The Johrei and his philosophy

  • 2018

For years the human being has been involved in a world full of prejudices, strange conditions and many adversities that tend to harm his health and the environment where he lives. For what it seeks by nature to create an emotional and spiritual balance that allows it to move forward and live in a healthier way, maintaining the connection with the universe and its God. That is the Johrei and his philosophy .

Everything about Johrei and his philosophy

To achieve this, there are those who rely on their own beliefs and religion as the main channel. As there are also others who are dedicated to adjust their way of life under certain spiritual methods or rituals where the mind and body become one and the benefits are truly extraordinary.

Johrei is one of the many methods that exist, which today accompanies people from at least 74 countries, who seek to feel good about themselves and healthy.

What does Johrei consist of?

It is a spiritual practice that offers the possibility of channeling through the palm of the hands the natural and pure connection between the universe and the soul of the person receiving the divine light of God. So the person, as is logical, needs to feel purified, healthy, find his spiritual peace and identify the nobility of his deepest feelings .

According to the experience and the results of those who have given themselves the opportunity to try this practice by opening their minds and soul to receive the supreme power of God, they say that they manage to reach a state of real purity in which egocentrism and vanal thoughts lose all meaning .

This is how they can then remove negative feelings, sufferings, forget conflicts and become more humble, positive and grateful people with life. This in turn brings a series of benefits, as it directly influences the mood and existing diseases, which heal much faster.

Johrei benefits

As its meaning indicates, the word JOH (purifying) and REI (spirit), the Johrei brings great healing benefits both physically and emotionally . The best of all is that anyone can dedicate themselves to this beautiful practice, the important thing is to have the best disposition to do it, regardless of the religious beliefs of each one.

People who are dedicated to apply the Johrei to others are known as transmitters, the beneficiary being the recipient. Although it should be noted that in this practice both obtain the same benefits, since to be able to carry it out it requires a lot of concentration so that the flow of energy is transmitted naturally and efficiently.

Among the benefits that are achieved with the Johrei highlights the great improvement in blood circulation, which improves the health of the body's systems. People become more tolerant and compressible and can relate better to others. Improve the skills and perceptions for carrying out different activities.

Likewise, they also reach a level of confidence with which they can lead and face the various situations that arise in everyday life and with the best attitude.

Without a doubt, learning to live better is knowing how to be in harmony with our spirit and soul, and this technique is perfect for this. Therefore, those who want a much more perfect and full state will do well to apply this therapy that has been proven really effective for the personal benefit of millions of humans worldwide.

Seen on, by Pedro, editor of the Great White Brotherhood

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