Great Treasure: Actions and Guidelines to Care and Strengthen Your Spirituality

  • 2017

How had he proposed it in Article Have you heard the song of that bird? Take care and strengthen your Spirituality, extend the subject, teaching you significant guidelines and advice so that you can care for and strengthen your Spirituality in a successful, creative and efficient way .

Transcendental Task: Caring for and Strengthening your Spirituality

“The connection of the Self with Spirituality implies closeness and essence with itself, with others and with nature, receiving a real purpose of life, a state of constant and pleasant peace and harmony”

The epidemiologist doctor Jeff Levin, through one of his many investigations, wanted to make known why the people who care for and strengthen their Spirituality are healthier and have longer and more successful lives . According to his conclusions and research, he decided to publish his book "God, Faith and Health: Exploring the Spirituality-Healing Connection, " translated into Spanish: "God, faith and health: analyzing the connection between spirituality and healing."

Basically, he determined that, by caring for and strengthening Spirituality, the propensity for suicide is extinguished (even those suffering from terminal illnesses), the levels of stress, depression and anxiety are eliminated, the speed of recovery and adaptation to the disease increases. . In conclusion, Caring for and Strengthening Spirituality is responsible for increasing the quality of life in people, health and general well-being . You see how important it is to care for and strengthen your Spirituality!

Before continuing, I want you to make an important distinction between Religiosity and Spirituality .

The first has to do with people who are involved with a religious belief . They know, because they try to practice in their own lives, the values ​​sought in the divine realm . The second experience is linked to the search for the sacred and the divine, through experiences in any area of ​​life, fitting Spirituality into a universal particularity (Koenig, 2000: 18)

Thus, the connection of the Self with Spirituality implies closeness and essence with itself, with others and with nature, receiving a real purpose of life, a state of constant and pleasant peace and harmony. Then, satisfactory answers can be found in relation to life, death and disease (Brady, Peterman, Fitchett et al., 1999: 417-428)

According to the thought of Ross (1995), Spirituality is defined in the light of three fundamental aspects: purpose and meaning, faith in one, in others and in God, and the will to live . Which more important? This inseparable three-dimensional reality, helps the recovery of the individual, through a deep understanding of the meaning or purpose of life; then quickly acquires an intense desire to exist (Cotton, Levine, Fitzpatrick et al., 1999: 429-438)

From the conception of the previous deductions, the human person, from his Spirituality, manages to center his existence in the exploration of real meanings and of value, surrounding his life, of a pleasant state of peace and harmony, being able to empathize with the mysterious, exciting and transcendental of his Spiritual world.

Currently, at the Mind-Body Institute, based at Harvard University, the power of prayer has been studied for 30 years, focusing individually on the effect it has on the body, meditation, prayer, and life experiences rooted in values, love and charitable actions towards the other person, nature and the cosmos.

Perhaps, I already made myself understood Why Caring for and Strengthening your Spirituality becomes a Transcendental Task ? I will go on to tell you the guidelines and advice for you to practice in your Spiritual life.

Actions and Guidelines to Care and Strengthen your Spirituality, your Treasure

“I will present contemplation as a fundamental tool to care for and strengthen your Spirituality. Plato assured that, through contemplation, the soul can ascend to the knowledge of the Form of Good or in other divine forms ”

I will give you a medium, but large summary, taking note of the most important life experiences, about the guidelines and actions to care for and strengthen your Spirituality.

Your first task, will be to get you to experience silence as the right moment to penetrate your Self, asking you questions of transcendental nature . Not only is it a physical silence, an inner silence will be necessary. When you fully experience inner and outer silence, you can discover your true identity. Think about the number of people who are afraid of being silent, the first thing they conceive when feeling alone, is to turn on your computer and place music at high volume. That is a singular sign that this person is spiritually poor.

You will have to opt for loneliness, value it and look for it . You should be aware that, through this action, you will develop your Spirituality fully, and with it, your social intelligence. Ask yourself, are you afraid of loneliness ? Or on the contrary, do you enjoy solitude ?

The third action that you should take to praxis to care for and strengthen your Spirituality, will be the constant ability to ask you questions in relation to your inner and outer existence . Why have philosophers been transcendental in their thoughts, and many of them, in their Spirituality? Simply, because they daily question their own inner and outer reality .

Advancing by leaps and bounds, I will present contemplation as a fundamental tool to care for and strengthen your Spirituality . Plato ensured that, through contemplation, the soul can ascend to the knowledge of the Form of Good or in other divine forms. The contemplation propitiates space and time for the discovery of the I, achieves the development of an ethical and moral life .

As in all life I would communicate, you must create openness to other people ; you can achieve it, through dialogue, the colloquium and human correction . It is no accident that the vast majority of wars worldwide do not prosper, or culminate, thanks to the intervention of a dialogue between the parties involved.

The sixth action, refers to the capacity that you should gradually develop, in observing and detailing the works of art with their real Spiritual and expressive beauty, making you commune with the All . Have you ever observed works of art? If you have enjoyed the true honor of observing them, what have you felt? When a work of art is contemplatively experienced, it awakens in the intimate Self, a real experience of beauty and great Spirituality . Remember that the works of art begin with the creativity and the deepest and most intimate Spirituality of the artist, and conclude in the subjectivity of the spectator, according to his level of Spirituality.

Start the practice of physical exercise, go to the gym, jog, walk . By strengthening your body and oxygenating your mind, your heart and your brain, the sense of order and the importance of self-control will awaken in your existence.

Eighth, proceed to experience your fragility as the essence of your existence . Thus, you will know how to make sense of each event that comes into your life, your Being, your I, your intimacy. If you succeed, it will come to your life, an experience of intense, spiritual and profound solidarity . You will be unity with the Being of other people.

As I have already told you in various Articles, practice meditation . Intimating yourself is a transformative and transcendent experience.

I hope that the eight guidelines and actions to care for and strengthen your Spirituality have become clear, and hopefully, if you don't practice them, you try to experience in your life the great gift of your Spirituality .

"Waking up is spirituality, because only awake can we enter into truth and freedom" Anthony De Mello

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor in the Great Family of

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