Liberation Opportunity

  • 2016


When a man, urged by his own inner being, recognizes a Power greater than himself and begins to express gratitude to such Power, religion becomes a fundamental reality in his being. His lower vehicles - particularly the mental and emotional ones - are curiously affected by the experience, and radically change the entire perspective of his life. Humanity, being the total sum of all individuals, cannot be different in this respect, and there has never been a time when human beings, collectively, having felt such an experience, have not recognized their dependence as to said higher power. Until the wildest races recognize their dependence and, depending on the lights they have, they will try to define their relationship to that Power in terms of fear, sacrifice or propitiation. n.

Thus, the great religions of the world have emerged from the darkness of the times , which, although diverse in cult, ceremonial and methods of application of the Truth, nevertheless are all united in the fundamental vital parts: That the life and existence of man depend on (and have their source in) that Great Power; that this Power created everything visible and invisible; and that, as such, it is up to man to turn his eyes to ly and by means of the plea, prayer or decree ask for his needs. These have been the basic postulates of all the great religions of the past, and the new religion the Religion of Ceremonial Worship and Freedom does not differ from the first.


Great religions do not emerge "fools and crazy", nor do they arise at the behest of man's desires. Each of these come every two thousand years, following the orderly sequence set in motion by the Cosmic Law, which moves in gigantic cycles to reach the entire fourteen thousand years. This is the time allotted to complete the Seven Rays round, each Ray comprising two thousand years, and each one - according to its influence - affecting humanity differently, examples of which we have in the driving sway exercised by each of the main religions.

We see that with the advent of each Ray on Earth, a new predominant religion appears, evolved by the Intelligences that represent the Deity for the duration of that period. This religion is based on the natural trends of life currents that will be the focal point for the establishment and maintenance of the spiritual culture of that time. Likewise, the religious cult is based on the specific beneficial effusion that the Director or Chohán del Rayo considers to be better for attending the evolving intelligences of said period .

Going back in history only four thousand years ago, we see Judaism evolving within the influence of the Fifth Ray, while its successor, Christianity, coming under the Sixth Ray, retained some of the qualities of its predecessor, although it differed in many other aspects. Similarly, the New Religion - which is just entering the Seventh Ray, the Ceremonial Ray - while retaining much of the teachings of Christianity, will differ from it in many respects, particularly in the type of religious worship that will become in the predominant activity of the masses in the future. This activity, while advancing with the years, and with the arrival on Earth of the people of the Seventh-Root Race (which is highly evolved), will be very revolutionary compared to its predecessors. He will witness the fraternization of men, angels and elementals in conscious cooperation, and that hand in hand they will walk together along the path of evolution where they will serve together, build together the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, and worship together in unknown ceremonies to the present in this three-dimensional world.



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