The Orgonites, the Energy of the Orgone

  • 2011

Between 1935 and 1945, Dr. Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst, brilliant disciple of Sigmund Freud, and later a tireless student and researcher of human sexuality and the nature of libido, where he discovered the so-called energy orgonic, calling it orgone, and that in other cultures it is called prana, chi, vital energy, ether or etheric energy, etc.

The word orgonite / a also comes from orgone, a term created and developed by Wilhelm Reich in his work on geobiology and orgonomy.

Dr. Reich also called the orgone as the primary, mass-free, cosmic energy that flows through each organism as the life force of energy.

He developed simple methods with organic devices to change this energy from an unhealthy state to a more harmonious one and in total balance with nature, cleaning and protecting the environment of the place where it was located, providing enormous benefits in health and emotional state, as well as favoring the energy balance and the vital force of the human being.

The orgonites, called the American marriage Don and Carol Croft, which at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, rediscover, refine and add to the Reich formula various materials consisting of a mixture of metals and resin, also adding various types of minerals and gems, mainly white or transparent quartz.

Another invention of Don Croft is the cloudbuster or Orgonita cloudbreaker.

It is an evolution of Dr. Reich's research. Its radius of action can reach up to 90 km around and the effects are more positive and evident if there is more basic orgonite in the surroundings and according to the amount that has been distributed in the area, since there is a synergy between the two types of Orgonites

The terms that Dr. Reich used was Deadly or Negative Orgone (DOR-Deadly Orgón), which is when energy stagnates, producing decay and ultimately death. Neutral orgone (OR) and Positive Orgone (POR-Positive Orgón), when it is stable, healthy and in energy balance.

These orgonite devices are able to collect DOR (negative orgone) from the atmosphere and transmute it to POR (positive orgone).

The orgonite mimics an abundant process in nature by quantum reorganization, interacting with organic and inorganic elements in alternate layers.

They produce a large amount of POR (Positive Orgone), canceling and dissolving the negative Orgone (DOR), and considerably reducing the effect of many radiations, electromagnetic waves and other DOR producers.

It is therefore that the orgonites absorb and recycle the energy present in the environment.

Its use is very simple, it is placed in a part of the house or office and allowed to act without further ado.

They do not need maintenance, as in the case of minerals, staying in perfect condition all the time for many years.

Orgonites act as energy balancers, protecting from the electromagnetic pollution of our day, increasing vitality and improving the emotional state of those who are directly and indirectly within your reach.

The orgonite itself is not an accumulator, but rather an energy transformer or transmutator, providing constant etheric cleaning and protecting against electromagnetic pollution. He is credited with diseases such as cancer, insomnia, fatigue, behavioral changes, irritability, depression, and so on.

A well-documented effect is the apathy and depression that these antennas cause, together with the fluoride in the water, to keep the population passive and hopeless or wanting to fight for anything.

The orgonite not only protects, but reverts these radiations to positive orgone, turning each treated antenna (gifted) into a vital source and therefore an improvement in the health of all the inhabitants of the sanitized area.

In the positive orgone, the electrical charge of that matter is really negative. The positive term refers to its beneficial effects and not precisely to the technical issue of said electric charge.

Currently, several types of orgonites can be distinguished:

Basic Orgonite; It is the one that is usually given (gifting), distributing them in radiation zones such as telephone, radio, television, meteorological, parabolic antennas, nuclear plants, areas of stagnant water and lakes, etc.

There are also various antenna systems (HAARP, EISCAT, GWEN). They are normally used for military purposes and are true towers of death. There are secret projects today with the capacity to modify and affect the atmosphere, the ionosphere and the geophysical systems of the earth and the life that composes it, including humanity.

They are made with non-transparent resin (economical) and without major complications in their form or design and using milky field or transparent quartz, previously cleaned for better effectiveness and free of contaminants.

The basic Cloud Breaker; It consists of an orgonite block between seven and ten liters approximately, six copper tubes one meter eighty high, being fixed inside and carrying inside each tube a doubly terminated or double-pointed quartz crystal if possible.

The basic orgonites act at a more earthly level, while the cloudbreaker is designed to regenerate the high atmosphere.

The pendants; they help protect themselves from radiation and emit a healthy field of orgone around the magnetic field (aura) of the person wearing it, being able to transmute negative feelings and thoughts, bringing peace and mental and emotional balance when also interacting with them; when sleeping, placing them in the chakras, etc.

Orgonites of complex and / or decorative design; they are those that have certain structures, characteristics, dimensions, colors (chromotherapy), diverse metals and minerals, with geometric shapes, using sacred geometry, etc. They are made of high quality transparent resin.

Interactive orgonites; There are also orgone devices that interact and require an electric operator to manipulate organic energy, such as zappers for example.


Our orgonites have been tested and tested with the KIRLIAN-GDV CHAMBER, a quantum device invented by the Kirlian marriage and capable of photographing the energy field of all organic and inorganic matter. Thanks to this m quina, we have finally achieved the scientific proof of its real effects with unexpected and highly positive results for the human being of our day.

They are made in an auspicious environment, clean energy and in harmony with the place.

We use top quality materials, both in minerals and gems, as in resins, metals, etc.

We use chromotherapy in each device and clean the minerals with quartz bowls and with high vibration ultrasound frequencies in a greater, more intense and effective energy load in each orgonite that we carry out by hand and individually.
Empirical experience indicates that there are no risks in its use and the benefits are multiple, short, medium and long term, some such as;

Purifies the atoms of intoxicated water from public reservoirs or bottled water.

Help plants grow better.

Inspires a sense of optimism and positive energy in the environment.

It frequently remedies insomnia or sleep problems and all those problems or diseases generated by electromagnetic pollution.

A true orgonite must carry half of metals, half resin and quartz inside.

If you see very empty metal and / or very transparent orgonites due to too much resin, with glitter, decorative plastics, diverse sands (synthetic or natural), lead, tin, paper and plasticized paper (never plastic), steel or other cleaning scourers (treated and chemically altered), etc., etc., it is very possible that they do not have any effect, since they must be noble materials of high quality and without toxic or contaminating substances and always conductive, in addition the minerals must be trapped inside the metal, and all for a greater piezoelectric conduction of the organic within the device, with what they could also be called electronite for its effects, but this will be longer and more complex to explain.

Our motto is; organize your life, organize your environment, ORGONIZATE.

Kpa & Serolod

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