Operating System IV: Update of the Divine Human By Lauren C. Gorgo

  • 2010
Table of contents hide 1 The New Operating System 2 Acceleration and Stabilization 3 Communication Update 4 Physical Events

A few days ago I was lying in my bed watching a little resistance emerge in me, thinking about the many years I spent looking at the same space on the ceiling of my bedroom ... wondering what day and when I could actively participate in my life again . Not to the point of doing what he used to do ... because, obviously, much has changed for all of us ... but finally being able to put into action the last decade of learning and expansion through the endless process of cleaning our guts (literally and figuratively) .

And now, here we are in another cycle of retrograde Mercury ... For me personally, this has to be the 18th or 20th retrograde I have witnessed in the stillness ... translation: since I have been forbidden to live an external life.

After a little more than a week of this period of reflection, I began to think that this prison sentence has been much more than "keeping time" for us ... more realistically, it has been a "letting time" process ... which is very ironic because being the observer of our lives (instead of participating in them) for so many years has offered us the possibility of observing so much condensed history by passing by in such a short period of time ... however, due to our immobility and inability to move forward, we also feel an undeniable sense of no-time ... that nothing moves at all, and the phrase "go fast nowhere" has acquired a whole new meaning.

During the ascension purification phase, every day really is Groundhog Day. We spin the wheels through the same polarization cycles, again and again, until we finally jump from the karmic wheel to our central point, where we stop sticking to the energies that derail us.

Epa! ... back to my story ... so, while I was there saying my last goodbye to a past life, and observing all the remaining thoughts and unresolved emotions about being kidnapped from human experience, I was greeted by a soul group with which I had never communicated before. They call themselves "The Divine Council of the Seven."

They shared with me that their divine purpose is to monitor the seven layers of the human energy field during the purification process for human beings who are going through their biological transfiguration.

Apparently they are very involved in protecting us from external interference and the hardness of the outside world during this very sensitive and vulnerable period of metamorphosis, and now they want to present themselves and share some information with us about this current transfiguration in the divine human template.

First of all, I definitely had to go looking for that word to refresh my cloudy memory over Mercury ... and this is what I found:

Transfiguration Substitute

1. Concept in Christianity that is fundamental to the understanding of Christ as a union of the human and the divine.

2. a. Marked change in form or appearance; a metamorphosis

b. Change that glorifies or exalts.

The New Operating System

In its most basic form, the divine human template has its roots in and is motivated by harmony. Harmonic resonance is the characteristic vibration of the human biological configuration of 5th dimension and towards what many have been and will be making the transition.

A 5th dimension operating system does not mean that we are immune to disagreement, it means that we are detached energetically enough to avoid it. Avoiding the temptation to intrude into discordance will come naturally to us as all systems fit perfectly into place.

Our new operating system is designed to function within the realms of uniqueness, which means that any and all access to polarized consciousness fields can cause large waves of distortion.

The Divine Council is reminding us that the way to exist in an increasingly volatile world (purification) within a 5D physical framework, is to solidify the limits and use sensation as a guide for discernment. Our physical and biological receptors are tuning in with such precision that our ability to feel the distortion well precedes the experience of it…. This is for a good reason. To use these sensations effectively is to honor our body energetically at all times by making choices that are aligned with our greater good.

To fully realize our human-divine potential, the holographic matrix by which we operate must match the frequency of our updated internal operating system, which is located at the base of the skull, or cerebellum, and is linked to the eighth chakra which many refer to as the soul star chakra (and which houses our divine / divine pattern). For this process to be completed, there must be a complete restructuring of the framework by which we humans, in a 3D polarized time / space matrix, operate.

Transfiguration is the term that the Council uses to explain the transition from the 3D human (or the 3D human operating system), to the divine human (or the divine human operating system). This new operating system is designed to collect and decode the frequencies of the higher dimensions, translating them into a physical output, the manifestation of our divine intention.

This state to which our body is transfiguring, is beyond a normal state of human functioning, is what they call the human functioning at its power. supreme.

The reason that the process has been so long and arduous is due to the fact that the transition from one physical state to another consumes a lot of time and energy, meaning that it requires great concentrations of energy to fulfill the destiny of our divine pattern. In a non-physical realm, this energy moves very quickly and the changes are instantaneous, however, the energy of the physical form is more It is dense (and therefore slower), and unfortunately we have to complete this transfiguration first in order to fulfill our divine plan in service to the One.

Acceleration and Stabilization

The seven main energy centers of the human body, the conduits through which we transmit the information, have been accelerating seriously since the June solstice, rather they are increasing their rotation. And, simultaneously, raising the rate of our personal vibration to match the vibration of the reality matrices of the 5th dimension. This growing energy at the moment is aligning with our thermal plan, or pattern, and beginning to send large waves of telepathic information to the grid from which we are now starting to operate, as well as to connect with many more members of our family.

The process of opening or expanding these seven energy centers to their full human-divine capacity is nothing short of miraculous; However, keep in mind that as with all new beginnings, there will be temporary setbacks and readjustments necessary to maintain optimal flow or frequency through our newly updated hardware. September will deal largely with the stabilization of this flow.

Similar to updating a computer, now that our 5D operating system is downloaded and pumping higher frequency signals to our rewired brain, we must now update all our software to readjust our focus so that we can clearly see the new world that He is being born before us like never before. As with all holographic reality constructs, the ability to see and participate in these intelligence fields depends solely on our vibratory performance.

For the next three weeks we will continue to enter and leave these new frequencies and testing the waters in higher concentrations, with a fuller presence. We will be learning how to consciously expand our energy field and hone our skills to keep our fields open and entrenched while we experiment with some powerful waves of energy that undulate through our bio and morphogenic fields.

The advice we are being given for this is PLAY! Play with the new potentials that are beginning to take shape, play with the power of our approach, our magnetism and our ability to stabilize with the intention.

Communication Update

This period of retrograde Mercury that we are currently wading through, is responsible for much of the communication update in our energy field, which we are all going through. It is being used not only to ensure that the right and left hemispheres of our brain are working harmoniously together, but also making sure that all seven energy centers of our biofield are fully aligned and communicating with our higher selves.

This new field of communication will also be responsible for telepathic exchange in real-time with our higher self and will allow full access to our divine pattern. The divine pattern (located in the soul star chakra) houses the information of all past and future incarnations, and is the passing station for our higher intelligence. As this reconnection opens more fully, the information of our higher self becomes more accessible for the physical co-creation of our genetic-soul plan. This means that we will not only have a pure connection with our superior intelligence, but we will be working within the dimensional fields of fluid creation and we will be given access codes for our human-divine capabilities.

Some of these capabilities include: greater creativity and focus, higher levels of energy and vitality, greater ability to heal the self (resurrection / regeneration), greater ability to heal others, greater perceptions and psychic abilities, greater abilities for manifestation, greater sensitivity, and the awakening of some latent gifts yet to be explored or discovered.

Physical Events

Although the process has been slow, it is probably a very good sign that I am beginning to receive more and more information about our next physical changes ... and there will be changes ... but not in the ways that most expect.

The divine human template is apparently designed to alter the human genome and carries with it the intelligence to regenerate our cells at a rapid rate. This level of self-healing requires that the physical vehicle remain in a state of harmonic agreement and be powered by an energy source greater than its own. What this means is that for those who are completing what the Council calls the transfiguration, the human body will no longer generate all its power from external sources, but will self-propel itself from a secure connection with our own servers (power source).

There will still be the need for basic human functioning at this level of operation, however, I am told that there will be less need for external fuel as the body becomes rather a self-sustainable mechanism of physical transport and experience.

I am also hearing that the most notable change in our physique will be in terms of 'youth'. The youthful and radiant appearance and capacity of the divine human staff is a natural byproduct of a fully functioning energy system. If I am listening to this correctly, the new energy source that sustains us will almost triple at the entrance, and almost double at the exit, and 1/3 of the Source's vital energy supply will go directly to our biological systems for optimal performance

There are many more things to discuss regarding the new human template, and I will have more to report as we move towards this next level of conscious co-creation. For now, just know that after everything we've been through for the past 3 months, we've definitely turned a corner and when Mercury is direct we will see some immediate results of our new level programming.

Meanwhile, we still have to surrender to stillness, knowing that the forward movement will begin shortly, and allow our bodies to go through the necessary changes that we are still integrating from the solstice. The Council is saying ...

“There is so much to learn and many new things to discover here that we tell you, enjoy your last days off!”

Of course, we have also had the usual symptoms related to the different aspects of our wiring this time ... here are some of the most pronounced:

Symptoms of the fusion, rewiring and reorientation of the pineal / pituitary: dizziness, pain / pressure in the back of the head and towards the spine, vision problems, ear pain, sinusitis, migraine, fatigue, neck pain and stiffness, changes in body temperature, sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, vivid and rare dreams, etc.

Symptoms of the opening of the heart: palpitations / arrhythmia (aligning with the new grid), ANXIETY, pain in the middle part of the back (behind the heart) and indigestion / heartburn / reflux, nausea, etc.

Rooting symptoms: torsion / LUMBAR PAIN, leg pains and heaviness, menstrual cramps, intestinal disorders / cramping / detoxification, swelling, water retention, skin rashes, etc.

See you when Mercury is direct ...

Happy Labor Day weekend for all my American readers!



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He with the proper authorization of Lauren C. Gorgo has all his material in Word file which can be downloaded from his site Think with your Heart.Net in

Virtual Office in Argentina

Thanks Margarita López !!!

September 3, 2010

Translation: Margarita López

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