Sacred Geometry: Knowing the Principle present in the design of all nature, the Universe and ourselves

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 What is Sacred Geometry 2 How Sacred Geometry works 3 Sacred Geometry in different cultures 4 Sacred Geometry as therapy 5 Conclusions

Sacred geometry is in all of us, as in everything around us. Nature, and we as part of it, are developed and evolve respecting the same design patterns we see printed on everything else.

A bee's brain contains 0.00001% of nerve cells that we find in humans. However, they have the ability to build a geometrically perfect honeycomb to nest their young. We can also find patterns of sacred geometry in the scaled body of fish, ancient temples, the human brain and the arrangement and morphology of the stars in space.

Since time immemorial, these patterns have been in sight and we have been attracted to them. However, sacred geometry goes far beyond the fascination of our sight, and it is presented to us as a therapy that allows us to enter into harmony with our same patterns that conform us.

Stay with us while we take a walk on the considerations of sacred geometry, and see how we can incorporate it into our lives.

What is sacred geometry

It is important to understand that Sacred Geometry is the basis of Creation . And as such, the participation of these patterns shape the Universe. It is the intelligent ordering of it. In that way, ourselves and everything around us is intrinsically governed by these mathematical laws that work our proportions, twinning with everything present in this world.

Thus, to return to these forms of sacred geometry is to come back into contact with our existential bases, and thus allow our body to be ordered again, and achieve mental and spiritual balance.

How Sacred Geometry works

The correspondence principle is what teaches us that everything is aligned. Everything we observe at the macroscopic level is repeated in a fractal way in the microscopic. The patterns are the same.

Thus, the totality of the structural diversity that is present in the Universe always respects these patterns of sacred geometry.

Currently, the patterns of shapes that are recognized are seven:

  • The cube, with 12 edges, 6 square faces and 8 vertices. It represents the Secret of the Natural World . The wisdom of the Earth, and everything that has been generated from it.
  • The icosahedron, with 30 edges, 20 triangle-shaped faces and 12 vertices, representing Water Consciousness . The seed of life and masculine energy are represented in this form of sacred geometry.
  • The tetrahedron, with 6 edges, 4 triangle-shaped faces and 4 vertices, and represents the Spirit of the Sacred Fire . This same is a symbol of Wisdom and Knowledge.
  • The octahedron, with its 12 edges, its 8 triangle-shaped faces and 6 vertices, has the shape of two inverted pyramids joined at the bases. This geometric pattern represents Air, and is a symbol of Matter in Perfection by the Spirit .
  • The Dodecahedron, with 30 edges, 12 pentagon-shaped faces and 20 vertices, refers to the fifth element, the Ether, prana or chi. It is the energy that the Universe gives us, and is considered as the feminine energy, and the Mother Form .

These first 5 forms of Sacred Geometry correspond to the five Platonic Solids . They are perfect bodies, where the faces are identical regular polygons, and the vertices correspond to each other.

And then we have:

  • The circle, the simplest and perhaps most respected geometric form among the patterns of sacred geometry found in nature. This figure represents Eternity, the One, which presents neither beginning nor end, and which constantly returns in itself.
  • The spiral, representative of the Movement, Dynamism and Development . We can find two types of spirals. The Golden or Golden Spiral, which is generated in a downward movement, which is receptive, feminine, with an opening to receive; and the Fibonacci Spiral, generated in an upward movement, which is projective, masculine, and open to give and expand its energy in all directions.

Sacred Geometry in different cultures

As we said before, the morphological patterns of everything that exists is the object of our fascination since the beginning of time. And to recognize this, we only need to observe the evidence left by ancient cultures.

Architecture is one of the arts where you can see this most. For example, the pyramids and temples of ancient Egypt, as well as those of the Mayan temples, the Ziggurat of ancient Mesopotamia and the Hebrew Tabernacle.

In turn, we also find patterns of sacred geometry in Eastern cultures. In India and Tibet, mandalas are perfect diagrams and psychograms that constitute spiritual images. These invite us to an encounter with our inner self in meditation.

On the other hand, in tribal cultures, paintings and body art are made up of symbols that use the same forms and patterns of sacred geometry. In this way, the drawn art represent States of the Soul, and also in their dances they are describing symmetrical movements that connect their body with nature.

The evidence is overwhelming, and the participation of these patterns has always been fundamental throughout our history.

Sacred Geometry as therapy

The geometric patterns of the Universe are also patterns that repeat in ourselves. In our thoughts, in our energy, in our body and in our actions. In that way, we can return to them to harmonize and find the balance that is so often presented as elusive.

First we must understand that we are a living manifestation of the same Sacred Geometry, which is constantly perpetuated and evolves.

Then, this form of therapy will seek to work with geometric symbols and patterns that integrate our own energy field. And that way it allows us to unlock the energy that can be found stagnant. Therefore, it can free us from emotional and mental patterns that unbalance us and affect our state of health.

As a simple exercise, we can look for an image of the Flower of Life, and place it in front of us. Find a comfortable position and achieve a state of relaxation by breathing deeply. Then we will let our eyes travel the lines that make up that figure. This pattern of Sacred Geometry harmonizes and helps us increase our connection with the Consciousness of the Universe, with which we have a close relationship.


Sacred Geometry tells us about our origins, about our belonging to the Cosmos, about our participation in Creation. It shows us again that the Universe is reflected in our existence and invites us to make it part of us.

We often need to remember that we have been designed by the same force, the same energy, as everything else in nature. And therefore we are connected to it. Returning to it is like returning to our home.

Strengthen this connection, and you will see how your life is balanced and aligned with the designs of the Universe .

The same principles are respected for the existence of everything that is. Your existence.

Connect, and find your balance.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor and translator of the great family of



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