It is time to return to your source, by Archangel Gabriel

Listen to me, I am Gabriel, the Angel of Light and Unity.

The answers are in the air. Everything is peace and comfort in the depths of your interior. Do not hesitate, do not be alarmed by so much pain and so many fears that surround you. All that is in vain. The answers are clear and decisive. There is nothing that can truly harm you. You have set the limits in the world of form. Do not be afraid, for fear immobilizes you and gives you bitter results. The Father loves you and gives you the key that opens everything. In the coming months, desperate humans will mourn as martyrs who cannot find their way. You are not like that. Rectify as wise and feed the peace of your hearts.

The bridge children will open their eyes and lips. The union between men and the Earth will pay off. Do not fear anything. You are powerful Beings, source of Light and clarity. We see you and we accompany you. We take you by the hand so that you follow the true path, which leads you to the recognition of your truth. Now is the time to return to your Source. Sow what you wish to create here. Work with respect to the Divine. See all forms as part of all that is. Well, there is nothing empty or useless.

Animals help you see the reality of what you are and plants offer you their essence and unity with your own souls. Everything is God and in him you always remain. Help others who are in the dark. Those who think that there is nothing but spheres of hate and disdain. Emit your Light to those who choose to live in the shadow, so one day they will see that there is nothing to fear and the door of their heart will open. Love all beings and see the Light in each bird, in each child, in all those around you.

Feel the purity of the Being and feel the infinite goodness of the human being. Contemplate life as a field of experimentation and union with God. Create a point of union where trust and faith are the bridge to Divinity. Before the misfortunes, sorrows and epidemics that are guaranteed from some points of the Earth, offer Grace, forgiveness and the dominion of your own lives. Raise your hands to God, unify soul and heart. Remove the shadows of your life and offer the Earth purification and Divine Light.

We ask you to do this anywhere you can be. Put your hands on your heart and sow there a point of union with God. You will feel that you are safe and that nothing can harm you. Sanctify your children. May they see the Light that radiates their Being. That they do not fear life since they are born. And let them know that they are not alone and that We walk with them. Other children will be born very soon and they will be like the song of a goldfinch at dawn. They will put a before and after on this Earth. And they will be the link between very different cultures. They will have new gifts that only a few experienced here before. The gifts of creation will be increased and directed with greater wisdom from now on.

The time for peace and harmony comes. See no more terror, leading your life to chaos. See and experience the Light in all its splendor. So be it.

Message from Gabriel, transmitted by Elisa, seer and channeler.

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