The gems of the infinite

  • 2019

Gemstones play a prominent role in the first three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (UCM), where they are known as the Gems of Infinity. The gems have been used by several characters in the Marvel Universe.

These gems have their own consciousness and there was a time when they could be used in unison to make their bearer omnipotent and with absolute control over the entire universe. In the current continuity, the Living Court ruled that the simultaneous use of gems was too dangerous for the survival of the universe, nullifying that possibility.

In this article I will give metaphysical foundation to the gems, while I place them in the time-space of the UCM.


In Hinduism, the chakras are immeasurable (not measurable) energy centers located in the human body. According to Hindu doctrines, there are six, but according to theosophy (of the late nineteenth century), Gnosticism (mid-twentieth century) and the new era (late twentieth century) are seven. In the Vasraian belief of Tibetan Buddhism (throughout the 1st millennium AD) the six chakras are also mentioned by their Sanskrit names, and are merely described as "energy centers."

The centers are, in reality, "intersection points" of energies, where the energy body has seven triangles and points that have been transformed. From the angle of the Planetary Council the seven centers are represented as lotuses, with a varied number of petals; however, it always contains, is present and a triangle is seen, in the heart of the lotus; there is always a triangle with a communication point, and this is called the "jewel in the lotus". Therefore we have.

  1. The Point in the center, index of spiritual life. THE JEWEL.
  2. The energies that relate to the egoic lotus, conditioned by the soul. THE PETALS
  3. The sphere of radiation, the influence emanating, conditioning the personality. THE ATOMS.
  4. The energy triangle, conditioned by the spiritual Triad. THE RAYS.

The circle determines the personality of man; This influence emanates from the lotus and establishes an interaction. The soul conditions the lotus which, in turn, conditions the "sphere of influence in the aura of the lotus", thus reaching the life of the personality and conditioning it. The time comes when the individual etheric body is submerged or lost sight of in the light emanating from these seven points; It is nuanced by the light of the “jewel in the lotus” located on the head, the thousand-petalled lotus. Then the centers are related to each other by a line of living fire, and each one expresses itself fully in divine form.


The time gem would be located in the laryngeal center. It is specifically the organ of the creative WORD. It records the intention or creative purpose of the soul, transmitted by the influx of energy from the ajna center; the fusion thus carried out of the two energies will lead to some kind of creative activity.

At UCM, Agamotto is the first sorcerer on Earth, who locks the gem in a medallion. Doctor Strange learns to use his power to save the world from Dormammu. In the end, the Eye is guarded by "The Masters of Mystic Arts" in Nepal.


The space gem would be located in the solar plexus. The solar plexus is a reflection of the "heart of the sun" in the personality, as is the heart center. It constitutes the central factor in the life of the personality of the average humanity, which is conditioned by desire; good, selfish, erroneous and spiritual desires.

In the UCM this gem is taken from a cube called Teseracto . In the DC comics universe, a cube like that is called a mother box.


The gem of reality would correspond to the splenic center, prana seat. It is the center of vitality, in relation to planetary activity and radiation from the Sun.

In UCM, reality is contained in the ether . The ether is contained within a stone column. Jane becomes the recipient of the ether and is transferred to Asgard.

The ethereal body is vast and unknown, as far as its extension is of unlimited nature, and of aesthetic capacity, speaking comparatively; it retains a fixed form of which we know nothing. This form is given the name of SPACE; It is the fixed area where every form, from a universe to an atom, finds its location. It is as if the gems of space and reality were one.

The power.

The power gem is in the sacred center. The sacred center corresponds to the physical sun, source of vitality and life-giving agent on our planet. The sacral center registers the energy of the third aspect of divinity, just as the solar plexus center registers that of the second aspect and the basic center expresses the energy of the first aspect.

In the UCM this gem is in the Orb . Stard Lord steals the sphere of the planet Morag, after escaping he tries to sell it in Xandar, where Gamora steals it. Later Ronan is done with the Orb, with the help of Yondu, but in the final battle Ronan is destroyed by the power of the gem. The Guardians of the Galaxy entrust the gem to the Nova Corps (military force) for safekeeping.


The gem of the mind is in the ajna center. It corresponds to the physical sun and is the expression of the personality, integrated and functioning, first and foremost as a disciple and finally as initiated. This is the real person om scara.

In the UCM this gem is inside a Scepter . Banner and Stark discover an artificial intelligence within the scepter and create the Ultron program, which attacks them and is done with the Scepter. Ultron creates a bio-artificial body with the gem, where they will then include JARVIS consciousness. (Only a very intelligent system, in Spanish SINERGIA or SUMIT), thus creating Vision.


The soul gem is in the heart center. It corresponds to the "heart of the Sun" and therefore to the spiritual source of light and love, because "as man thinks in his heart, so is he." You can only think with your heart when the mental faculties have developed properly and have reached a fairly high stage of development.

In the UCM the gem is in the planet Vormir guarded by Red Skull and a person must sacrifice to obtain it.

It was thought that each of the sources of origin of the gems, conformed with its first letter the word THANOS, when he did not know the origin of the gem of the soul. In Spanish it would be DEATH : M ovimiento (power). Location (space). E ternity (soul). Reality (space). Time (succession). E strategia (mind). In fact, each finger is related to a specific chakra and hence the location of the gems on the fingers. Cardiac (pinky). Ajna (cancel). Plexus (medium). Laryngeal (index). Sacral (thumb). Root (doll). Crown (palm).

During the fight against Thanos it became clear the importance of lightning and the role played by Thor, god of thunder, as well as the role played by Tony Stark (the physical), Stephen Strange (the emotional) and Star Lord (the mental) . In the second part of the war, Bruce Banner (duality), Scott Lang (quantum) and Peter Parker (web knitting) came into play.


The time has come for trainees to pay attention to the service provided by the centers and to focus and use the energy to serve. Here the knowledge of the number of petals that form a center is involved, because that indicates the number of energies available for the service, that is, two, twelve, sixteen energies, etc. Little attention has been paid to this important point that represents the practical use of mentalism in the New Age.

The five centers with their forty-eight petals are synthesized in the lotus with two petals; we have thus forty-eight plus two, equal to fifty, the number of the perfect personality, because five is the number of man and ten is that of perfection. If to the total sum of the forty-eight petals of the five centers the ninety-six petals of the center are added symbolically between the eyebrows, we will have the number one hundred forty-four. This number means the complete work of the twelve creative Hierarchies, twelve times twelve, and the union of the subjective soul with the objective body, in perfect union and unification. This is the culmination. To this one hundred and forty-four figure add that of the number one thousand (the number of petals in the lotus of the coronary center) and we will have the number of those who have been saved in the Book of Revelations, the one hundred forty-four thousand that can remain before God, because the last three figures indicate personality.

The planetary Being, the One in whom we live, move and have our being, is the Life that shapes and animates this planet, the Earth; his life integrates the planet into a totality and flows through all forms - large or small - which, together, constitute the planetary form. It is important to imagine, through that innate faculty of building symbols that man possesses, the concept of our planet as a large lotus composed of many interwoven energies, located within the greater form of the solar system, which as we know is represented by a lotus of twelve petals

At the heart of this vast sea of ​​energies is that cosmic Consciousness to which we give the name of Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World, the Ancient of Days. This great Center of Existence acts through a triangle of energies or through smaller centers, each being led to active expression by one of the three major Rays or Energies. The Center created by the Ray of Will or Power is called Shamballa, and Its main activity consists in conferring, distributing and circulating the fundamental principle of life itself in each retained form within the "border circle" of the planetary Being. The second Center is created by the Ray of Love Wisdom; it is the fundamental energy that it brought, to the whole manifested universe, to it we give the name of Hierarchy, because it is the factor that controls the great chain of the Directive Council of the Planet. The main activity of this Center is related to the development of the consciousness of the planet and, therefore, to all forms of life on or on the planet. The third Center is the Human Kingdom, which was brought into existence by the energy of the third Ray of Active Intelligence. Its main function is intelligent creation.

These three Centers, therefore, can be represented as follows: by a circle, which represents all forms of energy, by the central triangle of energies that contains the qualities of the three minor rays, and by the point in the center that represents the personified dynamic life. As regards Shamballa, that point is Sanat Kumara Himself.

The apprentice realizes that the three main Centers have their analogies in the human energy body and each of them is related to its superior analogy; thus they can be impressed affected and awakened by their corresponding superior agent. We have:

  1. The energy from the planetary center, Shamballa, uses the coronary center, the lotus of a thousand petals, when man is sufficiently developed. This center is the agent of the divine will in the life of the spiritual man.
  2. The energy coming from the planetary center, the Hierarchy, uses the heart center. This center is the agent of divine love acting through the soul.
  3. The energy coming from the third planetary center, Humanity, uses the largeness center and acts through the integrated personality; It only uses it when it reaches a relatively high degree of evolutionary development.

There are two centers that are considered `` receiving agents and distributors '':

  1. The ajna center, in the eyebrows, especially at this stage of human development, acts in connection with the three major centers, as a distributor of the soul force and spiritual energy, coming from the cardiac and largenesis centers.
  2. The solar plexus center acts in connection with the sacrum and with the center located at the base of the spine, the center of life.
  3. The sacred center is a power generating center, therefore, sexuality has to be transmuted into creativity.

It could be added that the will to be is, from a certain point of view, the energy of immortality; it penetrates and acts through the coronary center, while the will to live manifests itself as the instinct, fundamental of self-preservation and is positively focused on the root center, which is related with personality and intimately allied to desire.

Sanat Kumara, the lord of our planet, will become a celestial man. Seven heavenly men conform to a solar Being. Seven solar beings make up a cosmic Being. Seven guiding spirits make up the mind of the cosmic Being. Seven Supreme spirits make up the Majestic Being. The Supreme Being is the father of the Majestic Being. The Infinite Spirit is the Mother of all spirits, both guiding and supreme, but is not equal to the Infinite Being, which is composed of the seven absolute infinities: the Eternal Beings.


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