Reflections on the Soul: the journey of our inner Self through time

  • 2017

The Soul is a spiritual substance more or less full of

concepts and loves, but it is more than an idea; is a

spiritual substance, does not admit decomposition. Thus,

to the evidence of its existence by the operations it owns,

It follows that he is immortal.

This coincides with the experience of the man who resists

to the idea of ​​disappearing definitively with death and being

An absurd being. Man is not a being for death,

or what is the same, a being for the absurd or for nausea

as the existentialists claimed. The man ambitions a

full happiness that can only be given for the infinite Good that

is God. He also wants it to be forever and with happiness,

love, justice and all good things.

These experiences correspond to the reasoning that says that

soul is immortal because it is a spiritual substance.

- Father Enrique Cases- International University of Catalonia

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the indefinite feeling that you have already been in a place you are visiting for the first time, or do you recognize a person who has just been introduced to you, even if you have not seen it before? You listen to a song, you read a poem, you look at a photograph of some distant country, and suddenly ... it happens. Forgotten images assault your brain in luminous flashes, then fade away like soap bubbles.

The memory is almost within our reach, but when we try to catch it, it disappears from consciousness, losing itself in the mists of a pre-natal wisdom that is forbidden to us, but which is still registered in the deepest part of our Soul .

So, what is the Soul really? Where do we come from, and where are we going to?

Were we here before?

These and other questions of existential character have worried man since the beginning of time.

Neither Religion nor Philosophy nor Science have managed to give us a definitive answer. And yet, we all perceive in the background, which is not the first time that our feet tread the same path. We will make an effort to remember.

The Soul and Human Nature

All seekers of Truth know that our essence is not just material. It is not that we are also energy, it is that we are " Soul ." We are differentiated beings created in the image and likeness of God and we possess certain attributes that determine who we are as individuals and as members of the human race.

The " Soul " carries our individuality from experience to experience, both on Earth and in other spheres.

And what distinguishes one Soul from another?

- First of all " the Will ". This is the ability to make decisions that produce a series of effects. God made us perfect at the time of creation, but He also granted us free will . He does not want to enter into force within us. He does not want us to be like robots programmed by an external will, even when that will be his. He wants us to be his collaborators, of his own accord, as we are destined to be. And it is the exercise of that will, which allows us to act in accordance with the divine plan or move away from it. Hence the imperfection of today's society. Most Souls opt for the simple path in this unbelievable time. They choose to act outside the plan of God, since He invites, but does not oblige. However, each one of us has the power to choose and remember that the miracle of our existence originated from the expression of divine love .

- Secondly " the Spirit ." The spirit is the divine spark that lives within each one of us. It is the vital source that gives us creativity, that is, the ability to create our world with actions and thoughts. While the will individualizes each Soul, the spirit is something we have in common with all living beings. It implies our participation in the unique and universal spirit, which is the spirit of God . We are part of that set, exactly as water droplets are part of the ocean.

- Finally, " the Mind ." Consciousness (mental elements that we realize) and Subconscious (mental elements that we do not realize), intertwine to form a whole, which encompasses all the attitudes and ways of thinking that generate each experience we have had throughout our existence.

These three elements " Will ", " Spirit " and " Mind " constitute the essence of what we call " Soul ."

Why does the human mind not remember the past before birth?

We talked before the differences between Conscious Mind and Subconscious Mind .

The Subconscious level of our perception, in turn, presents a series of subdivisions. Some are relatively accessible to the Conscious Mind through dreams or meditation . But others are much deeper.

On the most hidden levels of the Subconscious, souls can connect with each other to transmit information. And in those deep waters, memories of events in the past often come to the surface, when our Soul was incarnated in another place, in another body, in another existence, but with the same Soul . For it is the Soul that endures through the ages.

Sometimes flashes of forgotten memories arise spontaneously in our consciousness, but we are not able to locate them. They are cases of inexplicable recognition before people, places or situations. These memories are fragile and volatile.

To obtain more reliable data and recover that knowledge, it will be necessary to resort to tools such as hypnosis where the mind returns to the past, so to speak and returns it to consciousness.

Bear in mind that the Conscious Mind collects information about the material world that comes to us from our physical senses. Its functioning is linked to the physical brain and our central nervous system. After death, it is the Subconscious Mind that fears the command entirely. The Conscious Mind is linked to the material actions that take place in a single life. Therefore, he does not perceive the memories of previous lives.

The Soul and Reincarnation

Now we know that the Soul is the only thing that reincarnates. The body is simply the physical container that contains it. Our authentic I resides in the Soul and travels through time perpetuating itself in a succession of lives. In addition, the Soul exists not only when a physical body inhabits the Earth, but also in the intervals between earthly lives and this detail is very important, since that the Soul, both when it participates in the earthly life, how when it does not, goes through a series of experiences that serve its evolution and its communion with God.

The concept of reincarnation, therefore, implies that new Souls are not created at the time of conception or birth into this known life.

The Souls that will penetrate a new body already existed before, and have been in other bodies in previous lives. Although some are older than others.

In previous incarnations, Souls have gone through various experiences and made numerous decisions. Such decisions produce concrete effects and determine the current development of each individual Soul . Because of the choices made by the Soul, the individual reaches a state in which he must learn certain lessons to continue evolving.

Therefore, the physical body, the family, the environment, the concerns, the gifts and other circumstances that surround us, reflect what the Soul needs for its development. These needs are the result of the choices made in previous reincarnations .

In addition, certain circumstances are more conducive than others to learn certain lessons and achieve certain specific objectives. Each time we incarnate, the Soul attracts the set of circumstances that is most suitable for the fulfillment of the individual goal to be achieved in this life.

People who lead a very unhappy life since childhood, for example, must go through these experiences to evolve, because they have chosen it before birth. In some cases they have to fulfill obligations contracted in the past, or take an important lesson from their experience. Even if it is to learn to remove complaints and negative thoughts and find a way to be happy.

It seems a comfort to know that, although this life does not satisfy us at all, we will have new opportunities later, and that from any experience, however adverse, we can take some opportunity to improve and build a wonderful life.

Each incarnation is an opportunity that God gives us to learn what we need to know and fulfill the portion of the divine plan that we can best execute, taking into account the degree of development we have achieved.

Let's get down to work.

MORE INFORMATION IN: "The Mystery of Past Lives" by Eleanor Burton, "You can remember your Past Lives" by Edgar Cayce and "The Journey of Souls" by Michael Newton.

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