Messages from the Archangels Rafael and Uriel: Stop limiting yourself and belittling yourself!

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 And I leave you with this thought and this understanding, that you will call me and I will be there. I always am. I am with you at all times. But I won't step forward until you ask me. 1.1 Archangel Uriel: You show the way and are the pioneers of the Nova Land ... 2 When your mind is working non-stop, giving you a state of restlessness, give permission to your silver flame to grow and rise, to illuminate and clarify your thoughts, infuse your cells and your body and bring you peace and tranquility. 3 But sometimes you do, and you allow your vibration to descend with worries and anxieties regarding your future. 4 Everyone looks at you and admires you, and yes, everyone is taking notes on how you respond to life and the challenges you have designed for your sweet self.
Open from your crown and let me fill you with this healing light, with this healing love ...

Channeled by Lee Degani, October 3, 2017

(Lee says: "Is anyone here" )

It's me, my love, I'm dear. I am Archangel Raphael. I come in many ways, so don't be surprised to see me like that, to see me with those eyes because my eyes always look at you with a lot of love and my arms always hug you and my elixir is always transmitted to you.

When you open up, when you put the intention that you really want to heal, I can bring you even more. So open now. Open from your crown and let me fill you with this healing light, with this healing love. And I have not forgotten the animals and I have not forgotten the earth or the children.

So, watch this healing elixir go through every part of your body. It is warm and soft. It's real And now that it comes and leaks through your feet, and as it leaks through your feet, enter Gaia. She takes it and then spreads it throughout her sacred being; by its veins and arteries, by its passages, by the rivers, by the mountains, by the deserts.

And as this elixir is taken to all parts it reaches the surface and those who walk on it receive it. Animals, children, trees bring it through its roots. And the birds eat the leaves and the animals eat the leaves and ingest them.

This is what you do. This is what you do when you accept my gift of love. This gift of love is for everyone. And you are appreciated, you are praised, you are loved for opening to receive it.

Remember this, dear Lee, remember this when you work with the children. Remember to also invite me in, since these children need to heal before they can take the next step.

And I leave you with this thought and this understanding, that you will call me and I will be there. I always am. I am with you at all times. But I won't step forward until you ask me.

I leave you now. I am Archangel Raphael, bearer of healing, bearer of love, bearer of the joy of balance. I leave you.

Arc ngel Uriel: You show the way and you are the pioneers of the Nova Land

Higher beings of the newly woken up want to use their experiences to guide and direct their own feet more efficiently on the ground.

Channeled by Genoveva Coyle, October 1, 2017

Greetings my brave! I am Uriel, Arc of Angel of Love and Silver Light, Arc of Angel of Truth, Traitor of the Future right now, your friend and close family.

I am here to help you in your mission of love, to amplify those real silver flames that you have in your third and fourth eyes, in your hands and especially those that reside in your heart. I am here to urge you to fully enter into your divine authority with courage and determination, because you are ready and have been ready for quite some time.

When your mind is working non-stop, giving you a state of restlessness, give your silver flame permission to grow and rise, to illuminate and clarify your thoughts, infuse your cells and your body and give you Bring peace and tranquility.

My Silver Light will help you see the full picture of a situation, just a part of it, but enough for you to understand the reason why you and others may feel outside. of place. And if they don't seem to understand the message immediately, they are sure that my gentle Rayo Grayelsha will work and transmute all the dense and cloudy energies, giving them some space to relax and focus, to become your loving and omniscient heart and to get the insight they need.

Dear bright and brave beings, this is the time to choose to see light and good in everything and everyone, regardless of what may be happening at the surface level. Follow your knowledge and trust in your heart that you and the world are moving in the right direction and for the highest and greatest good of all.

Be meek and loving with yourself and with others! Do not let fears and unfulfilled expectations hold you back and drag you down. Thank and appreciate all the gifts you have been given so far, and see how much the world around them has changed for the better in such a short time.

Do you see that most people smile at you while you go through your life, shopping or walking through the parks? Do you see how you attract innocent and playful children, pets and even wild animals that come to you in confidence? This is because they feel your unconditional love, they see your bright but soft light, they can feel your wide open and totally receptive heart. They don't care about the clothes you wear, the type of car you use, or if you're unemployed and how you managed to pay your bills this month.

But sometimes you do, and you allow your vibration to descend with worries and anxieties regarding your future.

Understand that you are the ones who show the way and are the pioneers of the Nova Earth. You have chosen to be the forerunners and explorers, but you have to rely on your senses and your knowledge at all times and in all circumstances to take you where you have planned to go.

Take time throughout the day and go frequently to your heart to recalibrate and redirect if necessary, but refuse to plunge into confusion and depression. It really doesn't help anyone when they do, and they certainly won't solve the perceived problem.

Roadblocks and problems are there to show you that there is a better and easier way, if you are willing to see it and then, with enough courage, to act on it.

Whenever they travel with me into the future, they do so to bring to this moment all the divine qualities they need to strengthen them and give them the impulse to advance in confidence.

To be the masters of the Nova and show the way today, they don't have to show others new material achievements or some magic tricks ; They don't have to be perfect in the sense of the 3D world. On the contrary, you will make them see your strength and your peace in spite of the events that surround you, which lead to the demolition of the old structures and even though you have to be an active participant as a demolition agent.

Humanity, especially the newly woken up, need to see them let go of the old roads and the illusions of precarious security . It is not what they say, but what and how they do it that inspires others.

Do you trust that your safety net is just below your feet? Do you feel freedom and fresh air when you get carried away by trust and anticipation? Of course, use discernment and ask for clarity and tranquility before jumping!

When things are not easy, when there is a lot of work, friction and irritation throughout the day, you know it is time to release and let go .

Everyone looks at you and admires you, and yes, everyone is taking notes on how you respond to life and the challenges you have designed for your sweet self.

Can you imagine that the upper realm, the higher selves of the newly woken up want to use your experiences to guide and direct their own feet more efficiently on the earth?

Stop limiting yourself and belittle yourself! You are extremely valuable and appreciated in these times of chaos and despair. What you do and especially how you decide to feel about yourself and your world has such a great impact on how collective humanity will progress and proceed next.

Many of them are changing and choosing love over fear, many are tired of the old forms of limitation and slavery and are beginning to see through the veils and illusions, and that is due to diligence and constant work of all of you

Congratulations dear Silver Angels! Congratulations my champions of Light!

I will leave you now with my love and abundance of Luz de Plata. Until next time, bye.

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Lee Degani. (2017). Archangel Raphael: intend to heal and i can bring you even more…. 10/06/2017, from Council of Love Website:

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