Activation of the New Gold Mixed Ray.

  • 2019

We are in the internal integration of male and female energy. In this process we purify the information that has been distorted and veiled through teachings conditioned by fears. These distortions generate a submission and therefore a pleitesia that generates a limiting energy hierarchy. Both by hierarchy and by limitation it already gives us information that is not about light frequencies.

As with the discourse of fear through punishments and judgments, we also realize the emotions that awakens us and we detect from our being that they cannot belong by common common sense to the frequencies of light to which we have decided to access and remain.

We are in the process of opening hearts to these loving energies that we now integrate. We perform the prayer to discover what the fine golden ray tuned for our being really is:

With the time we allocate to this flame we are making all our cells vibrate in a certain intensity from their fractal space, where we are really activating the internal light in its unlimited expression.

At this time we also integrate allowing, giving permission, thanking and feeling the deserving of being and feeling a being of light. This moment of the self is lacking words and floods itself with emotions and sensations as subtle and light as indescribable for spoken or expressed language. Here we begin the expansive language, that of the pulse we emit with our coherent presence. Our own state and permanence more and more prolonged in time emit like a slightly more intense heartbeat to be accompanied by a conscious emotion, that beat we call it pulse and it radiates circularly from our being I am our emotion in the new frequency of light.

That moment of I am lacks words

Remember to take your daily time to your own process, at your own time to your being I am in the present state, activated and dilating the temporal space from your frequency of love as intense as possible without effort.

Observe and consciously wake up all the information of the space that surrounds you both physically and energetically. Be your being, I am in a present and conscious state, constantly remaining in a frequency of light and love.

Realize the amount of things that move around you and that you choose which ones influence and affect you and which do not. Activate receiving the unconscious permission information that you have been giving for so long. Thank these permissions because you have been a beautiful and important part of your learning and by awakening this part in you all this knowledge that you already have you will feel an immense sense of well-being.

Remember that it is easier to remain in a state where you feel full than to move to a state where fear and pain predominate. Integrate this information, because there is an extended veil that incoherently transmits what it is not. Feel which option is the most obvious, which resonates most intensely in your being. Do you prefer and choose to remain in a state of fullness or do you prefer and choose to be in a space of fear and pain?

If you feel it that way and you want it, you will know that nothing and nobody chooses for you, you wake up and you recover the capacity of the creator being that you really are. You revoke and undo all covenants, deals and agreements made and given consciously or unconsciously.

Move to a position of constant observer of everything around you, of what you see and feel. From this position you awaken your knowledge of yourself in your maximum expression of light. Autosincerity intensifies and you make fall all the veils that until now have not allowed you to really see the unlimited and wonderful being that you already are.

Take a few moments during this integration to discover the amount of things in your environment that can affect you if you have given them any permission. Revoke from within you breathing the resurrection flame any conscious or unconscious permission you have given and recover your integrity.

Your permissions work in two directions, in which you give, and in which you allow yourself. What you give are assignments where you are at the expense of others deciding for you in all the breadth of things you can imagine right now. Those who allow you or not allow yourself are the limitations that you have come to put on or take off to become the limited being that you are right now.

Your permissions work in two directions.

In yourself you are making the first step to be the unlimited being that you really are, feel it for a moment, feel that first step, that change to action, to movement, to the awakening of the creative being that you already are. Feel that loving but forceful decision to move to a more intense light frequency. Breathe from the ray of the resurrection and feel here and now, without skirts and without butts, to your whole being to express from the emotion the first step, the first statement, generate your moment of light now, decide to be and recover all that is given, decide to allow yourself.

And above all, once felt this emotion, be grateful and let that gratitude go through all your bodies to integrate this moment of full light and happiness.

You have just begun to focus on knowing and loving you, we accompanied you in this emotion that placed you in a frequency that you can integrate right now since you are feeling it and therefore you already identify and activate it every Once you decide

We are increasingly active in our present moment and this puts us in a space / time where we awaken our creative being that generates and generates moments from love and light. Be aware of these words and the emotions that allow us to expand. Be aware that our displacement through time in the present state has another speed, every second it expands.

Observe from this frequency in which you find yourself right now, the amount of dense emotions that you have been collecting, observe the fears, the insecurities, the confusions, the contradictions. Notice well and realize that you are seeing them from another plane, as something distant, distant, as something that is not in you right now. And why has this happened? because it belongs to another frequency where you are not right now. Integrate what you just felt.

When you choose clearly, there is no longer any separation and you are active.

You make yourself in the present state.

Generally, the first thing we do is wake up large amounts of information that we already have and have integrated over time. Once we have awakened a large part of the unlimited being that we really are, we begin to learn new things. At first we can feel the doubts of when we wake up or when we learn, but the same emotions are deciphering us when it is each case.

Waking up is remembering, feeling somehow that you already knew this. Learning is the food of your being, it is feeling the happiness of growing, of becoming different with what you are integrating. When we integrate observation into our present continuous state, we are constantly aware of our bodies and our emotions, and these reveal to us everything we need to distinguish. We are in the ray of resurrection.

Breathe from the lightning and activate the following statement for you "I am the resurrection and the life". Again, observe and feel your being pierced. Repeat it again some times if you feel it to give yourself permission to feel it and expand your affirmation to all your bodies. Repeat from feeling and observing a few moments after each repetition. Scroll to the Temple of the Golden Ray Mixed in New Frequency:

As we wake up, we become more aware in the present state and this moves us through increasingly intense frequencies of light and with lighter and more pleasant emotions.

The resurrection, the resurgence, the awakening, all this from the service without selfishness but starting with oneself. One of the best gifts for loved ones is to be and be in happiness, well-being and fulfillment. For this reason we start with ourselves.

From the ray of the resurrection we awaken our creative being and consciously activate this process of constantly creating. We create from love and light generating our way. We become aware that we create the path where we will pass and we are passing. With our thoughts, intentions and emotions, we create every day and our life reflects how we have arranged. The flame of the resurrection helps us in this process of integration.

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