The Lunar Messenger - Leo's Full Moon 2011 astrosign Signs of Transformation 1: The Heart Center

  • 2011

In its superior aspect, the fire sign of Leo rules the center of the heart, the seat of Nature Love. It is said that Leo individuals are essentially noble, frank and kind. From the heart, we develop a loving understanding to be able to include others and pour love towards our neighbors. That is why the theme of this month's Lunar Messenger is "Signs of Transformation 1: The Heart Center."

The Seven Centers

There are seven etheric centers along the spine. These are energy vortices that drive the seven planes of consciousness. They are not known for Western science; Oriental science of yoga knows them as physical consciousness in the center of the base, Muladhara; emotional awareness in the center of the spleen, Swadhistana; mental awareness in the wolar plexus, Manipuraka; Buddhist consciousness in the heart center, Anahata; ethereal consciousness in the center of the throat, Visuddhi; consciousness as "I AM" in the center of the forehead, Ajna; and awareness as "THAT I AM" in the center of the head, Sahasrara. There are many more centers in the human body than these seven, but these are the most important for us.

The centers are crossing points along the spine that is a column of light. At each crossing point another element is regulated. In the center of the gorge is the Akash, in the heart center the air, in the solar plexus the fire, in the sacred center to the water and in Muladhara to the matter. In this way, yogis have perceived them through years of contemplation. The air in the heart center is the pulsating power that causes blood circulation and supplies the whole body with oxygen.

The top three centers reflect the bottom three. The heart is the most central of all; This forms the bridge between the centers and their synthesis. Because the heart is the seat of love, and Divinity exists in all of us as pure love. In the common man, who is selfish and mundane, the centers above the heart have not yet awakened. Through the awakening of the soul they unfold naturally. While we are focused mainly on our own desires we are in the solar plexus. If we are aware of the needs of others and work for them, we rise from the solar plexus to the heart center. While we meditate we receive the solar energies from the light source, and the lotuses are oriented towards the light. Through service and spilling love on our fellow men we transmit the energies and therefore the lotuses reach their fullness.

The Door to the internal

The heart ethereal heart is in the center of the chest, not on the left side, where you find the physical heart. Around the heart center our physical heart is formed in the mother's womb. The center precedes all physical matter and makes its first manifestation as a pulsation center. This appears in space as a center of electromagnetic fields, as a nucleus of an atom and then the nucleus of a cell and then only as the cardiac center. Aco of a human being.

The heart center is the entrance between internal and external existence. Outside the heart center there are time and space coordinates. If you enter through the point at the heart entrance into the interior, the coordinates disappear. There you no longer have time awareness or awareness of external events. We are in the internal space, which we call the spine. Where from the head to the base of the spine we have the energy vertices of the centers and in which we live in principle. We leave them to be active in objectivity. But as we constantly live in the external world, we have lost the key to enter there again. Most people do not know that there is a column of consciousness and that at the point of the pulsation they are at the door to internal space. This internal door, the sanctum sanctorum, is golden, since the color of the heart center is golden.

In Sanskrit the heart center is called Anahata, which means no sound. Mrs. Blavatsky translated it as the Voice of Silence. Anahata is the sound produced "without contact between two objects." In Sanskrit this is called Pranava, this is the OM. From what he says, "at the end of the path you hear the OM." When we can hear the OM in us, what continues to happen in us like a buzzing sound is that we have reached the threshold of truth and through the door we can enter deeply into us. We get absorbed in it and still lose consciousness that we exist. That is pure existence which is called in Yoga Samadhi and also Paranirvana. This cannot be observed, since there is no longer anyone who observes. The individual soul merges with the universal soul.

When consciousness returns and it expresses itself through the heart center, it is attracted by the color of the rose's petals. Then we are a rose in the heart. The different schools meditate on the color of the rose in the heart center; then it becomes the true symbol of the Rosicrucians (the symbol of the Rose and the Cross). It is your job to enter the experience and return like a celestial rose and conduct the work on earth.

Enter the Heart

In order to reach the heart center we must take the thread of the breath. With the help of a slow and deep inhalation we reach the region of the heart. Then the exhalation throws us out. Again we try to internalize there and again the exhalation throws us. Thoughts also keep coming and taking us outside, because the mind is not used to going inside. Only gradually is the habit of entering through inhalation within the region of the heart and entering deeper and deeper into our being. Then, from the first step, the breath takes the mind to the heart center. Also trying to locate the origin of OM in the heart we discover that it is being issued even if we do not physically emit it, it is something that happens. The emission of the sacred word manifests a new dose of electrical energy of the spirit. The CVV Master began by emitting the penetrating light of Uranian energy, the stimulation of Aquarian energy. When we invoke the CVV sound this light shines towards the lotus of the heart and it unfolds quickly. This is the reason why events happen very quickly in the personal lives of these people.

In relation to healing we can connect with this light in the heart center: by invoking, the CVV Master can help remove disturbances in our own body and from those we try to help heal. For this we can visualize ourselves in the heart as a form of golden light the size of a thumb. In the silence of the heart we can also develop sensitivity to the plan. Some get impressions as visions; others in the form of sounds or sometimes both, as vision and sound. This impression from the subtle planes is only possible if we can remain attentive and oriented towards silence. In this silent listening, etheric clairaudience develops.

Our problem is that we are constantly active, but only when the mind comes to rest in the heart center do the transformations happen. We remain there and wait. We offer ourselves and then the rest is to wait and allow it to happen.

Lower and Upper Heart Center

The artistic presentation of the heart center is of a lotus with twelve petals, but the petals are intertwined circular formations. The cardiac lotus has four layers of three petals each. The outermost layer is connected to the physical plane, the one that follows the emotional plane, the next to the mental plane. The fourth layer is the plane of Light, Love and Power in the center of which the opening exists. The seed sound in the center is KAM. At night when we go to bed and begin to sleep we can identify with our breathing and therefore enter the heart center. We think of the gem in the heart center, the central opening, and through it we enter the cerebrospinal system. This must be a continuous imagination. Even if we fall asleep unconsciously we are guided to the heart center, so we wake up again fresh in the morning.

During the hours of sleep or also during meditation we can experience a lot of golden light and see beings of golden tone - angels, teachers and other noble beings. Microcosmically there are also ashrams of the Hierarchy in our heart center, and the Hierarchy is the heart center of the planet. Macrocosmically the energy of love comes from Sirius, and it can only be received in the heart center. Leo rules the loving nature and rules over the heart. The energy of love forms an axis with Aquarius while we distribute it to people.

Above the heart center, between the heart and throat, there is the upper heart center, Swastana, the original seat of the soul. This eight-petal lotus is not revealed in yoga books, but the initiates know it. While the Lord within the twelve-petal lotus is called Vasudeva, the inhabitant, the Lord of the eight-petal lotus is called Narayana. He presides over the wheel of creation, over evolutionary and involutive processes. Through the mantra of eight syllables, "OM Namo Narayanaya" we join this center within which the soul withdraws into Samadhi.

Sources: KP Kumar: Saraswathi - The Word / Spiritual Healing / seminar notes. - E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology. The World Teacher Trust / Editions Dhanishta Spain. (

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