Nara Merlin - Secrets for ascension

  • 2016

Greetings to all the Earth Light Beings, especially those who incarnated in the Atlantis period and are now present to continue the true purpose of Atlantis in its brilliant Ascension time. You have been constantly a shining beacon along many of the main stages of the Ascension of the Earth, you serve by bringing Light to all areas of the Earth, however it takes a long time to transform the Planet. I honor you for being on Earth now, please be assured that the growth and wisdom that you will gain from your current life will be immense and will accelerate many beautiful experiences on the internal planes, once your service on Earth has finished.

I want to invite you to recognize your love for Mother Earth daily and continue cultivating it. This simple process allows you to fulfill your purpose on Earth, allowing the flow of your healing vibrations as well as taking root in the beauty of Mother Earth. In my life in Atlantis I came to a very beautiful understanding that seems to me as the secret of the Earth. If you love Mother Earth; and you express and share your Love daily, not only do you reinforce your connection with Mother Earth to understand the changes of the Ascension that take place; but you really allow all forms of illusion to disappear. When you unconditionally love Mother Earth, this is similar to an activation within you, which means that you see beyond and through the illusions of the Earth; You have access to a higher awareness of clarity and truth. What a simple process; and yet it is a valuable experience that allows you to take responsibility for your spiritual and physical reality, in addition to guiding others. I hope you experience what I share with you, because it is immensely powerful. When you allow your Soul and your intuition to guide you, many keys and activations can take place in your Being.

Another key or secret of the Divine that I recognized in my earthly incarnation, was that if you have a very honest intention to transform yourself, similar to a willingness to transform yourself, change yourself and alter yourself with faith; the result will serve you and perform you, then you accelerate your Ascension with great speed. Your willingness to transform yourself into your current reality is essential, this means that you are open to receiving, accepting letting go of attachments and cultivating confidence in your growth to experience the goodness of life. You may want to focus on each of your chakras, from the root Chakra to the crown Chakra neatly, making this statement while feeling that this truth is anchored in each Chakra:

"I am willing to transform myself."

It is a very powerful and powerful statement because it allows you to abandon all your attachments to earthly reality and leave your ego behind, entering the brilliant Truth of the Creator. Through this practice you will notice that speed and ease are manifested in your Ascension.

At this moment I want to share secrets with you. During my life in Atlantis I felt immense loneliness; I assumed that it was simply because I wanted to return to the Creator, to my Home, freeing myself from earthly reality . Then I realized that I yearned in my life for a person or a company that understood me just as the Creator recognizes everything that is my truth. I believed that a couple to share my life would fill the loneliness inside me. Later I recognized that my loneliness was of my own workmanship, my own approach was resisting the Creator and a Soul in my life that recognized my truth. My resistance was a conflict inside that showed both what I wanted to experience and what I didn't want. I desperately wanted to recognize the tender truth of the Creator of my Being ; and yet I was opposed to seeing, feeling and recognizing my inner truth for myself. Instead, I wanted someone else to verify for me my freedom and my internal connection with the Creator, which in turn caused me more pain when it didn't happen. So it was not only that I opposed myself and the Creator, I was also preventing aspects of the Creator from entering my life as partners and partners.

To attract friends or a couple to your life that support your spiritual evolution, including wisdom, abundance or healing, you need to be truthful with yourself. When you are true and honest with yourself, you allow the truth to arise from within. It is important that you recognize your powers, as well as evaluate the patterns and perspectives that block you. So when you are able to face yourself, observe yourself and know yourself honestly, it is easier to heal yourself, dissolve resistance and accept the Creator in all the beautiful ways available . When you observe yourself, the process of abandoning the perspective you recognize is immensely important, as this will stimulate you to create a true perspective and observation of yourself.

I urge you to recognize your powers, abilities and beautiful qualities, honoring and loving yourself for manifesting these aspects of yourself; Then invite your Soul and your Angels to energize and amplify these aspects of you . I invite you to observe thought patterns, emotions, beliefs; and even the unconscious or subconscious statements you create daily. Observe them with Love and patience, then invite your Soul and your Angels to heal, dissolve and completely eliminate your revelations in accordance with the Creator's Divine Will. Experience being energized and cleaned.

The more willing you are to see, feel and recognize the Creator within yourself without ego, the easier it will be to attract your reality to everything you desire and also eliminate feelings of loneliness. .

Did you know that one of the main purposes of the Earth is to encourage you to share the Creator? The Creator does not belong to you or belong to anyone else. The presence of the Creator is the same within everyone. Your purpose in your reality is to share with others your aspect of the Creator, while simultaneously and graciously you receive the aspects of the Creator that others share with you. This is not giving your power to others or their opinions; Rather, it is to realize that anything that a verbal person is expressing, of course, is radiating a beautiful and pure aspect of the Creator, often without the person being aware of it. This is an energy that you can receive and accept to nourish your Being. This is no longer time for you to hide and communicate with the Creator privately, discarding all aspects of life. Although sometimes this is required and is useful when deep healing and self-recognition are taking place. It is time for you to realize that you can explore your truth through your willingness to share, give and properly express the Creator that is within you. This is not to impose your views on others, it is to realize that every moment is energetically connected with the Creator, both within your Being and through the connection n with those around you.

In these times of Ascension and those that come, many will discover that Souls will enter your reality by sharing, receiving and giving deeply to the Creator; and that this can be experienced by each and every one of you. The entanglement of the energies of the Creator between 2 of you will lead to a climax for greater awakening of the Creator. These Souls can be guides of the internal planes, physical partners, new friendships, or even the communion of your Soul with your physical Being. Prepare to share, give and receive the Creator, for this will be a vital change to advance your Ascension. A communion of Souls, a communion of the Creator.

To share, radiate and emanate to the aspect of the Creator in you, it is necessary that you release all the old patterns that have prevented you from achieving this in the past. With this simple understanding, we begin to be aware of the current Ascension process for all.

With the powerful and loving support of my Guides, my angels; and from the Creator, I allow myself to dissolve, heal and clean within me all the energies that prevent me from sharing, experiencing and receiving the Creator in my Being and in my reality, truly, with purity and fullness. I am willing to be in communion with the Creator within me, I am willing to be in communion with the Creator within others, I am willing to transform myself. ”

Acceptance, recognition and compassion towards yourself and others constitute a powerful process of communion with the Creator. First, communion with the Creator is to create changes in your own perspectives, rather than in any external expression; However, positive external expressions can help you have a deeper inner connection.

The Creator and all Souls involved in the Ascension at this time are urging you to enter deeper into the inner truth of your Being, preparing you for Divine expression.

With constant love and support,

Nara Merlin

Who is Nara Merlin?

By Natalie Glasson

Nara Merlin is my I from a past life, she is an aspect and an expression of my Soul that existed in Atlantis during the period of its decline. My Soul incarnated many times in Atlantis for different reasons and for different purposes; which helped the evolution and expansion of my Soul. I am also aware that my Soul has had many lives on Earth throughout its history, but none of these lives seems to me as powerful, real and familiar as my life as Nara Merlin, which seems to intertwine with my current reality as Natalie

Nara was deeply connected with her Almico Group which is also my Almico Group: The White Celestial Beings; these are a Source of Light, they are a unit and yet they are shown as many Light Beings without form, expressing the various qualities of the Creator. They exist on a cosmic and celestial level, which means that their energy is deeply pure and vibrationally fast. The White Celestial Beings helped in the Creation of the Earth and continue to support the Ascension of Humanity. The White Celestial Beings placed Nara on Earth during Atlantis as a representation of her energy; I, Natalie, am now the representative of the White Celestial Beings on Earth.

Nara is an aspect of my soul journey, she is very familiar to me, we are one and the same; and I see a lot of similarity between I Natalie and Nara, I accept her and I love her completely and I see her as my sister. I know that we come from the same source: My Soul; and yet we feel like very similar but very different individualities. She is an aspect of mine; and yet I feel that right now we are both working to support the Ascension of this Earth; but from different dimensions and paths.

Nara's purpose was to oversee a Temple in northern Atlantis that was home to the White Celestial Beings. She acted as a Custody of the Temple, a High Priestess, Healer and Channeler of the energy of the White Celestial Beings. Nara has shared with me her story and I have documented her, because she has the purpose of healing in our reality the patterns born in Atlantis, as well as awakening Humanity to the similarities between our current reality and the reality of the Atlanteans, to manifest The emergence of a change.

You can read the story of Nara as a 22-year-old woman who was High Priestess and lived in Atlantis during her fall from high vibrations, connect with her energies and receive her spiritual guidance in my new book 'White Lighthouses of Atlantis'. Nara's story is exciting, enlightening and full of Love from the Creator, although it speaks of the most difficult period of Atlantis.

This is a wonderful opportunity to allow Nara to guide you to connect with the energies of Atlantis, to discover and explore your past lives in Atlantis as well as to heal the aspect of your Soul that experienced Atlantis. The purpose of Nara is to create completion, so that you cannot continue projecting in your reality or in the consciousness of Humanity any pattern or negative programming of Atlantis. You are invited to support the healing of Atlantis and the current reality of the Earth; and Nara is ready to guide you.

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Natalie Glasson


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