Sacral Chakra: Functions, symptoms and exercises to unlock the Second Chakra

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 The symbol of the Sacral Chakra 2 Function of the Sacral Chakra 3 Symptoms of an unbalanced Sacral Chakra 4 How to cure the Sacral Chakra

"When your aura is strong and all other chakras are aligned and functioning well, your presence alone seems to take effect and direct various forces in the Universe to fulfill your desires and your needs effortlessly."

- Yogi Bhajan

In the path of self-knowledge, we cannot stop walking one by one the centers of our body or chakras through which energy circulates. This time we will talk about the Sacral Chakra or Svadhishthana (from the Sanskrit स्वाधिष्ठान, svādhiṣṭhāna; Svā 'own one's', adhiṣṭhāna 'base' or 'seat'), located in the lower abdomen, just below the coccyx.

The Sacral Chakra is the second of the seven main chakras, and is associated with the emotional body, creativity, sensuality and movement.

One of the characteristics of the energy of the Sacral Chakra is that it has a lot of flexibility and flows very actively. Its main function is guided by the pleasure principle. Their proximity to the Muladhara Chakra makes them absolutely complementary.

The symbol of the Sacral Chakra

The Svadhishthana chakra is usually represented with a Lotus Flower whose color varies from orange to vermilion, and has six (in some versions twelve) petals. In them you can find the inscriptions भं ban, भं bhaṃ, मं maṃ, यं yaṃ, रं raṃ and लं laṃ . In addition, a silvery crescent moon can be seen in the center of the flower, which represents the water element, which governs the sacral chakra and the mantra वं ( vaṃ ). The moon symbol could point to the relationship between the phases of the moon and its influence on emotions and water behavior. In addition, this chakra is often related to female energy.

The sacral chakra is also represented with aquatic animals, such as a fish or a crocodile. In fact, according to ancient Hindu tradition, the crocodile is the one that governs this chakra for being revered as the oldest in the animal kingdom. It represents the strength and weakness of all living creatures, including human beings. Its outer scales are a rock-solid shell, but its abdomen is one of its most sensitive and vulnerable areas. In addition, this animal is related to patience and wisdom in decision making .

Other characteristics for which the crocodile has been related to the sacral chakra are resilience, strength, intuition, honor and courage.

Sacral Chakra Function

The functions of the sacral chakra are related, then, with much of the emotional responses. Happiness, fun and love in relationships are some of the issues that involve this chakra.

Unfortunately, the society in which we live today does not encourage us to be genuine, to live and express our emotions. As a consequence, from a very young age we get used to repressing many of the things we feel or desire. This is nothing other than energy that we do not let flow freely, and that way the sacral chakra can present blockages with which we will have to deal sooner or later in our search for balance.

This energy center also acts on the adrenal gland, responsible for secreting adrenaline or epinephrine . This hormone in turn influences the metabolism and the immune system.

When the sacral chakra is balanced, it will also play an important role in the mechanisms with which we will solve the problems that arise in different opportunities. The person presents a more playful personality with others, more dynamic in their thinking and stimulated in the creation of new ideas.

Also the inspiration and critical sense of art depend on this center, which makes it essential for those related to the artistic field.

Symptoms of an unbalanced Sacral Chakra

The main cause of the problems in this energy center are emotional or sexual abuse . Also the feeling of rejection, and having been a victim of manipulation.

One of the most common characteristics in people who have an imbalance in the sacral chakra is boredom. There is a difficulty in finding enthusiasm in the activities carried out, and a great lack of inspiration. This also translates many times as general tiredness and lack of energy.

In these instances the tendency to think excessively about everything is very common. In addition, people with imbalances can experience the development of emotional dependence with people, and a predisposition to overreact to everything that happens, even when in a normal situation they tend to remain calm.

Usually, people with problems in the sacral chakra also usually have an imbalance in their sexual desire, both a drastic decrease in libido and an excessive increase, which predisposes them to impulsivity . They may also be involved in addiction problems . The thirst for immediate pleasure or the need to escape from your situation can bring you bad habits with meals, work, alcohol, drugs, etc.

On a physical level, people with blockages in the sacral chakra usually have back pain, kidney and digestive problems. It can also favor the conditions of impotence, infertility, arthritis and menstrual problems.

How to cure the Sacral Chakra

It is always advisable to perform exercises that involve opening in all body chakras, but in cases of particular blockages, there are certain practices that can help you. Any activity that increases your self-esteem, makes you feel more capable of engaging with others can help you unlock stagnant emotions in your system. In addition, the sacral chakra can also be influenced by conscious work of accepting changes, detachment from guilt and developing a better way to regulate emotions.

There are also certain crystals and stones whose energies can also assist in these cases. Some are:

  • The Orange Calcite: It is said to improve creativity, help overcome emotional barriers and harmonize the mind with the body.
  • The Moonstone: A peach colored Moonstone is recommended for the sacral chakra, which reduces worry and has a harmonious energy.
  • The Carnelian: This semi-precious stone has qualities that enhance creativity and artistic sense.
  • The Citrine: These are often called 'stones of the mind'. They help increase self-esteem and self confidence.

In addition, the practice of meditation is always a great ally. You can help by visualizing an orange circle surrounding the area of ​​the sacral chakra, which conveys a feeling of warmth.

Also certain foods can be helpful. Fruits such as oranges, mangoes and peaches, seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower and poppy. Coconut also, with its beneficial properties for the cardiovascular system can increase your energy. On the other hand, infusions such as fruit tea are also an excellent option.

Finally, aromatherapy also presents essential oils that induce the unblocking of the sacral chakra . Among them we can find orange blossom, bergamot, ginger, jasmine, patchouli, sandalwood and orange.

Work for balance should be one of the ingredients of our daily lives. Well, a balanced person is an efficient person and a happy person.

The balance in this chakra leads us to relate better with others and with ourselves.

Remember, taking care of yourself is taking care of yourself.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor of the great family of



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