The Khlysty and Rasputin

  • 2018

The Khlysty (flagellants) made their appearance in Russia around 1500, along with their antagonists, the Skopcy (castrators). Despite the prevalence of the Orthodox Church, these religious sects remained visible and executive until the 19th century. But the Khlysty sect is the most representative of all . What did they have to do with Rasputin?

Who are the Khlysty and Rasputin?

The Khlysty were led and directed by certain men, whose vision and ability, along with their well-defined practices and objectives, encumbraba. They were scholars of theosophy and deep connoisseurs of all esoteric principles of Christianity, such as philoklia and the metanoia of the fathers of the desert.

These ancient sages knew that human passions always end up winning the game and they had very fresh in their memory the doctrine of Evagrio's egos.

The Doctrine of the egos

There are eight generic thoughts that comprise all thoughts:

  1. Gastrimarg a: glotoner a
  2. Porn: fornication
  3. Phylagyr a: Greed
  4. Lyp : sadness
  5. Org : C lera
  6. Aked a: aced a
  7. Kenodox a: boast
  8. Hyperephan a: pride

The customary rituals were obviously Russian but contained some foreign adaptations. They celebrated ancient gods and pre-Christian deities such as Ialiro and Rusalky, the personifications of passion and desire respectively.

They invoked the biblical gods of pleasure and also dark demons like Balaam and Persian deities like Kors. The ritual led them to these “persecutors of enjoyment” towards a frantic sexual activity.

His dogma was based on repentance through sin . The exchange of physical experiences with a chosen one, in whom a god dwells or the fire of that god, will end up transforming sin into virtue.

This doctrine has an amazing resemblance to that preached by the Brothers of the Free Spirit in France, Czechoslovakia and Germany in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.

The Brothers of the Free Spirit were a split sect of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church that taught the belief that within each human being lives the divine spark, the Divine Essence. They thought that the recognition of this divine essence in any person was enough to release any kind of social, sexual or intellectual restriction.

The doctrine of the search for the internal flame was adapted to the Russian style and instead of having fifty gods within the same congregation seeking their divinity, we will now have a human leader who will become divine.

The feeling was widespread and everyone bowed with utmost devotion to this teacher or leader. It would be who would free all of them from sin .

It is when Grigorig Efimovich Rasputin appears, the later known as crazy monk, who by imposing his strong personality and the charm of a somewhat ambiguous nature, manages to stop the hemophilia attacks of the zarevich. In this way, it is naturally integrated into all the inner circles of the Tsar's court.

Much of the fame that the Khlysty have is due to the alleged association with Rasputin . Much has been written on the subject but it is in the biography of Colin Wilson, where you can see a perceptual portrait.

In the memories of Maria, the daughter of Rasputin, it is read that the qualities that Rasputin possessed will one day be the material from which the search for human greatness will be cemented, that which advances man in his evolutionary development.

Those who saw that greatness in Rasputin and felt its effects could not understand them. There were ways that increased the pain of being incompetent. As Rasputin used this intricate internal mechanism, his incompetence detector, he won many enemies.

Rasputin went ahead and met another enlightened one named Makariy, who exerted a strong influence on him. In 1889 he married Praskovia Fyodorovna Dubrovina with whom he had three children, Dimitri, Varvara and Maria.

In 1901 he left his hometown and became a pilgrim. He traveled two years in Slavic lands, through Greece and the Holy Land. He learned history, theosophy, esotericism and deepened his knowledge in old religions and traditions. It is in 1903 that he returns to Russia and is established in St. Petersburg where he is considered a fortune teller. His consultations were very busy.

Seen in the Esoteric Blog, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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