What is solidarity tourism and how does it work on spiritual journeys?

  • 2016

If you are a person dedicated to the realization of spiritual trips with the purpose of nourishing the soul, you are advised to know what solidarity tourism is and what benefits you get from this type of experience. Tourism is an economic activity that has been taking power in recent years, but is undergoing a transformation, due to the large group of travelers who have joined solidarity tourism. Before continuing a brief concept.

What is solidarity tourism?

Tourism itself consists of traveling to know a place to learn and enjoy the activities that take place there. Solidarity tourism tries to make a change inside the person and make a delivery . When traveling, the person takes the memories of beautiful landscapes and delicious delicacies, in solidarity tourism people can interact directly with the community in activities for the development of said population. Not only does it take the lived experience, but it leaves a grain of sand and hope.

Children refugees from Tibet - Photo taken by Spanish doctor during solidarity tourism on one of his spiritual journeys.

Solidarity tourism is a practice in its majority of young people, but there are also cases of contemporary adults who, due to their instructions in education, will share with remote communities, to transmit your knowledge. There are different needs in each host society, but each person who visits through these plans has a spiritual need that led him to make this kind of spiritual travel. There are different reasons for what solidarity tourism is: need for affection, security, providing help , forgetting about the world or simply belonging somewhere .

A wonderful energy comes when someone is helped. Mary Lou Cook.

Where to travel is spiritual volunteering?

Generally people feel the call to localities that are going through a strong economic, cultural crisis, those who have felt the consequences of the forces of nature and have lost homes, schools and hospitals. The most selected are the countries of Latin America and Africa that have large indigenous communities that need help, but also have a rich cultural power, so people consider them for their spiritual journeys.

Volunteers tend to go to places that need ecological support for their preservation of a habitat or endangered species, as a group of nonprofit organizations for the protection of people who have suffered by the war, abuses and social exclusions. There are also those who offer their contribution without leaving their country and continue practicing what is solidarity tourism, because they travel through the territory of their nation for their self-realization n.

Meeting is a beginning, staying together is a progress; Working together is success. ”Henry Ford.

Leisure time can be spent anywhere, you can make spiritual trips in order to work on roads, beaches, forests and mountains that need maintenance to work, also providing collaboration and advice to people who do not have the resources to go To a professional.

What do you gain with solidarity tourism?

Now knowing that it is solidarity tourism, it will now be explained to you that a common person earns this type of travel. In many countries there is an event that people live to work, when an individual undertakes this type of travel, he does not do it for monetary remuneration, but because he is going to be part of a project, he will be part of a group and feel gratifying. from the smile of those he is helping . You can share and live the daily life of these communities so that you will compare your life with theirs. They say that you have to put yourself in the shoes of the other to understand it, that is why the one who ventures with this will see all the beautiful things that his life has, the facilities that they provide and will also see how the people who have less sometimes are the most happy.

Solidarity tourism and spiritual trips in Venezuela, Yanomami Indians

It will take the lived experiences, religious customs and chores of the inhabitants of the place, you may learn activities such as hunting, fishing and cultivation, which are not typical of the people of the city. He will live in solidarity and feel what it is to be grateful .

If you have not yet planned your next spiritual journeys, you are advised to set aside these magnificent architectural wonders for a while and grant the spirit a journey of retrospection inside your soul and that of a community, with solidarity tourism.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of hermandadblanca.org

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