Extraterrestrial Guides and the Great White Brotherhood

  • 2010

We present a series of 11 videos explaining the encounters between beings from other planets of the solar system and the intraterrenes of the Great White Brotherhood led by the Bolivian, Luis Fernando Mostajo. The first contacts took place in 1977 through telepathic communication. In them, beings of Venus and Ganymede - moon of Jupiter - explain that the solar system and galaxies are pure energy that works by continuously exchanging information from the stars to contribute to the great consciousness that is the universe. The Venusians have been here for thousands of years guiding the process of change that is taking place and have monitored the change from where the largest source of energy has been concentrated, the mountains of Tibet, to where it is now, on the axis of the continent American.

After the Second World War, this energy of the planet concentrated in a positive-masculine aspect began to be transferred to the Americas, in its negative or feminine aspect. The feminine energy through the Americans from the Andes to Mount Shasta, has its center in Lake Titicaca, where the solar disk is located. The message is clear: we are living a last chance to achieve an evolutionary leap. The previous civilizations disappeared because of man. We must try to learn the lesson of the past and plan for the future by understanding the present. The worst of man is his fear of the unknown. Through the videos Luis Fernando gives us information about the Venusian culture, how they feed, how they manage energy, etc.

At the beginning, part of the first video, the presentation is in English but the rest in Spanish.


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