the appropriate transition, you will get the best results. Keep in mind that after many, many years of practicing nutrition away from the originally designed one, the human digestive system remains the same; Only organic homeostasis has had to make internal chemical adaptations to be able to treat and obtain a certain quality of nutrients with the intake of inadequate food. So you must carry out the reverse process to re-adapt it to its original form of work, which is what will give you the maximum health that corresponds to live according to your karma.

Observe the great wisdom that is hidden after the homeostatic adaptation of the organism that has originated after thousands or more, instead of having made a simple evolution n towards that different kind of food. Why? Because the Creation has never lost the hope that you will return to the path that corresponds to you to recover the maximum possible health that reconnecting you with your reality will give you thanks to a physical body Healthy and a clear mind. That is the real reason to aspire to maximum health through proper nutrition. If you do it with the intention of being beautiful, show off your attributes, possess a different exterior to your age, avoid old age or even rub shoulders with immortality, you have to know that these are things of the ego that is playing subtly with you. In material evolution it is guaranteed that those expectations will fail at some time and the pleasure obtained during that time will dissolve and be immediately supplied by suffering. The only purpose that will bring you happiness, well-being and finally the long-awaited joy that every being seeks tirelessly is to use that maximum health you achieve to carry out your spiritual progress.

The digestive system of the human being by nature and design is identical to that of a frugivorous animal. In it almost nothing has changed after thousands of years of eating foreign food, simply what internal homeostasis has done. which is what regulates the survival of the body, it has been adapted to these adverse circumstances. Then, you will ask: Where is the problem? Well nowhere and in all. The truth is that this has contributed greatly to the results obtained in terms of health and well-being. The increasingly early and rare diseases, altered mental states, the precarious experience of old age, the disconnection from our reality, the aggressiveness among human beings, clearly show that something has been done incorrectly and that the perfect functioning of the human body has been violated, which by its design is perfectly constituted to last between 120 and 130 years with perfect health and mental clarity. There are still certain areas with long-lived and healthy populations, where people die of vejez, what happens when a day comes just when you lie down, you turn off without regret and without suffering and you return to the beginning of the cycle of life or you stay to rest in your origin.

You may be asked: Who are you? What food flow do you follow?

Then, simply say: I am consistent with who I am.

If you are simply consistent with who you really are, everything will be in its place and you will enjoy the real well-being, which will help you to govern the mind from the wise intuition that always manifests all true


If you apply the Essene principle of simplifying your life and you nourish yourself with healthy foods, respecting the chemistry and physics of the human organism, everything will flow healthy in you and your state of physical, mental and spiritual well-being will overflow everywhere

“Through proper food, you can enjoy your maximum state of health, enjoying the magnificent and tasty foods offered by Mother Nature in the form of fruits, fruits, seeds that have been irrigated by spring water, nourished by the earth, expanded by the wind and cooked by the sun ”. “Remember that, to undertake any change in your habits, you need to do it from the process of awareness and activate it through your powerful will; otherwise, it will be carried out from the repression and sooner or later it will fail. ”

From the Essen Institute we encourage you to take the reins of your material life through the healthy guidelines that will sustain it and we provide you with the information that is needed so that you can “SELF-MANAGE YOUR HEALTH”.

We wish you a joyful and healthy stay on Earth!

Author: Josep María Montserrat Vila - Cellular Nutritionist

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