Celebrating a Spiritual Meeting ~ Archangel Michael channeled by Ronna Herman

  • 2014

Beloved Masters, let us unite during this sacred time, for we share our hopes, dreams and aspirations for the future. Yes, we also have high hopes and visions of which miracles will be written by you and for you, the Star Seed of Planet Earth.

Close your eyes for a moment and breathe deeply while bringing your consciousness to the Center of your Sacred Heart. Now visualize, if you want, that in this timeless moment we are all gathering to rejoice, remember and restore our mutual Divine relationship. Look with your mental eye and feel that the emotions of recognition sprout from within your Sacred Heart, while your vast Spiritual Family, past, present and future, comes forward to greet you. Notice how bright Facets of our Father Mother God; and all the shining Radiant Beings of this whole Sub-Universe, even the smallest Elemental Beings, present themselves in their magnificent splendor as they arise to walk among you. There is no limitation here, no one is excluded, because in this great meeting of the Higher Dimensions there is room for everyone; every Soul that has ever been incarnated on Earth is present in its Etheric bodily form, as well as all the precious Beings of this entire Solar System and of this entire Galaxy. As you can see, it is a great meeting that commemorates the occasion in which you all gathered to celebrate, before beginning your many long journeys to the physical world on Planet Earth.

Do not doubt Beloved, that you are welcome in this meeting and that you belong to it. We see you in all your glorious radiance; your unique pattern of aural colors shines for all to see; and the sweet tones and your special vibrational harmony, your personal soul song, contribute to the celestial music of the spheres, mixing and merging into Oneness. You naturally go to those who radiate your same colors and harmonics; those whose heavenly tones blend perfectly with yours; because these are your dearest and closest soulmates, from whom you separated a long time ago. Let your mind wander for a while: What new insights come to mind? What words of wisdom arise? What do you remember of great importance to you? Admit in your consciousness the possibility that from now on you will have access to new information, advanced thinking patterns, creative ideas and wisdom, which have been stored in packages of Light within your Sacred Mind, waiting to be lit during these important and transcendental ones. time.

As you mix and flow together, mixing with one group after another, you will gain the benefit of their experiences and their particular insights, while also offering them your wisdom. Look at yourself sitting among the beloved Masters who are most dear to your heart, while they surround you with Love and compassion; and bathe your Aural Field with its radiance. In turn, each one offers its special attributes: truth, faith and protection, clear perception and enlightenment; gratitude and patience; clarity and humility; concentration and dedication; peace and tranquility; and transmutation and purification, to mention only a few. These are just some of the attributes and qualities of the Seven Rays of your Solar System that we have talked about so often. Which of these attributes do you lack? What is your "spiritual weakness"?

Again go inside; and honestly make an inventory of your strengths and weaknesses; without judging, dear heart, just watching. We are offering you a great opportunity to connect with the Stream of Divine Light, the Source from which all blessings flow. Take everything you can hold right now; however, please ask that what you take use it to help others wake up and claim their birthright.

Our greatest desire is for everyone on Earth to wake up and remember the Divine Spark that each Soul carries within. It is vitally important that you remove the barriers, limits and restrictions that separate you from each other. We visualize each and every one of you healing your body, your Soul and your mind; and returning to the holiness and harmony of the Spirit. We see your Earth returning once more to its pristine beauty, with clear sparkling waters, fresh and pure air; and rich fertile soil. We will encourage and help anyone who is willing to nurture and care for the animal kingdom and nature, as you remember that the administration of these great gifts of Creation was entrusted to you. We offer you guidance, direction and assistance, every time you climb to a higher level of consciousness and depart towards the unknown. We give you comfort and take care of you while you let go of many things that you value in your lives. To the maximum that the Sacred Universal Law allows, we help you in your efforts to overcome your failures and imbalances. We do not see your imperfections, Beloved, only your radiance and its intensity.

We look at you while you, timidly and then sometimes boldly, reach inside and climb to higher dimensional frequencies; while you glimpse and feel, if only for a moment, the amazing joy of Oneness. Those of you who have experienced this miracle know that you will never be the same; you will always long to return to that state of bliss. You are being pressed to the limits of your physical resistance while releasing old energy encodings that are not for your highest good; while you, by conscious or unconscious agreement, accelerate the mutation process. You are leaving behind your instinctive animal nature; you are refining and releasing your negative human impulses, your addictions and limitations, while integrating all aspects of your Entity into a Master of the Self of the physical plane, fully conscious. Once again, you are becoming Spiritual Beings of Light with vestments of human flesh.

Many eons ago, before you began your great adventure, you left most of your Light clothes in the custody of your I AM Presence, just as you allowed us to hide a good part of your true identity from your memory. You agreed to bring to each incarnation only a part of your talents and your wisdom, storing the rest in the core of the heart of your Divine Self. With enthusiasm and joy you participated as a co-creator in the great drama that took place on Planet Earth during the many eons of time, while experiencing and returning to experience all the rich diversity that the material world had to offer. But as Earth and Humanity plunged into the densest frequency patterns of Light and shadow of the 3rd Dimension and the 4th Lower Dimension, your lives became so painful and stressful, that you entered into resentment, fear, the wrath; and in a sense of separation; and there you have remained for these many millennia. But now that time is coming to an end while the shackles of fear and limitation are broken; and while each one of you boldly passes through the mist of illusion towards the resplendent Light of Truth and Self-Consciousness. Become an observer, from an advantageous point of view, while your old memories are transformed into Light, Beloved, while we heal the past and weave it again.

Regardless of appearances or circumstances, the lowest and the highest, each one of you is a beautiful and unique Spark of God, a blessed Creation. You are a refracted Ray of Light, emanating from one of the Great Rays of expression, which radiated from the Mind of God, so that our Father Mother God would experience and express more of his Unicity always in development . This is the magic and wonder of your long Earthly journey: the Supreme Creator expressing himself and experiencing through you, a blessed Spark of HIMSELF . Do you remember now?

On your Earth all aspects of Creation are awakening, the Mineral and Animal Realms, as well as the Divic and Elemental Realms; and they are returning to assume their own roles as the guardians and caretakers of the Natural Kingdom. Whales and Dolphins, who are the guardians of the records of the history of Planet Earth; and the cosmic telepathic communicators between Earth and this Galaxy, are eager to reestablish their relationship with Humanity. You have forgotten; but they do not. They have voluntarily and lovingly served Humanity throughout the ages, only to be killed and mutilated. Please help stop this abomination, Beloved. Dolphins and Whales resonate with the water element; and consequently they are very aware of your emotional frequency patterns. They have suffered with you throughout the ages. Many blessed Souls have merged their energies with these beautiful Beings; and they are determined to make you aware of how precious and important they are in the complex scheme of evolution.

The call of those who remembered has been made; who were there in the beginning, to reunite in the physical to awaken to your own magnificence and inheritance; and to reconnect with your brothers and sisters, the Whales and the Dolphins. In the Higher Realms there is a meeting, but equally important, many great meetings are taking place on your Planet. You are being reunited with many precious members of your soul family, some of your intimate soulmates; and with groups with whom you have traveled since the beginning of time; and with whom you have had many wonderful experiences. Know that these meetings are gifts that you have earned, opportunities to share, support and enjoy the harmony and beauty of your compatible soulmates.

From now on you will begin to feel more fully our presence in your daily life? When you do and give us permission, we can have a more active role in helping you in times of uncertainty, sadness and stress. When you strive for harmony, we can project more loving energy towards you and put a shield of protection around you. Will you stop for a moment, before scolding or scolding another, to think: “How would you change this situation with a Love energy filter? What is good about this event and how can I achieve the highest result? Beloved, give the gift of Love and compassion, no more material gifts. Make gratitude and thanks an integral part of your daily thinking habits. Look for the Spark of the Spirit in the eyes of the people you meet; and recognize that spark with a smile or a kind word. Come out of isolation and separatism, towards a growing sense of unity and Oneness with others. Do not judge or criticize so quickly when you realize that they come from the same Source, which are other precious Facets of the Divine.

Now we will address the issue of New Age philosophies versus religious philosophies, so that many of you can better understand what is and what is not spirituality. There is much fear, resentment and criticism among the followers of particular established religious philosophies; and those who embrace the concepts of the so-called New Era. Unfortunately, religious beliefs have led to isolation and separation rather than unity; and throughout the ages there have been conflicts and wars in the name of God or of certain religious beliefs. The Creator does not embrace, support or condemn any religion. All Beings are sacred and blessed in the eyes of our Father Mother God; and there are many paths back to Oneness.

A person tuned to his Higher Self knows that there is beauty and truth in all religions, but he is also aware that spirituality has nothing to do with dogmas, ethical codes, or any rigid morality. Spirituality transcends all religions and connects each Soul with its own Divine Truth. Spirituality loves and embraces life; and does not condemn or reject anyone. The Spirit works within the framework of the Sacred Universal Laws; and these are immutable. And the Essence of this Law is Love; the Love to the Self and all the Creations of God. Spirituality does not consist in having psychic abilities, such as inner vision, clairvoyance, clairaudience or telepathy. These skills are yours by natural right of birth, only that they have been stunted by lack of use and have forgotten them. Your extrasensory perception will naturally return when you remove static and negative energy patterns from your Aural Field; and reconnect with your Spiritual Self. You can be a religious Human Being and not be spiritual, but you cannot be truly spiritual if you are not willing to embrace the good in each religion and in each person, respecting all and allowing them to express their spirituality in their own unique way. You will see the Spark of the Divine in everyone and everything; and you will incorporate and manifest in yourself all the wonderful attributes of the Creator as you become a living example for others to emulate.

As you gradually tune into your I AM Presence, through each higher level of your I Above Soul, you will integrate more of the Essence of our Father Mother God. Then it will be when your true Divine Self will begin to radiate in all its glory. This is happening now, Beloved. You see it and you feel it in yourself and in many of those around you, for your number grows by gigantic steps. The Spirit travels the Earth, Beloved; And you are YOU.

Know that you are immeasurably loved.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.


Celebrating a Spiritual Meeting ~ Archangel Michael channeled by Ronna Herman

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