A Grumpy Man: The Power of Resentment

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 issuing value judgments…. 2 a storehouse of experiences ... 3 critics separate us ... 4 kindly love and kindness ... 5 labeling everything around us ... 6 resentment is suffering ...

"A Grumpy Man" is the name of a film of Swedish origin cataloged as Art Cinema.

issuing value judgments…

It is actually a vast example of what happens when we look at those around us from our own way of thinking and generate value judgments that seek to discover or reveal what happens to those around us and as most of the time we do not we are in the place of the other: we are wrong.

For example, in small towns where the inhabitants are still known, labels such as; the doctor, the teacher, the witch or the drunk…. without a doubt this is not something healthy but it happens when, in order to interact, you need to type the others as a result of our need for security and certainty.

In this film we can see how in a small subdivision there is an elderly man, considered a grumpy, rude, lacking in education and tact in the treatment of those around him.

But, it is not always like that, in fact we will be surprised to discover that most of the occasions in each person regardless of the label we assign, we find a universe or world to discover.

How many times we have not discovered that our enemies have a pleasant side that if not for our individual barrier we could possibly be the best friends.

a store of experiences ...

Sometimes, the old woman from the market who answers in a hard and cold way hides inside a woman who carries a lot of pleasant and unpleasant experiences that we do not even imagine.

This is the case of Ove "A Grumpy Man", calculating, rude, demanding, little diplomatic, neurotic and full of demands towards others who only intend to live their lives.

Behind this man, like many others there is a past not very easy or at least not for him.

A past in which we lost our loved ones when we thought that we still lacked much to do or share, as is the case of parents who lose their children at an early age, thinking or calculating what are the those who must bury them are younger and it does not happen that way.

Faced with difficult events, the mind seeks strategies, so to speak; To deal with pain, it turns into resentment, resentment, sadness and a great bitterness that permeates everything around.

the critics separate us

Normally when we see people with this type of energy, we criticize them, set them apart and let them know that they are not welcome, but nothing more wrong.

When we discriminate against them, what we do is add burden and pain to their lives, this is not healthy but it is common, however we can choose new ways to deal with these types of situations in an appropriate way, to discover that I know that being grumpy is a person in need of love, attention and most important of all of our understanding.

In most cases they are great beings with great potential to give, teach and prevent others from what can happen to them adversely in life.

Taking into account that vicious circles have the seal of getting worse again and again until a force that breaks with that inertia appears, understanding and generosity are the resources of excellence to break with these cycles of bitterness and tension.

kindly love and kindness…

As usually happens, we feed more resentment without noticing that the optimal and efficient way to solve it is with a gesture of kind love and kindness.

It is true that it is not an easy company to establish a connection with resentful people, however, if we know that what is needed is empathy and understanding, it will be highly probable.

labeling everything around us ...

Remember that if something is true, everything is uncertain, that somehow we plan but there are many more conditions and circumstances that conspire, so to speak, for or against, this is how what we really have left is to understand that If in our environment there are difficulties, the reaction of people is different from each other and from ourselves.

What seems beautiful to others may seem insignificant, for that reason it is useful to understand that we must respect and understand.

We will be surprised to observe the magic of love on the most difficult cases and if we allow ourselves to be flexible we will be able to generate understanding around us.

resentment is suffering ...

It is a fact that where there is resentment and resentment there is suffering, it is present at the time of reliving painful events over and over again. Why then add more pain to people who have had a difficult life? ... they do not need it and if we affect them.

So let's get ready to love and understand without restriction, to alleviate as much as possible to those around us, there is no reason to add mistreatment to abuse and hate hate this only perpetuates unhealthy situations .

Remember that it is the activity of the Bodhitsava (Spiritual Hero) to be of benefit to others without ego and without restriction. Just because it is.

AUTHOR: Pilar Vázquez, collaborator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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