The Christ constitutes a force of love present throughout the universe "Daniel Meurois Givaudan at the International Congress Beyond 2012

  • 2012

They are only a few, clumsy notes taken by flying pen. It is just the attempt to share, even something we were lucky to live in Congress. It is just a way to thank the organizers, the friends of Isthar Lunasol editions, the enormous work displayed. We can embody these beautiful and revealing messages in our day. It is useless to study the word, to pose our gaze on the emancipatory verb, if afterwards we find ourselves within ourselves even to try to embody it.

We are obliged to share everything that nourishes us in our journey. There go then these letters that are not intended at all summary of the interventions. They would be only loose seed thoughts, some disjointed, that we managed to catch in that way and that we now have the pleasure of presenting you:

The Christ is not owned by the Catholic tradition, or any other tradition. It is a force of love, not only present, on this planet, but in the entire universe. We are invited to internalize that energy. We have a planetary spiritual government, Shambala. We also have Brothers of the stars, Elohims, who comes to inspire us.

"You are the co-creators of your world" is the essence of the message whispered to us by the Elohims. Therefore, it would not be about anyone coming to free us, it is not even about the Christ or Buddha standing in our saviors. The brothers of the stars invite us to take the lead in our own emancipation. The transmission of consciousness would work exponentially. The access of a group to a level of consciousness makes it possible for those of the same species to access, by exponential method, that same level of consciousness. By the same rule, humanity could mutate the mental paradigm, if a group of people are persuaded of all their enormous liberating power.

In all cultures there is reference to these beings of the stars, who come substantially to tell us that we are not alone. In the most diverse traditions there would be evidence of the reality of these more evolved Brothers and their revealing work. But why that discretion? It is not complicated to find out. Imagine them as parents, as initiators who do not wish to do their child's homework. If we fall along our evolutionary path, we will have learned. It would not be the case if they "saved" us. If they do our homework, we will not learn. His emissaries would mark our entire history. Jesus would have been in constant contact with the Elohims and it was also recorded by the gospels themselves.

There are inhabitants of the earth who have also accessed that level of consciousness and therefore enjoyed that contact. The earth advances and moves and ascends in its vibratory level. The job belongs to us. The intensity of the moments that we live would be the evidence of this great transformation in the consciences. The crises would also constitute proof of the problems that people who are unable to adapt to the evolutionary advances of the planet are going through.

Every human is a cell of this body that we call humanity. This humanity is in turn an organ of this solar system. Our goal is to become more and more conscious cells. We have been revealed that there is an eighth farm. The beings of little evolution would have it in an embryonic state, but in others it would already constitute a small farm that would come to function as the so-called "supramental" by Aurovindo. This eighth chakra would allow them to begin exploring the deep meaning of life.

Clairvoyance would manifest itself as a confluence of lights above the pigeon-shaped head. Jesus would have incarnated the heavenly Christ. As long as your children, we could also embody that energy. This would insist the Brothers of the stars.

In the human heart lies a tiny atom that cannot be touched because death would ensue. In that seed or permanent atom we would find the memory of our evolutionary path. The earth, the entire universe would also have their memories. So everything that we are and have been is safe. The experiences of life would therefore never be lost. From the evolutionary level that we reach in a life and evidenced by the seed atom, we would build the bodies for our next incarnation. Nothing is given. In that atom would also reside information about our divine origin. It would be our fundamental hard drive.

Given the importance of these times, many techniques are revealed to us to promote that necessary growth. We are invited to value delivery and service. Only in that way would the Christic strength emerge within us. We are also condemned to drop the masks that we have been adopting and to embrace the truth that our Being reveals. The whole game of the masks would be over. That is also the essence of the message that Daniel comes to bring us: that love is truly an energy of transformation, not just something emotional.

Then Daniel took us on a journey through the infinite cosmos. The writer and guide proposed us to do a meditation. To do this, he suggested we dive into ourselves, settle on our heart in the middle of a solar space: “Feel the heartbeat ... We are the heart of the earth ... We are invited to let our consciousness expand until we unite with that of the earth We are the earth and we feel its mountains, hills and valleys. All life circulates through it. We are the earth itself. We also dare to feel the center of this universe and see its planets spin. We are the sun and His Spirit and His Christ. Then everything dilates to become the entire galaxy. We are that galaxy with its various solar systems that palpitate in us. We are all the solar systems of that galaxy, our consciousness has no limit. We take notice of that vastness within ourselves. We are fused are all that is until we reach full union. Total peace is beyond all imaginable conflicts. We are one in the heart of God. We are the entire galaxy. Let love circulate around us and in us. We follow that current of love that brings us back to the very heart of the solar system and to unite absolutely with the sun. The planets are our own organs. We descend until we become fully aware of our planet earth, its flowers, its mountains, its rivers, beaches, seas We descend and find the central sun of our planet earth. Palpita in us as we again palpitate with l

Thank you Daniel!


The Christ constitutes a force of love present in the entire universe

Daniel Meurois Givaudan at the International Congress Beyond 2012

(Hotel Auditorium. Madrid October 20 and 21)

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