Message from Sananda ~ Inside you, in your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace

  • 2017

Channeled by John Smallman on August 29, 2017

I just want to assure you that humanity in general is in the process of erasing huge amounts of self-contempt and non-acceptance of themselves that have been buried inside and that they should and will be released. Because now they are ready to do more important interior work. This may disturb them because they have already done a tremendous amount of internal work and believed it was over. But, of course, as human beings this is a constantly ongoing process. However, when everything that has been buried or denied is finally seen and released, then they will find themselves free to grow and evolve into awareness of their true state - Unity - which is what awakening is all about .

All humanity is now on an accelerated path to awakening, it is exciting and inspiring and, at the same time, quite disturbing because it seems they have lost their sense of direction spiritually speaking. It really is a time to allow life to reveal itself, to unfold before you, as originally planned, instead of trying to direct it from your human and egoic perspective that almost always leads to pain and disappointment.

For eons they have been trying to control and direct their own lives, as well as those of their closest loved ones, and also, if they were able to establish an effective power base, those of other cultures, creeds or nations. Finally, humanity has realized that this does not work and cannot work because nobody wants another to control and direct it .

Each of you is a beloved child of God, One with the Source, but freely expressing your individual creative abilities as you travel back from separation to Unity . However, the egoic traits of humanity, both personal and collective, have been firmly rooted for eons, so it takes a long time to tear them out and discard them.

The preparation for this has been ongoing for more than three hundred years and, very recently, the turning point was reached when a sufficient number of you became fully aware of the madness of these individual and selfish generic agendas to activate the beginning of the process. of release. This is accelerating rapidly, as clearly shown by the increase in conflicts around the world, from those from one individual to another, to international ones. The purpose and intention of these conflicts is to demonstrate as widely as possible the absolutely essential need for a major change in the basic beliefs and assumptions of humanity that until recently have been totally ego-based.

Be part of the harmonious cooperation

It is impossible for someone to honestly affirm that more regulations and more violence to solve the issues and problems facing humanity. It is very clear that they can only be resolved with harmonious cooperation, which means that deeply rooted belief systems sustained by different races, cultures and religions must be discarded . Philosophical, economic, political or religious belief systems are extremely divisive as their history clearly demonstrates . However, humanity has clung to them for eons out of fear, because by holding them it seemed they were bringing people together . And they did, but only as groups in fierce opposition to other groups, leading, naturally and inevitably, to conflict.


No belief system is ever absolutely correct, and no belief system grants anyone the right or authority to control or direct another. Its social, national, political, economic, religious and international social systems, organizations and governments have established rules and regulations for people to conform and obey. But in reality, the rules and regulations should be used only to provide a clear means of communicating standards of conduct that work safely and fairly for all, standards that everyone accepts and honors with joy.

At the same time, it is absolutely essential that the beliefs you hold open to receive new information as it arises so that these beliefs can evolve. Evolution is an important part of the journey home from separation to Unity. The Spanish Inquisition was initiated to discover and destroy those whose beliefs were not in complete alignment with the dogmatic government of the Roman Church at that time, while a new era in scientific discovery emerged and began to show the numerous factual errors in That authoritarian system.

However, what has happened during the eons, and until now has been generally accepted, is that those who are in authority made rules and regulations to establish a system of beliefs that serves their own selfish agendas and the rest honor and obey . Those who are the authority frequently place themselves above these laws, without having to obey them or conform to them, but simply use them in a blatant service to their own personal agendas.

Support peace and love for all the inhabitants of the earth

Now that this selfish behavior is easily visible to everyone, and is recognized as totally inappropriate, they are in position to make the many necessary changes to all their systems of government state, cultural, international, economic, and religious so that everyone's interests on Earth can be directed so that everyone benefits . Mankind has collectively chosen to discard the systems that have caused so much pain and suffering and replace them with others based on Love.

Love is its nature, it always has been, and finally, within its illusory world of dreams of separation, memories of that true nature are appearing in sight, initially only momentarily when they are filled with love for family or companions, and then more broadly, how to understand that they have more than enough Love to share and spread throughout the world . This perception automatically transmits Love within you far and wide, because you are not separated, you are One, and therefore what one understands everyone understands! Not immediately and consciously, but nevertheless, deep within them, that understanding grows and intensifies until they become conscious and, in doing so, generously expand the Love that flowed from you. This is the Tsunami of love .

Inside you find peace

Be yourself and stop trying to be what you think others expect or demand from you. It can only be you, and trying to be different from you is extremely destructive - physically, psychologically and emotionally - for the part of you that lives in your limited human form. You end up depressed and unhappy, and feelings of ineptitude intensify . You are, I speak to all without exception, one of the most glorious children of God. How could you not be when God, for infinite love, created you for eternal JOY ! In truth you are always in eternal joy, it's just that the veil you drew between you and Reality temporarily hides that truth and the eternal joy that accompanies it.

Go inside yourself at least once a day to connect with the inextinguishable divine Light - YOUR Light - that always resides within you, and allow yourself to accept that you are a perfect divine being who currently has a very temporary and unreal experience of separation . When you allow yourself to accept yourself, your fears and anxieties fall, and you feel the warmth and comfort of the field of Love that embraces you in every moment of your eternal existence. This gives you the strength to continue on your path of human life with confidence and certainty, and to listen and trust your intuition, which is fed from your heart, instead of relying on the severely limited intelligence of your human mind.

You know that your human mind is seriously devoid of wisdom and intelligence because you see the effects of all that around you in the conflicts and confusions that are constantly emerging. When you enter your holy inner sanctuary, centered on your heart, you find peace and freedom from fear and anxiety . This only shows you that this is where the truth lies. You cannot find it outside of yourself, in others, although meeting lovingly with others will help you find the truth within yourself. There is only one Truth, but, as human beings, you experience it in your individual way. No one is wrong, but, as humans, each one demonstrates only a very small portion of the Truth, although within each one the Truth is eternally present.

Therefore, upon waking up and before sleeping, set the intention to be only loving in any situation that arises, and any mood in which you find yourself, and then enjoy the peace that your day brings while performing your earthly tasks. .

Your loving brother, Jesus

TRANSLATOR: Carolina Cobelli, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: John Smallman. (2017). Sananda ~ When You Go Within, to Your Holy Inner Sanctuary, You Find Peace. 31/08217, from Love has won Website:

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