The universe exists by the light of love

  • 2012

Everything that is here, in this existence, in this reality, is part of the same being, is the same being. The being that you see, that you feel, that you breathe, supposes the same essence without inside or outside, without you or me, being only One. This consciousness of unity allows the entrance to the portal of the house of God, to our home. The home of life is life itself, the home of consciousness is to be seen in its being ... This seeing, this being aware of you, means inhabiting the supreme paradise.

You are the light that lives beyond forms and names, you are the light that is the cause of all names and forms. The cause of all that exists is love, the reason for this manifestation is the result of a willingness to manifest, of a will to exist: and this will can only be originated by a single energy, that energy that moves everything and what we call love.

The soul is love living in beings ... The love of God, through its natural will, gives birth to creation, to the miracle of being. There is no time for being, its being is always now, its nature responds to an eternity taking place now. 'Now' you see the past, the future, the present, the non-time, the infinite dimensions of being, the deep horizon of your dreams, of the stars and galaxies, of the worlds and territories beyond the thinkable and more close to the felt and the beloved: in the endless possibility of the eternal being.

What is born of love enjoys the eternal quality of the sacred, is substantiated as a living soul and is present as the total spirit, as the unique consciousness caressed by an indescribable magnificence. The quality of the soul that is reborn as a spirit embraces in its spontaneous recognition the immortal root that has erected it. The greatness of the spirit resembles a tree of countless branches, of endless roots, of incredible symmetries held by a luminous trunk whose branches, leaves and fruits seem to indicate as an arrow the sky above: true origin of its roots and of Its original seed.

We are children of the light and of the stars, of the unlimited distant spaces - and so close at the same time - that we are amazed to contemplate in the nights that cover celestial mysteries, white flickering points caressing the soul, fleeting stars eternalizing an instant and filling with meaning and infinity our dreams of the soul Marvel at this splendor is the great and perfect prayer, keep silent to hear the dazzling song of creation fills us with it and unifies us with what what are we. Embracing this undeniable event that we call existence we expand our chest and our heart and revive, we recognize, remember that the universe exists by the light of love.

Jos Manuel Mart nez S nchez

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