Properties and benefits of Agrimony

  • 2018

In this article we begin we introduce ourselves in one of the most famous alternative therapies in the world, Bach flowers. For this, we focus on agrimony, the first of all who formulated this famous doctor and how well he has achieved for the world.

Agrimony, the first Bach flower

Agrimony, commonly known as Agrimony, has a long history of medicinal uses .

In ancient Greece it was used for its astringent, anti-inflammatory and anti-diarrheal properties . It was also used as a stimulant of liver activity, achieving cleansing and healing effects.

This plant was widely used to stimulate appetite and particularly supplied in cases of anemia . It was applied in ailments and diseases of the throat, as in pharyngitis or laryngitis.

Agrimonia: the flower of good humor

From the point of view of the search for harmony, Agrimony is considered a flower to improve mood .

It is specifically used in those people who, under a radiant and happy countenance, hide some inner torment.

Generally these people have an excellent mood and are considered good friends, but inside they feel sorrow and sorrow. It is possible that this apparent happiness is caused by the use of stimulants .

This mask of optimism and carefreeness is usually accompanied by histrionics. These are individuals who surely have a hectic social life . But when they are alone, the whole cluster of anguish and fear comes to light, and escapism is the natural way out: going out for fun, drinking alcohol or cramming with food.

People with these characteristics do not want to face their pain, since harmony has become an obsession . But this is not about a weakness of character or the influence of others, they simply seek inner peace.

Personality is limited and its natural reactions inevitably lead to superficiality and materiality, reaching excesses more easily .

All these contradictions are nothing more than the denial of the reality that surrounds them and try to avoid at all costs the dark side of the experiences. These beings cannot give the importance due to any situation, be it positive or negative.

Benefits of Agrimony

The flower of Agrimonia is a natural anxiolytic and is recommended in cases of anxiety and internal distress.

The essence of Agrimony allows us to consciously integrate all the painful experiences that occur to us, helps to accept them without fear and prevents them from being retained at the bottom of our being .

This natural medicine helps to obtain a new perspective, offers a more transcendent view of life and the inner storm is gradually disappearing. The person stops hiding under an always happy countenance, and can manifest their emotions with total naturalness.

However, it is necessary to keep in mind that you have been living behind that mask for many years, and it is not advisable to remove that armor abruptly . The process and treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist to take small but significant steps.

It is convenient that the assimilation of the components of Agrimony is gradual . The medication will achieve these effects over a longer period, but the feelings will surface more evenly and there will be no side effects.

The Agrimony teaches to be honest with yourself and allows the people of the environment to know the true feelings through a healthy expression of them. The person will gradually abandon the habit of hiding their true emotions and will show themselves as they are, achieving a state of acceptance, balance and calm.

Seen in Nutrióptima, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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