Assume the end for meditation

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 Similar previous stories 2 Interpretive trends in people 3 Thoughts for the moment 4 The hopeful attitude 5 Independence of results

Last March of this year, 2019, the UN announced something terrible in relation to our world. He claims that life will disappear by 2050. Then he reaffirmed his message in August. It invites us to reflect on the possibility of this collective destiny, of assuming the end to meditate.

In this article we will see some considerations to be able to handle that information . This will help us to place ourselves better in front of others and in front of ourselves, in the need we all have to be able to take our days forward .

Similar previous stories

In the first place, it is possible to see the reactions that the general public normally has, that is to say, the reactions that we usually have all, before this kind of announcements. Catastrophic forecasts about the future have been made since there is news of the existence of humanity . Some of the most famous have been the biblical apocalypse, the end of the world announced for the year 1, 000, and some others of the prophetic type announced for the year 2000. All of whom we know have not been fulfilled, or at least not significantly fulfilled.
We could then, taking into account that this kind of thinking or propaganda usually occurs too many times, not paying attention to it. But, the problem arises when considering the nature of which the United Nations agency is composed. This is not made up of clairvoyant prophets, but by applied scholars . That is, for that kind of person that most respect usually deserves in our society.

So we have a question. If we decide not to pay attention because it is an overly abused issue, we commit the lightness of not seeing what anyone is not telling us, someone applying is telling us. And if we decide to consider the news, we are overwhelmed to think that we should assume something too ugly and too big to be able to process it easily.
It is that, truly, if the idea of ​​the end of the world has given good profit dividends to the creators of science fiction films, it has instead had a very different effect in other areas of human existence. In the past, many people have become depressed and even committed suicide at the idea that the world would end. For example when it was announced in 1910 that Halley's comet could hit our planet.

But well, there is the UN data, and what can we do with it? Since if true, it means that not only we, if we are of age, we will not live for many years, but also if we are young, we will not even reach maturity.
One possibility, to be unconcerned, is to tell us that such an announcement is made without seriousness, despite the UN saying so. But the reports that make up the announcement, in addition to being made with technical rigor, also warn in a practical way about specific problems that set the pattern for the situation. For example, when they report the growing forest fires in North America and Russia on a large scale, they feed global warming and are partly produced also by that warming.

On the other hand, there are those who, in the name of science itself, question the claims of the UN. For the common people, who receive the different opinions of specialists in the subject, it is difficult then to have a definitive opinion about who is telling the truth. But the sure thing, and that is difficult to avoid, is that the UN has presented its arguments, and they are not rejectable, at least beforehand.
So, if we are people with a certain coherence and appropriate sense, we cannot ignore what the UN says. Obviously not to get nervous or depressed as it happened to several when Halley's comet, but to know that the possibility of such a thing happening, exists and deserves to be considered .

And how will we consider it? Well, if we assume that this disaster will happen, all kinds of fantasy can come to us . For example, what will we tell our children? What will we tell those who are young? Because if true, they will not be able to plan their lives as planned by previous generations.

Interpretive trends in people

People, in general, do not feel motivated to think about any of this. It is not easy to assume the end, not even being hypothetical. Not even when they think it may be true. And it makes it more difficult that, unlike when the Halley thing, there is no announcement about anything that can be seen with the naked eye, as was that comet. It is something that in order to understand it, we must analyze it, and not everyone can analyze with the same ease with which they look through their eyes.

Therefore, the majorities, or perhaps even almost the entire mass of human beings in the world, ignore all that announced debacle. Similar to when a deadly disease is declared, without anyone thinking before creating a vaccine. But everyone worries if they see an army arrive with doubtful intentions, even if it has not come to invade, because an army is noticeable to the naked eye.

Regardless of how a degradation process takes place that could endanger the life of the entire world, it is true, at least instead, that the dream of the last century of wanting to reach a technological age where human beings are unconcerned with threats, It could not be done.
Such a dream seems to have gone to the other extreme, and now to announce that there will not even be life.

If this is true, not only in 2050 there will be problems.
Already today many populations of the world have begun to disappear or have to move. Soon, before 2025, great catastrophes due to fires and overheating will also come to important populations of the globe. At this time, there is fire in a large area of ​​the Amazon rainforest.

What to do in those places where suddenly a classic beautiful beach will no longer work because of the invasion of bacteria, or where there is no drinking water, or where the razed land no longer allows it to work? We do what we can, we build healthy works as far as the forces give us, but many times we do not foresee what to do if those regions in increasing destruction catch us.

There are people who, whatever happens, will realize that nothing special is happening, until “the water has reached their neck”. This is what many people do, maybe most. Because knowing that there is no possibility of changing the fate that lies ahead, they do not wish to repair the problem, and therefore there is no desire to think about it.
But acting that way means that when you have “the water around your neck, ” you will feel overwhelming despair. Despair that could have been avoided.

This is what the populations surrounding industrial enterprises of uncontrolled pollution are already suffering, especially those that expel local inhabitants for their profit purposes. They are also suffering of course, the direct victims of mega-fires that are occurring.

Thoughts for the moment

All this problem could have been avoided if a change of habits had been accepted, says the UN. For example, eat less meat, and favor the combination of productions, such as grains with fruit trees. Simple things that despite being simple, were not done.
Although they tell us that it is not quite late, it is practically as if it were because they give a deadline until 2020. We all know that if when we had decades to correct the problem we did not do it, neither will we do it when we have only a few left months

What to think then? Should we get caught in despair like when Halley's comet? Definitely not.

If the soon end of this world, of this little planet in the vastness of the cosmos, is inexorable, we also know that there is something that was never absent and that always accompanied us, even when things were going better: death.
Death was never an enemy, it was always necessary for life to exist. The risk of death always accompanied us in every minute of existence. Why then get depressed because an announcement comes that she, death, will take control of the whole?
Undoubtedly, it is true that no one is least pleased by the fact that nature, with all its beauty, its blue oceans, its majestic forests, its fascinating rivers, its birds, mammals and all the wonders it contains, will no longer be . We have done well to love all that, to try to protect it, but what if there is a greater force that opposes us? It would be very unfair in that case to feel guilty of such a thing.

Interestingly, there are some evangelical statements that come to mind at a time like this, such as:
"For, behold, there are days when they will say: Blessed are the barren, and the bellies they never conceived, and the breasts they never raised."
“… And whoever is in the field, do not go back to take his cloak. But woe to those who are pregnant and those who are raising in those days! Pray that your escape does not happen in winter, nor on the Sabbath. ”

The first paragraph seems logical. When we are overwhelmed by environmental problems, we will not want to have children.
And the second seems to be speaking metaphorically. Obviously there is no coat, no clothes, to go out to look for. He is referring rather to the fact that we must learn not to depend on the material to be happy. In truth, we should always have learned it, but also at a time like the present, it is even more advisable not to be attached to anything in the world.

Now, the second paragraph also names another curious thing: orad so that your escape . Is there really going to be somewhere to run away from?
The flight he refers to is salvation, which has been talked about at the religious level. He cannot be talking about physical salvation, because he says that the physical will disappear. But to speak of saving the soul, it is only possible for those who already fully understand what their own soul is.
Without the need to talk about our souls, we can, if we set out, know what to do in the coming months, or years.

The hopeful attitude

First, we must take into account that for our scale of humans, individual and small as we are, talking about the end of the world is similar to talking about the end of a country, or a city, which is something That has already happened many times in history. Because we are talking about a very small scale compared to the planet, almost like that of an ant.
If an end of fire came to us like that of the great fires, for the purpose, it would not be very different at the end of Giordano Bruno in the inquisitorial bonfire 500 years ago. We will only find out about the fire, not what happens in the rest of the world.

Whatever the end, this would have come anyway, later or later, at some point, because the destiny of every living being is to die.
Several philosophers, of outstanding thought, have already spoken about this and have clarified the panorama. It makes no sense to worry about death, because this will come anyway at some point as it always happens, even in the best of all worlds. If we put our effort into avoiding death, we will be wasting our time.
These, the great thinkers, have already recommended what to do, where to put our effort. We have been told that there is no effort to avoid death. So where should we put our interest?

It would be very hard to have to contemplate the destruction of forests, habitat, biosphere. But nobody has told us to do it. We have only been recommended to take care of our environment, within the scope of our possibilities, but nothing else, because nobody is obliged to do what they have no chance to do.
It would be perhaps foolish to go for example to the Caribbean Sea to enjoy the best nature that exists, to take advantage of the last days of existence. But that behavior, despite its selfish aspect, is not as bad as its other opposite extreme: standing still, pretending that nothing bad is happening.
Better, instead of behaving selfishly, and instead of simulating a bonanza that does not exist, is to be in context. Go for the best of achievements, which always resides in ourselves.

If we do that of the Caribbean or something similar, we may at first love the perception of the beautiful landscape, but something inside us will feel uncomfortable. Because in truth, all that beautiful landscape, now threatened but still beautiful, we have generated with our good deeds of the past. With the good deeds of the generations that preceded us, they were not enough to maintain it, but at least they made the attempt.
This world is being destroyed by people with lower consciousness, but thanks to the fact that there have been other people with a high consciousness, it is that we now have all that beauty, which for a few more days will continue to exist.

If we really want all that beauty for us, that sublime intelligence of nature, first of all we must look for it in ourselves . Only by finding that key within ourselves, will we find enough peace to properly face the end. Feeling part of nature, knowing an indivisible part of it and with it, we will not need to go find it anywhere.

We all have the ability to come to understand that Nature within us. And once we have done it, we can repeat the effort that led us to that perception, as many times as we want. If we do, we will be like an ant, like a cell in the world, that did not get caught by the cancer of the degradation that affects so many and that according to the UN, will end up affecting everything. In a dying body, those parts of that body that remain alive until the end, of cells that have done their job well until the last minute, that have not caused the destruction of that body, it turns out that those cells are remembered by the memory of the universe, printed in the so-called Akasha of the Hindus. The universe did not create good in us, but Good created the universe and us . Good will not die, and by heading towards it, the world cannot stand in the way.

Giordando Bruno, before dying at the stake, expressed some words that made his executioners realize that they were more afraid than he was. He knew One with the universe, with nature and with God, so he was not afraid of dying. But their executioners were shaking their lips, they said unconnected words, because they knew they were killing a fair and kind being. Now, hundreds of years later, Bruno's memory lives, and that of his executioners is belittled. Even in this world in danger of extinction, the memory of the just is remembered and that of the unjust forgotten. How then, if we did the right thing at this time, could we forget the rest of the universe, which has generated us and is not even in destruction?

We can then, in the remaining years or months, whatever they may be, continue on the path of good that we have always built. And if we haven't built it yet, we still have time to get going. We are in time to focus on one action: the action of meditating, to guide our steps with as much wisdom as possible.
That action will be the best nature of all, which will prepare us to remember that nothing is eternal, and that nothing can lower us from the journey towards the goodness that we have ever begun, since we have initiated it from before this world, from somewhere from beyond incorruptible.

Results Independence

Finally, it could happen that the UN hypothesis is wrong, and in that case the world does not reach an end. Perhaps for example we only enter a middle age, or a certain climatic catastrophe such as the ice ages of prehistoric times, which slowed down a lot of life but did not mean the end of the world.

But if such a thing happened, despite that, all this meditation at a possible end of the world will not have been in vain . First, because even if the prognosis was wrong, the existence of a growing devastation, the product of human errors, is unquestionable.
Second, because what it is about is not to imagine the size of the debacle, but to place ourselves in front of the thoughts of those UN analysts who know that, voluntarily, they try to help us to our knowledge and our conscience, and not to cause us dislike.

Therefore, if they are wrong, we will not have wasted our time in meditating on human destruction. And if you are not mistaken, this great drama will not take us off guard, it will not catch the "water around our neck" without noticing its approach.
But best of all, if we correctly understand the teachings that all the great sages of humanity, from all over the world and present in the best religions and cultures, have left us, we will never lose anything of truth. If our journey through this world, our being, our being incarnated here and now, is well done, then not a single hour of our existence will have been in vain.

The Hindu Bhagavad Gita says in one of his paragraphs: “In this way, no effort is wasted, nor is there a possibility of misfortune. Even the slightest progress means releasing your fears. ”
Krishna does not tell us here that we are responsible for the destiny of the world, but that we have the opportunity to take care of our minutes. And it still says something extremely important: if we act like that, with success in our actions, there is no possibility of misfortune.

We are here in this incarnate world, but we don't know much about the world. We may not even know much about our incarnation. So we don't know much about what a graceful destiny is : would it be a graceful destiny that the planet fared beautifully? Maybe yes, or maybe not.
But if we trust the words of this Master, we do know this other: that although the world has only five minutes left, we always have the possibility of not being unfortunate. We always have the possibility of being blessed, blessed. Travelers for a positive experience.

In that Titanic that sank in the Atlantic Ocean he could be a hero and a kind being until the last minute, and it could also be a scoundrel who didn't even give a place in the boat to a child. To die, we will all die at some point because it is inevitable, but not everyone chooses to be kind. But goodness is inextricably linked to happiness, and nothing can separate these two virtues from each other. Assuming the end is not an act of provoking suffering for oneself, but of becoming aware, once again, of our place in the universe. To be One with that which was never born, and will never disappear.

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